高考英语短文改错的 命题与解题. NMET 短文改错的命题特点 1. 短文改错的命题通常从以下几方面考虑 : i. 考察英语的屈折附加成分 ( 以表现英语 学科的显著特点 ) 。 ii. 学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误。 iii. 估计考生可能出现的错误。 2. 用于改错的短文题材为中学生所熟悉, 不会象阅读理解那样,


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Presentation transcript:

高考英语短文改错的 命题与解题

NMET 短文改错的命题特点 1. 短文改错的命题通常从以下几方面考虑 : i. 考察英语的屈折附加成分 ( 以表现英语 学科的显著特点 ) 。 ii. 学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误。 iii. 估计考生可能出现的错误。 2. 用于改错的短文题材为中学生所熟悉, 不会象阅读理解那样, 发生因题材陌生而丢 分。

NMET 短文改错的命题内容 I. 英语的屈折附加成分 1. 现在时第三人称单数 2. 时态 3. 被动语态 4. 动名词 5. 分词 6. 不定式 7. 名词复数 8. 代词 9. 比较形容词 10. 词性的变化 ( 从一类词派生另一类词 )

II. 学生受本族语影响容易犯的错误 1. 英语介词和活跃的动词搭配, 构成表达法, 是 NMET 短文改错的重要内容 2. 汉语中没有和英语冠词相对应的词语 3. 英语中的一致现象 ( 一致包括动词与其主语 的一致, 称谓的一致, 主从句中时态的一致等 ) 4. 英语中的平行结构现象 ( 在表达平行概念时, 要使用相同的语法结构, 平行结构常借助于并列 连词 and, or, not only...but also 等。 )

III. 估计考生可能出现的错误 1. 冗言 例 1: (I am a member of) our school football team. We practise [for] three times (every week and often watch football matches on TV together.) [] 例 2: Whenever I see them I will [often] think of my English teacher. [] 2. and → but; and → or; x → not; go→come 转 换对于整个句意的逻辑关系造成根本变化 例 : She was smiling [but] nodding at me. I remembered (her words and calmed down.) and

3. 英语句与句、词与词的连接必须使用并列或 从属连词 4. 定语从句的考查 5. 忽视最常见近似形词语的差异 6. 误把形容词当动词

了解 NMET 短文改错的命题内容 命题之一 : 英语的屈折附加成分 英语学科显著的特点是指拼音文字所 特有的表现形式, 包括英语的屈折附加 成分, 如 : 动词的屈折变化, 名词复数的屈 折变化, 代词的屈折变化, 比较形容词的 屈折变化等, 而汉语则无这种变化。

1. 现在时第三人称单数的屈折变化 ① The new boy or girl in school quickly [become] one (of the class after a few games.) becomes ② Anyone may borrow books, and it [cost] nothing to borrow them. costs ③ (Playing football not only makes us grow up) tall and strong but also [give] us a sense of fair play and (team spirit.) gives

2. 时态的屈折变化 84/NMET2003 (She liked it) very much and [reads] it to class. All said the story was (a good one.) read ① We were driving along a narrow road when the car [stop] working. stopped ② Bill [is] standing at the side of the car, (talking to two men who were helping him to repair it.) was ③ Last Sunday, police cars [hurry] to the tallest building. hurried ④ Also, scientists and doctors [had] learned how to deal with many diseases( 疾病 ). have

⑤ If the book you [will] want is out, you may ask for it (to be called back for you,...) [] ⑥ (I had always wanted to return to the village after moving away) and it [is] really great to see most of my old (friends again.) was ⑦ We [have] a good time talking and laughing (together.) had ⑧ My favourite sport is football. I [was] a member of (our school football team.) am 2. 时态的屈折变 化

3. 被动语态的屈折变化 ① After an hour or so we began to feel very [frightening]. frightened ② Charles and Linda were [seeing] near the top of the building. seen ③ (If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be called back for you, and if you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write to you, and let you know when the book you) want has [] returned and is ready for you to pick up. been ④ Books may be [keep] for four weeks. kept

