Introduction Online Survey regarding marketing activities Sent to exhibition organisers The results analysed by trade and consumer show organisers
Our Respondents These companies represent just some of those who responded to the survey.
Measuring ROI of each element of marketing campaign Trade – 54% Consumer – 70% Do you accurately measure the return on investment each element of your event marketing programme delivers:
Visitor Marketing Campaign – when does it start: Consumer – on average 21 weeks before the event (4.8 months) Trade – on average 23 weeks before the event (5.3 months) TRADE CONSUMER Mode – 3 to 4 months (40%) More than 6 months before 32% Mode – 3 to 4 months (37%) More than 6 months before 33% How soon before the event did you start your visitor marketing campaign:
36% increase 12% decrease Marketing spend split – Consumer shows Offline spend Online spend Last 12 months Next 12 months 75% 25% 66% 34% To what extent has your marketing spend increased/decreased over the last 12 months and to what extent do you expect it to change over the next 12 months:
Offline spending - Consumer Last 12 months Next 12 months Direct Marketing24%25% Magazine advertising20%19% National newspapers18%17% Radio advertising16%17% PR14% TV advertising8%7% Please provide an estimate for the proportion of your event marketing budget spend on each of the following:
Online spending - Consumer Last 12 monthsNext 12 months Event website40%38% 22%20% SEO (search engine optimisation)9%8% Affiliate5%8% PR7% Viral campaigns4%6% Online display on websites9%5% Podcasts2%3% Blogging1%3% Mobile marketing1%2% Please provide an estimate for the proportion of your event marketing budget spend on each of the following:
24% increase 12% decrease Marketing spend split – Trade shows Offline spend Online spend Last 12 months Next 12 months 67% 33% 59% 41% To what extent has your marketing spend increased/decreased over the last 12 months and to what extent do you expect it to change over the next 12 months:
Offline spending - Trade Last 12 months Next 12 months Direct Marketing50%51% Magazine advertising28%26% PR16%18% National newspapers3% Radio advertising1% TV advertising1%<1% Please provide an estimate for the proportion of your event marketing budget spend on each of the following:
Online spending - Trade Last 12 monthsNext 12 months Event website41% 29% Online display on websites8% PR8% SEO (search engine optimisation)3%4% Viral campaigns3% Podcasts2% Affiliate2% Mobile marketing1%2% Blogging1%2% Please provide an estimate for the proportion of your event marketing budget spend on each of the following:
Campaigns – Trade Open rateConversions to registrations Previous visitors to the event34%37% Previous visitors to other shows in portfolio 22%21% A purchased/outsourced database 17%14% When sending out an campaign for the event, what percentage open rate do you have on campaigns sent to:
Campaigns – Consumer Open rateActual ticket sales Total conversion Previous visitors to the event 36%28%10% Previous visitors to other shows in portfolio 18%12%2% A purchased/outsourced database 10%5%0.5% When sending out an campaign for the event, what percentage open rate do you have on campaigns sent to:
Taste of Christmas VIL collected visitor data at the Taste of London Festival 25% of advanced ticket sales were directly from this database
Percentage of visitors delivered - consumer OFFLINE 67% ONLINE 33% Direct Marketing28% National newspapers20% Magazine advertising18% PR16% Radio advertising14% TV advertising5% Event website48% 23% PR10% SEO5% Viral campaigns5% Affiliate2% Online display on websites 2% Podcasts2% Please provide an estimate of the percentage of visitors delivered by each marketing activity:
Percentage of visitors delivered overall - consumer Direct marketing18.5% Event website15.6% National newspapers13.5% Magazine advertising11.9% Offline - PR10.7% Radio advertising9.5% 7.5% Online - PR3.4% TV advertising3.3% SEO1.5% Viral campaigns1.5% Podcasts0.7% Online display on websites0.7% Affiliate0.7% Please provide an estimate of the percentage of visitors delivered by each marketing activity:
Percentage of visitors delivered - trade OFFLINE 41% ONLINE 59% Direct Marketing62% Magazine advertising22% PR14% National newspapers1% Radio advertising<1% TV advertising0% 52% Event website30% PR5% Online display on websites 4% SEO4% Mobile marketing1% Please provide an estimate of the percentage of visitors delivered by each marketing activity:
Percentage of visitors delivered overall - trade 30.9% Direct marketing25.5% Event website17.4% Magazine advertising9.1% Offline - PR5.7% Online - PR2.8% Online display on websites2.5% SEO2.4% Podcasts0.8% Mobile marketing0.8% Affiliate0.7% National newspapers0.5% Viral campaigns0.4% Radio advertising0.2% Please provide an estimate of the percentage of visitors delivered by each marketing activity:
Most successful marketing activities TRADE CONSUMER Direct marketing43% 34% Event website15% Direct marketing20% TV advertising15% Radio advertising15% Event website10% 10% Magazine advertising10% National newspapers10% We would like to understand if online/digital or offline media/marketing is most successful in getting visitors to the event. Which media is most successful:
Marketing spend increase / decrease - Trade Increase / stay the same Decrease Last 12 months Next 12 months 83% 17% 60% 40% To what extent has your marketing spend increased/decreased over the last 12 months and to what extent do you expect it to change over the next 12 months:
Marketing spend increase / decrease - consumer Increase / stay the same Decrease Last 12 months Next 12 months 85% 15% 56% 44% To what extent has your marketing spend increased/decreased over the last 12 months and to what extent do you expect it to change over the next 12 months:
Most cost-efficient marketing activities TRADE Online – 92% Offline – 3% Don’t know – 5% CONSUMER Online – 74% Offline – 19% Don’t know – 7% 71% Event website16% SEO5% 56% Event website16% SEO8% Affiliate8% Which do you consider to be most cost-efficient:
Handle online/digital marketing TRADE In-house – 86% Specialist agency – 8% Normal marketing agency – 8% CONSUMER In-house – 74% Specialist agency – 19% Normal marketing agency – 15% Do you handle online/digital marketing campaigns:
Event website TRADE Proportion of registrations – 65% CONSUMER Proportion of ticket sales – 44% Average length of visit8 mins Average pages viewed5 Average length of visit8 mins Average pages viewed5 Advertising revenue62% Ticket sales22% Affiliate revenue9% No additional revenue28% Ticket sales70% Advertising revenue41% Affiliate revenue22% No additional revenue19% On average, how long do visitors to your event website spend on it:/ Does your event website provide any of the following types of revenue stream:
Website promotion TRADE CONSUMER Business networking sites44% Social networking sites34% Facebook82% LinkedIn64% You Tube36% Business networking sites26% Social networking sites74% You Tube85% Facebook80% MySpace40% Do you promote your event on any of the following websites:
Registrations - Trade 51% of those who pre-register actually attend the event 21% of visitors register on-site 42% actually charge on-site registered visitors What percentage of your visitors who pre-register with you then actually attend the event:
Average distance travelled to an event Consumer – 26% travel between 51 and 75 miles to the event. Trade – 26% travel over 75 miles to the event. What is the average distance travelled by your visitors to your event:
Overall confidence for 2009 How would you rate your overall level of confidence in the current market place that your event serves in 2009: TradeConsumer Extremely confident5%11% Very confident15%22% Quite confident57%48% Not very confident23%11% Not at all confident0%7%
Vivid Interface Research visitors Research exhibitors Research markets Event development strategies Exhibitor sales strategies with VISOR