Graduate attributes in the undergrad physics curriculum David Mills with thanks to Susan Feteris and Mario Zadnik
Skills used in workplace by US Physics majors Adapted from an American Institute of Physics Work-place study (1997) What they’ll need -
What we do: Australian physics dep’ts priorities (AUTC Report 2005 Fig 4.4)
“What we got…”- our u/g physics students view 60% 40% 20%
The Graduate Careers Australia take –Graduate Careers Australia Physics … “On a Personal Level: A physics education emphasises problem-solving and abstract thinking …very desirable employees in a wide variety of areas... work in high tech companies, … training in practical subjects such as optics, lasers …image processing, Personal qualities...(required) include curiosity, imagination, inventiveness and, above all, honesty in dealing with data, theory and colleagues. An ability to communicate one's ideas in spoken and written form is essential … The enjoyment of problem-solving & working with maths & computers …..
Typical science graduate outcomes … A quick list of key generic skills I T / computer literacy Numeracy/ Data analysis Problem solving Critical thinking Communic’n & presentation Team work
Students’ fortune lines for prac 3 rd year 4 th year Data Analysis Group work Independent planning Flexibility Data from Susan Feteris, Monash Uni.
Typical Science Graduate Outcomes Quick list of key generic skills I T Numeracy/ Data analysis Problem solving Critical thinking Communic’n & presentation Team work We would want to add: Ethics Cultural awareness Internat’l perspective Experimental design Planning, Flexibility Multidisciplinary Self-evaluation Life-long learning Time management … more
Who says? Grass roots up or top-down approach? E.g. Engineer’g Australia requirements for BEng course/grads Ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering In-depth technical competence in one engineering discipline. Ability to communicate effectively (peers & community) Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation, solution. Ability to utilise a systems approach to design and operation … effective as an individual and in multi-disciplinary & multi- cultural teams … as leader/manager as well as team member. Understand social, cultural, global environmental responsibilities Understand principles of sustainable design/development. Commitment to professional and ethical responsibilities. Expectation and capacity to undertake lifelong learning.
Velcro skill e.g task e.g. Communic’n Teamwork Self- evaluation Poster Interview Miniproject Things stick when: * Tasks are close to real life/work * Hooks & eyes are designed into task
Getting it right & Showcase examples Style of assessment needed –differ from usual assignment/test/report –Staff / demonstrators need explicit training Good models can often be drawn from other disciplines –E.g. Uniserve Science conference proceedings. Several showcase examples follow –more in the Projects and Assessment workshops –& resource booklet to be provided by end of 2005
1. Experimental Design & Inquiry Skills Outcomes R Millar (ICPE )...become more expert in selecting productive questions design suitable experiments; data reliable, accurate, valid? analyze / interpret data, draw conclusion evaluate quality of support for their conclusion In our programmes Are these outcomes achieved? How are they assessed? How do students get feedback (to improve)? Examples: projects, miniprojects, micro-projects, ….
2. Student Conferences used at ANU & UWA, and at Curtin in past Various versions possible. As the central activity of a semester-long subject at Curtin this included: Whole class prepares & stages a scientific conference, e.g. for a high school audience Realism – Task & Roles Peer review, Publication, Finances Planning, time management, accountability
3. Teamwork in Project component, 3 rd Yr Observational Astronomy, Monash (Susan Feteris) Project = 35% of assessment of this unit, Hence care needed for fair marks. Key elements are: Team selection- students can’t choose their friends Peer- & self-assessment of their contribution Monitoring: 3 progress reports sent in by on How many times they’d met which phase were they at (forming, storming, norming, performing…) any difficulties being faced
4. life long earning project in Faculty of Science, Univ of Sydney (Chris Stewart) A faculty initiative Helping students see the relevance of the broader generic skills … e.g. when compiling a CV Giving a practical tool to build awareness. On line, a student can construct a portfolio and see the contribution made by each subject undertaken. Chris is the project officer.
Making sure it sticks Whose responsibility? Wait for top-down directives or be proactive from grass-roots up? Reality check – new modes of activity/assessment need planning & students need time to take it in Resources – only works well when adequately planned and staffed (including training for sessionals) Sharing ideas & resources –Key references adjacent, on the AUTC project website –Including samples mapping Physics physics discipline & subject outcomes against faculty/university graduate learning outcomes.