4. 动名词的屈折变化 81/NMET2003 Soon I began to enjoy [talk] to myself on paper as I was (learning to...) talking ① (Charles and Linda Mason do all these things) as well as [climbed] buildings. climbing; climb ② (If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be called back for you, and if you pay) the cost of [send] a postcard, the librarian will (write to you,...) sending

③ I want to thank you again for [have] me in your (home for the summer holidays. having ④ I look forward to hear from you soon. hearing ⑤ together. [Play] football not only makes us grow up (tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.) Playing

5. 不定式 ① I went back to get David and helped him to [stood] up. stand ② The World Health Organization and other organizations are working [] improve health all over the world. to ③ (If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be called back for you, and if you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will) write to you, and let you [to] know when the book you (want has been returned and is ready for you to pick up.) []

④ (I had always) wanted [] return to the village after moving away (and it was really great to see most of my old friends again.) to ⑤ I'd like to [] your penfriend, and get to (know more about your country.) be/become

6. 名词复数的屈折变化 ① Different people speak different [language],... languages ② We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some [waters] from a stream. water ③ We have been to Europe many [time]. times ④ There are branch [library] in many villages. libraries ⑤ (I hope that you two could come and visit us) some [times] soon. time

④ There are branch [library] in many villages. libraries ⑤ (I hope that you two could come and visit us) some [times] soon. time ⑥ We study quite a few [subject], such as maths, Chinese, (English and physics.) subjects ⑦ (We practise [for] three times) every week and often watch football [match] on TV (together.) matches 85/NMET2003 (All said the story was) a good one. Their [word] were a great encouragement to me. word → words

7. 代词的屈折变化 82/NMET2003 (as I was) learning to express [me] in simple English. One day I wrote (a little story...) me → myself ① The game speaks for [themselves]. them/itself ② When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook [] head. his ③ (And I can't forget) the good food you cooked for [I]. me

8. 比较形容词的屈折变化 ① Police cars hurried to the [taller] building (in New York.) tallest ② (As a result, people in the modern world) generally live much [more] longer than people in the past. [] ③ (People in industrial countries can expect to live for) twice [so] long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. as ④ In some places you may borrow [] many books as you want,... [as]

9. 词性的变化 ( 从一类词派生另一类 词是英语学科的又一显著特点。 不同的句法功能要求使用与之相适应 的词性 ) ① A player's native language is not [importance]. important ② I'm sure we'll have a [wonderfully] time together. wonderful

命题之二 : 学生受本族语影响容易 犯的错误 1. 英语介词远比汉语介词活跃这一特性 ( 介词常 和活跃的动词搭配, 构成表达法, 是 NMET 短文 改错的重要内容 ) ① People in different parts [in] the world learn to understand one another through sports. of ② People in different parts of the world learn to understand one [with] another through sports. []

④ Suddenly we caught sight [at] a car and some men. of ⑤ When I have free time I go [] a long walk. for ⑥ When they came down the police were angry [to] them. with ⑦ Most people can quickly get [for] help from a doctor or go to a hospital if they are ill. []

⑧ (Newly-published novels are always in great demand, ) and some books, for example, books [for] history, (science, cooking and gardening are also popular.) on ⑨ (I [was] a member of) our school football team. We practise [for] three times (every week and often watch football [match] on TV together.) [] ⑩ (We must keep in mind that we play) for the team instead [] ourselves. Also, the sport (teaches us the importance of obedience 服从 ). of

2. 汉语中没有和英语冠词相对应的 词语这一特性, 考生在使用英语冠词 方面常常缺乏良好的意识和习惯 79/NMET2003 My teacher advised me to keep [my] diary. I followed her (advice and...) my → a ① One does not need to understand the language of [] other. the ② Some people read [the] books or watch television while others have sports. [] ③ Good health is [] person's most valuable possession. a

