Networking and Business Support in the field of Innovation Support to Research and Innovation in Ukraine EUROPEAID/116548/C/SV, Lot9 Networking and Business Support in the field of Innovation Daniela Tchonkova Key Expert Sept 03-04 2008 Kharkov, Ukraine
Why Innovation? Innovation - new product, process or service that optimizes the economic and organizational performance of the business and ultimately leads to increase of its profit. Innovation - requires people who have future-oriented thinking Innovation is the key driver to increased competitiveness in an enlarged context beyond the national one – regional, or European, or global.
Innovation in the EU the Research Framework Programmes (FP5, FP6, FP7) EU key instruments towards the Lisbon Goal: the Research Framework Programmes (FP5, FP6, FP7) the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) The Structural Funds
An overview of the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Network
Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Network A platform for European regions to exchange experience and access good practice in regional innovation policies and strategies Set up in mid 90’s by the European Commission Around 235 member regions Open to any European region that is committed to the development of its innovation capacity Key role of local/regional authorities to promote innovation Mission statement: "Strengthening the global competitiveness of European regions by promoting innovation policies, and providing a unique platform for regions to cooperate and learn from each other." 4/16/2017 @ Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Secretariat
An overview of the Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Network European support network for the promotion of research, technology transfer and innovation “As a trans-national network the IRC network drives innovation and competitiveness by connecting knowledge, technologies and people.” On the grounds of information by the IRC Secretariat
The IRC Network : a European Network with international contacts 71 IRC consortia with 243 partner organizations and 1.350 IRC staff 33 countries: EU, Bulgaria, Chile, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey In the Technology Transfer Facility (TTF) landscape many IRCs are hosted by Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) 14 IRC network’s Thematic Groups Collaboration with Cluster Initiatives (CIs)
A Network built on a proven methodology THREAT/OPPORTUNITY MARKETING CONTACT STEP 1 COMPANY VISIT TECHNOLOGY AUDIT IDENTIFYING TECHNOLOGY PROFILES STEP 2 TECHNOLOGY NEED TECHNOLOGY OFFER FINDING EUROPEAN PARTNERS STEP 3 V I A T H E N W O R K B G S M CLIENTS / COMPANIES OFFERING SUPPORT STEP 4 A D V I S E / G N P O T F C R IRC Portal & IRC Local Public Websites IRCs Websites are the main location to inform client on IRC Services. The IRC Public Website on CORDIS should become the IRC Portal Both tools should be interconnected More IRCs involved in the Network Promotion on the Internet. Automatic Matching Tools Why is it useful for IRCs Both Central and Local tools Structured exchange of information between tools (XML) A better diffusion of the tool in the Network. A better knowledge of the IRCs client profiles Domain interest Reactivity Concentration on Added value services. A shared IRC Network client Database. Internal Management Tool A better follow-up of the IRC’s activities An easy tool to report the IRC activities to the commission The support to follow-up IRC interaction with the rest of the Network. Brokerage Event Management Tool Help the IRC in the preparation of Brokerage event For registration : on line Web form and event presentation Company profiles upload Event scheduler. ASSISTANCE WITH CONTRACT NEGOTIATION STEP 5 BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT
IRC definition of TTT Not just a commercial activity – Transfer of know-how, technology, or expertise from one party to another party Transfer of technology from one industrial sector to another Transfer of RTD results to the market Not just a commercial activity – there must be an element of INNOVATION
IRC network award to most successful exploitation of research results The award recognises their achievements in bringing new casting simulation software developed by VTT into use by small foundries in the Italian region of Lombardy. Using such software saves both time and resources, making such small foundries much more competitive. Award handed by Commissioner Günther Verheugen during 9th Annual meeting in Brussels, June 2005
Enterprise Europe Network Europe’s commitment to small businesses The largest business support network for SMEs in the world A European Network with international contacts (the presentation is prepared pertly based on training materials of IRC Secretariat)
Enterprise Europe Network Enterprise Europe Network is Europe’s largest consultancy and information support network. The objective of the new European network is to enhance the innovative potential of the small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their awareness on the business support policies of the European Commission. A successor of 370 Euro Info Centers and 250 organizations involved in the operation of 71 Innovation Relay Centres across Europe. The new network comprises over 500 organizations and around 4000 experienced professionals from 40 countries. NOW ENTERING 2ND PHASE
Outline of relevant donors The European Neighbourhood Policy Programmes - the TACIS by 2006 that has now evolved into the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument – a common instrument to the TACIS and the MEDA countries Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) 2007-2013 and its International Cooperation (INCO) Programme open to third countries, Ukraine inclusive. Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 2007-2013, which is, like FP7, open also to candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of these countries in Community programmes established in the respective Framework Agreement and Association Council Decisions. South-East Europe Trans-National Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 -cooperation among the countries of Central Europe – EU members and EU bordering neighbour countries, to improve innovation, accessibility and the environment and to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities and regions - Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy (Lombardia, Prov. Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen, Prov. Autonoma Trento, Veneto, Friuli- Venezia-Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia Basilicata), the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine (Chernivetska Oblast, Ivano-Frankiviska Oblast, Zakarpatska Oblast, Odessa Oblast).
Useful links Enterprise Europe Network: The former IRC Network: The IRE Network: The EuroInfoCentres’ Network: EU’s information portal on FP7: The CIP Programme: SOUTH-EAST EUROPE – TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME:
*************************************** Daniela Tchonkova (Ms.) Programme Coordinator, ARC Fund EUREKA NIP 5, Alexander Zhendov Str., Sofia 1113 BULGARIA phones: (+359 2) 973 3000 mobile: (+359 88) 883 02 89 fax: (+359 2) 973 3588 ********************************************************** Don't wait for the right opportunity: create it! (George Bernard Shaw) **********************************************************