New groups. Same chances? Ethnic minority students in (Dutch) Higher Education UNICA seminar on Equal Opportunities in Higher Education Vrije Universiteit Brussel September 27 & 28, 2007 Rick Wolff IMES, UvA
Diversity and Equality in Higher Education Ethnic background Student population
Outline Dutch situation (dropout/completion) UCLA: Academic Advancement Program
About the Dutch data Data-source: Information Management Group (national database: over FT-students) Definition non-Western descent: at least 1 parent born in non-Western country (Statistics Netherlands) Enrolment : NL-residents, no HE-experience Dropout: %-dropout the first 2 years of study of an enrolments cohort (switch is no drop out) Completion rate: %-graduations within 6 years of an enrolment cohort
The road to Dutch Higher Education pre-vocational education/ junior general education (VMBO) Primary education 4-12 years senior general secondary education (HAVO) pre- university education (VWO) Higher professional education (HBO) University Vocational education (MBO)
Number of HBO-enrolments of non-Western groups
University enrolment, non-Western FT-studenten by ethnic group Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
HBO-enrolments FT-students 18 years old or younger by ethnic group (% of total) Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
HBO-dropout rates FT-students within the first 2 years of study by ethnic group Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
HBO-completion rates within 6 years, FT-studenten by ethnic group Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
HBO-completion rates within 6 years, FT-students by ethnic group and preparatory school Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
University completion rates within 6 years of study, FT-students by ethnic group Brongegevens: IBG Bewerking: IMES
Some explanations Students Learning environments (course programs/institutions)
General factors strengthened among non-Western students? 1.Background (first generation entrants, students from low income groups) 2.Choice of course program (HE-preparation) 3.Networking skills (asking for advice or assistance/support)
Specific factors Language (study skills) Interethnic relations (social and academic integration, Vincent Tinto) Ethnic minority students feel less at home (Severiens, Wolff, Rezai 2006)
What can HE-institutions do?
Which elements of the learning environment stimulate study progress of minority ethnic students? Small-scale teaching (commitment of both students and teachers; personal approach, social and academic engagement) Consequent implementation (study groups, program- composition, preparing teachers) Diversity in learning communities
UCLA: Academic Advancement Program Program for first generation students (SES-based) Mostly Latino students Pedagogy of Excellence (since mid 80’s) Bridging/Transition Summer Courses Mentoring/Tutoring/Counselling AAP-“Family”