④ Modern people know more about [the] health, have better food, (and live in cleaner surroundings.) [] ⑤ There is [] public library in every town in Britain. a ⑥ Maybe you could come during [a] winter (holidays.) the ⑦ (Today I visited the Smiths--my first visit) to [a] American family. an ⑧ (Each) player must obey [] captain, who is the leader of (the team.) the ⑨ The day before the speech contest( 比赛 ) [] English teacher (talked to me.) my

3. 忽视英语中的一致现象 ( 一致包括 动词与其主语的一致, 称谓的一致, 主 从句中时态 的一致等 ) ① (Different people speak different languages, but sports have a language of [its] own. their ② The game speaks for [themselves]. itself ③ (The new boy or girl in school quickly becomes) one of the class after [] few games. a

④ The new boy or girl in school quickly [become] (one of the class after a few games.) becomes ⑤...talking to two men who [was] helping him to repair it. were ⑥ (Today, it is much easier to be healthy than) it [is] in the past. was ⑦ The Smiths did [his] best to make me feel (at home.) their ⑧ the team. And [they] must not break the rules too (often if we want to win the game. ) we ⑨ (I did a good job and won the first) prize. Now my picture and the prize [is] hanging in the library. are

4. 忽视英语中的平行结构现象 ( 在表达平行概念 时, 要使用相同的语法结构, 即动词与动词相配, 其时态及其形式应一致 ; 形容词与形容词相配, 要 注意只有程度相当的形容词才能配合使用, 即原 级形容词与原级形容词相配, 比较级形容词与比 较级形容词相配, 最高级形容词与最高级形容词 相配 ; 分词语与分词相配, 不定式与不定式相配, 短语与短语相配 ; 平行结构常借助于并列连词 and, or 等。 ) 80/NMET2003 (I followed her) advice and [should] put down 100 words or so each day. 去掉 should 84/NMET2003 (She liked it) very much and [reads] it to class. All said the story was (a good one.) reads → read

① (He said it was best to stay until help arrived) rather than go into the forest and [getting] lost. get ② (Modern people know more about the health, have) better food, and [to] live in cleaner surroundings. [] ③ Anyone may borrow books, and it [cost] nothing to borrow them. costs ④ (If the book you want is out, you may ask for it) to be called back for you, and [whether] you pay (the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write...) if

⑤ (It was very kind of them to meet me) at the railway station and [drove] me to their home. drive ⑥ (Playing football not only makes us grow up) tall and strong but also [give] us a sense of fair play and (team spirit.) gives ⑦ (I was often) a little tired after a day's work and [watch] TV (demands very little effort). watching ⑧ (I remembered) her words and [calm] down. I did a good job and won the first (prize.) calmed

命题之三 : 估计考生可能出现的错误 命题之三 : 估计考生可能出现的错误 1. 冗言 77/NMET2003 (I ran into many) difficulties. The main problem was [in] that I always thought (in Chinese and... ) was in that → was that ① (As a result, people in the modern world) generally live much [more] longer than people in the past. [] ② Most people can quickly get [for] help from a doctor or go to a hospital if they are ill. []

③ I never knew [about] a ride down (a river could be so exciting.) []/that ④ (I never knew a ride down) a river could be so [much] exciting. [] ⑤ (I also enjoyed the) evenings [when] we spent together. [] ⑥ I hope that [both] you two could come and visit us []

⑦ Today I visited the Smiths--my first [time] visit (to an American family.) [] ⑧ (In fact) they are planning to visit China [in] next year. [] ⑨ First, let me tell you something [more] about myself. [] ⑩ (I [was] a member of) our school football team. We practise [for] three times (every week and often watch football matches on TV together.) [] (11) Whenever I see them I will [often] think of my English teacher. []

2. and → but; and → or; x → not; go→come 对于整个句意的逻辑关系所造成根本变化 78/NMET2003 (I always thought) in Chinese and tried to translate [anything] into English. anything → everything ① A football player from Japan can [not] play with (a player from England.) [] ② (The new person on the job feels better after) he [and] she has played tennis with other (people in the office. ) or

