Wear particles Wear particles could strongly contribute to the PM10 concentrations in urban environments.
Three projects Investigate the influence of pavement, tyre and speed on particle size concentration and distribution and PM10 emission factors. (WearEm) Study emissions of fine particles from road wear. (WearNano) Study the toxicological effects of wear particles. (WearTox) Financial support: The Swedish National Road Administration
The road simulator Generation of wear particles without contamination of other particle sources. Sampling of wear particles for toxicological studies and chemical analyze. On-line measurement of particle size distribution (SMPS and APS). High volume sampler PM10 inlet to APS and cascade impactor
Noise and Particle Question: Is there a synergistic effect of simultaneously exposure of noise and particle?
Noise affects our health Hearing impairment Sleep disturbance Cardiovascular effects (hypertension and ischemic heart disease) Psychophysiologic effects Psychosocial effects (noise annoyance, reduced performance, increased aggressive behaviour, psychiatric hospitalisation) Changes in immune system (limited evidence) Birth defects (limited evidence) From: Babish W. (2005). Noise and Health. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. A14-15
Study design Low noiseHigh noise Low particle conc. < 40 dB(A) < 100 part/cm dB(A) < 100 part/cm 3 High particle conc. < 40 dB(A) > part/cm dB(A) > part/cm 3 Noise exposure= traffic Particle exposure = diesel particles
Indoor particle measurement-SBUF Development of a low cost particle instrument for ultra fine particles using a common smoke detector.