It is our pleasure to provide a short presentation of the Creditworthy Industry Credit Group Program. Creditworthy has combined the internet and advanced database programming to improve information gathering, storage and delivery of valuable credit information to group members. The result provides many exciting benefits to the membership. Thank You! Use arrow keys to navigate
Login A secure environment is provided.
Group Headquarters The starting point for all group activities.
Credit Reports Credit Reports provide a wealth of information to the members. The information is derived from the accumulation of demographic information, trade experience and alerts. Trade experience records are kept for 5 years, and information is displayed in summary and detailed format.
Credit Report – Top The top of the report shows demographic info, access to Public Co Info and Yearly Pay History Index 5 years of trade experience provide valuable pmt trends! Public Co info Demographic info
Credit Report – Bottom Bottom of the report shows the Monthly Trade Experience Summary. This will summarize up to 18 months of trade experience records. Click on the month To obtain detailed info
Credit Report – Detail The detailed report displays all information submitted by each member
Public Company Information Public company information is available on most U.S. and Canadian public companies. Information available includes financial statements, 7 year trend analysis, charts, news and industry comparison reports. This information is easy to obtain – just provide the ticker symbol!
Financial Statements Access 10Q and 10K reports
7 Year Trend Analysis 7 year trend analysis provides both annual and quarterly data.
Alerts Alerts can be sent to all members of the group on a real time basis. Members receive notification and the alert is displayed on the Alert List and also in the Credit Report
Alerts – List All alerts are maintained on the Alert List for 30 days. They also are displayed on the Credit Report
Meetings Meetings are one of the most important parts of group activities. The program assists the members with 4 tasks: 1. Meeting Announcement3. Report Experience 2. Submit list of names4. View / Print meeting results
Meetings – Main Page Members must submit a list of customers, report their experience and then view and print the results.
Meetings - Submit Names Members select the companies to be discussed during the meeting Click on box to add Name to the meeting list
Meetings – Trade Experience Member can manually enter trade experience or upload records electronically to the database Enter manually or upload
Meetings – View Meeting Once all the members have submitted their trade experience, they can view and print the results to bring to the meeting
Trade Experience The program allows members to request trade experience between meetings if the customer record is out of date or brand new. The request is sent by to all members. This is an especially important feature on groups whose members do not upload their trade experience records each month.
Trade Experience – Submit Members can manually submit experience or upload it electronically.
Customer Information Members can add new customers manually or when records are uploaded electronically. Customer information can also be edited and deleted (must be approved by host).
Customer Reports There are 7 valuable customer reports available in addition to the Credit Report. These include Alert, High Credit, Balance, Past Due, Pay History and Public Company Reports.
Monthly Pay History Report This report is one example of the many reports available. It ranks all customers according to how they pay (DBT) Sorted by DBT
Group Headquarters We have returned to Group Headquarters. Take note that we have only covered a portion of the features available. Some of the best is yet to come.
Additional Features Industry Info – allows the group to maintain outside web sites that are important to the group. Account Monitoring – This program allows members to monitor a list of customers and then each month the program will send out an electronic file with the previous month’s pay history record for those customers. Member Info – Displays information on each member of the group. It is a good way to get to know the other members. Schedule of Events – Shows future events Transfer Program – Provides instructions on how to electronically transfer records into the group database IICG Instructions – Provide online instruction.
More Features Powerful Search Capabilities – Search by name, DBA, principals, city, state, etc. Customer Maintenance – Powerful tools to locate duplicate customers and to merge records Administration – Many powerful admin programs. Member Participation - Reports can determine member participation. Customer Web Sites – Access customer web sites directly from program. Much more....
Training In order for each person to feel comfortable using the program, members will want to learn as much as they can. Creditworthy will offer several methods of education, including , online courses, education at meetings and one on one sessions.
Help Desk We maintain an office in Florida and Oregon and have people available to assist the members when there are questions or problems. In addition, we offer computer, program and internet maintenance on a 24/7 basis.
Program Used By Many Groups The Creditworthy Industry Credit Group Program is used by over 35 groups, including groups from 8 NACM affiliates & FCIB NACM OhioNACM Connecticut NACM S TexasNACM W PA NACM San DiegoNACM St Louis NACM ColoradoFCIB Two groups from Canada are also using program Canada Raw Material ChemicalCanada Plastics Group
Thank You Thanks for viewing the online presentation of the Creditworthy Industry Credit Group Program. For more information, please contact Rich Hill at or Click to return to CreditworthyCreditworthy