③ We tried to fix it [and] there was nothing (we could do.) but ④ [Therefore], there are still some countries where (people have shorter lives.) However ⑤ Uncle Ben will also [go] back for Christmas. come → 以写信人所在地为中心, 使用 "come", 以避免句 子产生歧义。 ⑥ She was smiling [but] nodding at me. I remembered (her words and calmed down.) and

3. 英语句与句、词与词的连接必须使 用并列或从属连词这一特性 ① I told Mother, Father, Sister, [] all my friends (here what a great time I had.) and ② (I told Mother, Father, Sister, and all my friends) here [that] a great time I had.) what

4. NMET 短文改错重视对定语从句的 考查 ① People [] do not know each other often become friends after they have played together. who/that ② However, David and I did not agree and David pointed to a path which [it] he thought would probably lead to a village. [] ③ In the last five years [that] they have climbed churches, (high building and television towers.) []

④ (However, there are still some countries) [there] people have shorter lives. where ⑤ (In some places you may borrow as many books as you want, in other places you are limited to a certain) number, of [that] some may be novels. which ⑥ My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, [where] is the (capital of China.) which

5. 忽视最常见近似形词语的差异 He [lied] down by the side of the path to rest. lay 6. 误把形容词当动词 They [] eager to know everything about (China and asked me lots of questions.) were

NMET 短文改错的解题 NMET 短文改错的解题 What should you do when your parents become angry? 1. √ 点评 : 多年来 NMET 短文改错一般考虑在文章 首行的后半部命题, 但 NMET2001, 2002 (京) 2003 命题在文章的首行连续出现正确句答案,, 应引起关注。 需要指出的是首行第 1 个动词的时态一般不会 有误, 其形式表明该段文章 ` 时态的基准点 ' 。 建议在此句中留意动词 `become' 的时态。

If your parents [got] mad, try to have a conversation with them (about it). get 点评: NMET 短文改错重视对动词时态的屈折变化 的考查, 如 NMET2001: (.. and will do all they can to make sure ) that I get a good education. They [did] not want me ( to do any work at home… ) do 重要提示 : 动词时态由现在时错误地 " 跳 " 到过去时 或反之, 是该题型最重要的命题考虑之一。

(If your parents get mad, try to have a conversation with them ) about it. [Remembering] not to shout at them. They usually Remember (will try to change,...) 点评 : Remembering 若不是用作现在分词短 语作状语, 就应考虑将其 `ing‘ 去掉, 而改为 祈使句用法。句或句式的准确性是解题应 该留意的内容。其中关注标点符号, 包括 逗号、句号出现的场合和时机是十分必要 的。

(They usually) will try to change, but [they] will take some time because it (they get angry all their life, and that is all they know.) 点评 : 该题涉及对代词的指代对象准确性的考查, 是该题型重要的命题考虑之一, 如 NMET98: (Each player must obey the captain, who is the leader of) the team. And [they] must not break the rules too (often if we want to win the game.) we

(..., but it will take some time because) they get angry all their [life], and that is all they know. You lives (might have to change for your method a couple of times.) 点评 : `life' 用作不可数名词, 意为 ` 人生, 生活, 生存 '; `life' 用作可数名词, 意为 ` 一生, 终生 ' 。 例 : They have very busy lives. 他们终生忙碌。 该题涉及到对名词单复数判断的考查, 此考点是 该题型最常见的命题现象。 如 NMET2001: [they want me to devote all my time to] my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my [subject]. subjects

(You) might have to change [for] your method a couple of times. [] 点评 : change 为及物动词, 其后应接用其 宾语。

