Blueprint RTAGs1 Coherent Software Framework a Proposal LCG meeting CERN- 11 June Ren é Brun
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG2 Way 1: the component model E D F I H J K L G BC A... PROs: In principle easy to add or replace a component because of weak coupling In reality, you simply postpone the integration problem if the number of components is > N eg N> 10 C’ J’
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG3 The main software areas GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG4 Any box connected to many boxes GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG5 Any box connected to many boxes GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG6 Any box connected to many boxes GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG7 Way 2: Framework with Object bus Object bus: Object dictionary Data Interface (I/O): Functional Interface User Applicat ions Higher level framewor k services Higher level framewor k services Experiment framework Higher level framewor k services Higher level framewor k services Higher level framework services User Applications
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG8
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG9 Evidence It takes time to build solid fundations more than 6 years for Geant3, PAW, ROOT The process must be validated by users in different experiments in different configurations In the long term, users prefer general purpose frameworks to experiment-specific frameworks because users work in 3, 4 experiments during the life time of any framework People vote with their feet
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG10 Object Persistency GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services Continue current developments in ROOT I/O Foreign classes Support for STL Improved Trees TLongRefs Interface to Catalogs Large files > 2 Gbytes Implement in TStreamerInfo in interpreted mode what is currently generated by Rootcint
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG11 CINT, Python, Java, C# GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services Facilitate automatic interfaces to Python and Java Current implementations are slow Root dictionary could be exploited to improve run time.
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG12 GUI Toolkits GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services Consolidate the TVirtualX interface Complete TVirtualX/Qt implementation Implement TVirtualX/FOX (free/fast on Windows) Export script from a running GUI Build GUI from a given script GUI editor/builder
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG13 Detector geometry GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services A very important element Request number 1 at ROOT FNAL workshop 2001 Work in progress with ALICE Huge interest in many experiments I have a complete talk on this Geometry package Reconstruction program Simulation program Geant3-based Geant4-based Fluka-based C++ classes MySQL
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG14 The main software areas GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG15 The main software areas GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services
LCG 12 June Rene BrunBlue print RTAG16 The main software areas GRID middleware RDBMS run/file catalogs Object persistencyv 2-d, 3-d graphics GUI Toolkits Math Libs Statistics Detector Geometry Event Generators Dectector Simulation Object persistencyv Histograming Fitting Event Models Folders Event Display Ntuple analysis Interpreters DAQ Online System services