Christian Zeal. Zeal For Our God Christian Zeal: The desire and courage to exercise great energy, great wisdom, and great diligence in devotion and service.


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Presentation transcript:

Christian Zeal

Zeal For Our God Christian Zeal: The desire and courage to exercise great energy, great wisdom, and great diligence in devotion and service to God. Ultimately, The Zeal of God’s People Must Be Exercised For Him. –“zealous for his God” Numbers 25:13 –“Not to us, O Lord, not to us…” Psalms 115:1 Zeal Focused On God Enables Us To Further… –Please God, Glorify God, Reflect God, Serve God, Love God, Enjoy God

Putting Our Zeal To Work Zeal For Declaring God’s Greatness Psalms 71:17-18, Matthew 28:18-20 Zeal For Engaging In Good Deeds –Ephesians 2:10 Zeal For Pure Christianity –1 Corinthians 1:10-13 Zeal For Jesus Return –Philippians 3:20 There Is No Better Time To Begin Than Now

7 Steps To Building Zeal For Life 1.Prepare: Purify Your Insight & Environment 2.Ignite Your Zeal: Draw Closer To God 3.Feed Your Zeal: Mature In Desire, Courage, Energy, Wisdom, Diligence, Devotion, Service 4.Protect Your Zeal: Prepare For Obstacles 5.Use Your Zeal: Engage In Good Deeds 6.Spread Your Zeal: Enhance Your Environment 7.Steward Your Zeal: Shine Until Jesus Return

Christian Zeal