Do [any] nice things for your parents that they don't expect some (---like cooking, doing the dishes,...) 点评 : i. any 若作定语, 用于肯定句时, 应后接 单数名词, 如 : Any nice book will do. ii. 若说话者肯定意味强时, 用 `some'; 不 用 `any' 。 Why don't you bring some magazines with you? You'd better read some magazines on the train. iii. 考题中若出现诸如 `something, any, everything’ 等字眼时, 应予留意。

(... that they don't expect) ---like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or [clean] (the floors.) cleaning 点评 : 该题涉及到平行结构现象。在表 达平行概念时, 要使用相同的语法结构。 就本题而言, 通过并列连词 `or', 平行使用 3 个动名词。 NMET 短文改错命制重视对英语中的平 行结构现象考查, 如 NMET2000:

(I remembered) her words and [calm] down. I did a good job and won the first (prize.) calmed

If this doesn't work, bring in [] friend that you (feel comfortable,...) a 点评 : i. 考生可能会认为将 `friend' 改为 `friends' 也可, 但问题出在后面所给的 `... and have him or her help you' 上面。 通过 `him or her' 使得 `friend' 一词只有一 种改法。 ii. NMET 短文改错重视对冠词的考查。 由于汉语中没有和英语冠词相对应的词 语, 这一特性使考生在使用英语冠词方面 缺乏良好的意识和习惯。此点应予留意。

(You) feel comfortable ∧, and have him or her help you. with 点评 : i. 因其前有 `that you feel comfortable‘ 容易 使考生产生 `(so) that you (may) feel comfortable‘ 的理解。此题命题十分精彩。 ii. 关系代词 `that' 引出的定语从句应是不完整 的句子 ; 在 `you feel comfortable' 之后加用介词 `with' 形成正确的定语从句。


│Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor 1. √ │

│[sisters]. │

【点评】多年来 NMET 短文改 错一般考虑在文章首行的后半 部命题, 如 NMET2000 、 NMET99 、

NMET98 等都是这样, 而 NMET2001 短文改错命题在文 章的首行第一次出现 NMET98 等都是这样, 而 NMET2001 短文改错命题在文 章的首行第一次出现

正确句答案, 这可能考虑到 首行的后半部内容 "have neither brothers nor" 正确句答案, 这可能考虑到 首行的后半部内容 "have neither brothers nor"

所具备的命题单元 "have →had( 时态命题 )";"brothers →brother( 名词复数 所具备的命题单元 "have →had( 时态命题 )";"brothers →brother( 名词复数

命题 ); neither...nor →neither...or( 并列连词命题 ) 与 文章的第 79 题 命题 ); neither...nor →neither...or( 并列连词命题 ) 与 文章的第 79 题

"did → do( 时态 )"; 第 81 题 "subject →subjects( 名词复数 )"; 第 84 题 "did → do( 时态 )"; 第 81 题 "subject →subjects( 名词复数 )"; 第 84 题

"and → or( 并列连词 )" 命题 角度或内容重叠有关。 NMET2001 短文改错在 "and → or( 并列连词 )" 命题 角度或内容重叠有关。 NMET2001 短文改错在

文章的首行第一次出现正 确句答案这一现象, 可能并不具 备典型性。 文章的首行第一次出现正 确句答案这一现象, 可能并不具 备典型性。

│[I have neither brothers nor] │

│sisters - in [any] other words, I am an only child. My parents2. [] │

│[love me dearly of course...] │

【解】 `in other words' 意思为 ` 换句话说 '

【点评】 该题涉及到冗言式的 错误类型。对 NMET 英语科说 明中 405 条短语的准确记忆是

解此类题的关键。 解此类题的关键。

│[My parents] │

│love me dearly of course and will do all they can /\ make sure 3. to │

│[that I get a good education.] │

【点评】 NMET 短文改错重视 对动词不定式的考查, 如 :

例 1 [The World Health Organization and other organizations] 例 1 [The World Health Organization and other organizations]

are working [] improve health all over the world. to are working [] improve health all over the world. to

例 2 [If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be 例 2 [If the book you want is out, you may ask for it to be

called back for you, and if you pay the cost of sending a called back for you, and if you pay the cost of sending a

postcard, the librarian will] postcard, the librarian will]

write to you, and let you [to] know when the book you [] write to you, and let you [to] know when the book you []

[want has been returned and is ready for you to pick up.] [want has been returned and is ready for you to pick up.]

