“Alberta - A Province Prepared” 2008 STAKEHOLDER SUMMIT
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” “Municipal Emergency Program Update” Objective of Presentation: To outline review process Slides: Background, Objectives To present program outline Slides: Self-Improvement Tool Outline, Notes, Framework, Content To receive feedback on process and program Comments, Questions
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Background The current Municipal Emergency Plan (MEP) template/model was created in It has been updated, but has never been comprehensively reviewed Much has happened since 1995: Year 2000, Pine Lake tornado, 9/11, 2005 floods, Lake Wabamun bunker oil spill, the report of the Alberta Environmental Protection Commission, the creation of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency to name a few milestones Other provinces have created different emergency management programs and tools In general terms, emergency management has evolved over the years: Standardization has become very important, especially considering the release of the CSA Z “Emergency Management and business continuity programs”, and the Incident Command System (ICS) has been widely established
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Background cont’d A change from “emergency plan” to “emergency program” To provide tools and support to municipalities, who are “in charge” To support continuous program improvement Most importantly: You have told us, to provide a better program, the old MEP does not deliver what many of you want from a municipal plan or program
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Objectives: Based on CSA Z , released August 2008 Operational focus Supports municipal emergency management program, which has four plans: Prevention/Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery, based on municipal hazard/risk assessment To provide one tool to the municipality, that can be used to create and assess the municipal emergency management program, to achieve due diligence, and to continuously improve the program To recognize municipal achievement and excellence To encourage, that the municipal emergency management program is based on municipal policies To facilitate ICS implementation To encourage regional collaboration.
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Self-Improvement Tool (SIT) Outline: It is a questionnaire, categorized into “Essential”, “Recommended” and “Comprehensive” questions. Essential: basic legislative requirement. Recommended: Should be answered to achieve due diligence and to create a program. Comprehensive: For those municipalities, who wish to achieve excellence The municipality decides what questions address their particular program needs. Not every municipality needs to answer every question, but over time, municipalities may decide to add certain sections to their program Many questions have templates, check-lists, table of content, response chart, policy suggestions and such attached in order to support and guide the process
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Self-Improvement Tool (SIT) Outline cont’d: If the municipality requests, the Field Officer will be available for planning sessions to go through the questions together What is now required as MEP review at least every two years, will likely become a process to regularly review the SIT questions
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Notes: The SIT is in development, it is a draft These 2008 summit sessions are the first opportunity to present this tool to you, the most important stakeholders Please, give us your input today, but there will be many more opportunities to comment and to improve the questionnaire in the future We will present this tool in all districts, likely at regional or district workshops The implementation of this new process will likely take several years of transition from the current MEP to the future SIT
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Notes cont’d: This is a “living document”, it will be regularly updated and amended to always be current and to be as complete as possible This SIT does not change or delete existing plans or programs, those continue to be valid until the municipality decides on any changes Your Field Officer will continue to be your contact and resource, and to answer questions you may have about this tool, or the transition to the SIT.
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Framework
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Self-Improvement Tool Content (SIT) cont’d: Introduction:
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Self-Improvement Tool (SIT) Content cont’d: Section 1: Program Management Section 2: Program and General Plan(s) Administration Section 3: Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Section 4: Prevention / Mitigation / Preparedness Section 5: Operational Response Readiness Section 6: Recovery Section 7: Training and Exercises Section 8: Management Review & Continuous Improvement
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Self-Improvement Tool (SIT) cont’d: SIT Questions:
“Alberta - A Province Prepared” Questions/Feedback We will document your feedback, and your comments will be considered with the other stakeholder input we will receive when we distribute the draft for review. The stakeholders will include: Municipalities, industry, other government agencies, Alberta Emergency Management staff, consultants.