│[... and will do all they can to make sure] │

│that I get a good education. They [did] not want me to do 4. do │

│[any work at home...] │

【点评】 NMET 短文改错重视 对动词时态的屈折变化的考查, 如 :

例 1 We were driving along a narrow road when the car [stop] working. 例 1 We were driving along a narrow road when the car [stop] working.

stopped stopped

例 2 Bill [is] standing at the side of the car, was 例 2 Bill [is] standing at the side of the car, was

[talking to two men who were helping him to repair it.] [talking to two men who were helping him to repair it.]

│[They do not want me to do] │

│any work at [family]; they want me to devote all my time to 5. home │

│[my studies so that I'll get good marks...] │

【解】 i. at home; in one's family

ii. NMET2001 短文改错涉 及到短语的命题还有 "in other words""the same" 。 ii. NMET2001 短文改错涉 及到短语的命题还有 "in other words""the same" 。

│[they want me to devote all my time to] │

│my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my [subject]. We 6. subjects │

【点评】 该题涉及到对名词单 复数判断的考查, 此考点是该题 型最常见到的命题现象。

有关名词复数的屈折变化 的考查归类如下 : 有关名词复数的屈折变化 的考查归类如下 :

例 1 Different people speak different [language],... languages 例 1 Different people speak different [language],... languages

例 2 We have been to Europe many [time]. times 例 2 We have been to Europe many [time]. times

│[We] │

│may be one family and live under [a] same roof, but we do 7. the │

│[not seem to get much time to talk together.] │

【解】 `same' 一定要和定冠词 `the' 搭配使用。

【点评】 NMET 短文改错重视 对冠词的考查。由于汉语中没 有和英语冠词相对应的词语,

这一特性使考生在使用英 语冠词方面缺乏良好的意识和 习惯。 这一特性使考生在使用英 语冠词方面缺乏良好的意识和 习惯。

例 1 One does not need to understand the language of [] other. the 例 1 One does not need to understand the language of [] other. the

例 2 Some people read [the] books or watch television [] 例 2 Some people read [the] books or watch television []

[while others have sports.] [while others have sports.]

│[but we do] │

│not seem to get much time to talk [about] together. It looks 8. [] │

│[as if my parents treat me...] │

【点评】 NMET 短文改错重视 对冗言错误的考查。本届试题 就两次考到这一现象。

例 1 [As a result, people in the modern world] 例 1 [As a result, people in the modern world]

generally live much [more] longer than people in the past. generally live much [more] longer than people in the past.

[] []

例 2 Most people can quickly get [for] help from a doctor or 例 2 Most people can quickly get [for] help from a doctor or

[go to a hospital if they are ill.] [] [go to a hospital if they are ill.] []

│[It looks] │

│as if my parents treat me as a visitor [and] a guest. Do they 9. or │

│[really understand their own daughter?] │

【解】 `A or B' 二者择其一, 而 并非两者都是。

【点评】 NMET 短文改错重视 对包括连词在内的逻辑关系的 考查, 内容有 :

and - but; and - or; 肯定 - 否定 ; go - come 等的相互变化, 造成对于 and - but; and - or; 肯定 - 否定 ; go - come 等的相互变化, 造成对于

整个句意的逻辑关系的影 响。 整个句意的逻辑关系的影 响。

例 1 A football player from Japan can [not] play with [] 例 1 A football player from Japan can [not] play with []

[a player from England.] [a player from England.]

例 2 [The new person on the job feels better after] 例 2 [The new person on the job feels better after]

he [and] she has played tennis with other or he [and] she has played tennis with other or

[people in the office. ] [people in the office. ]

│[Do they] │