Week 7 Frequency domain 1.Sinusoids and sound 2.Sinusoids form a basis for periodic functions 3.Sinusoids used in signal compression 4.Sinusoids used in FCC regulations 5.Sinusoids and LTI systems
Notes/frequency domain/frequencies Notes/frequency domain/musical scale Notes/frequency domain/phase Notes/frequency domain/images
1. Basis for periodic signals Fourier Series of f
Discrete Fourier Series of f
20134 n
Topics/FrequencyDomain/FSExamples Topics/FrequencyDomain/DFSExamples
2. Sinusoids in signal compression
3. FCC regulations The FCC allocates the (electromagnetic) spectrum to various uses according to this chart for a more complete picture see sidebars/radio/freq
The AM radio band are in the range kHz Carriers are separated by 10kHZ, 540kHz, 550kHz,.. The FM radio band are in the range MHz Carriers are separated by 0.2MHz, 88.1MHz, 88.3MHz,.. Analog TV channels occupy 6 MHz of bandwidth ch2-4, 54-72MHz; 5-6, 76-88MHz; ch7-13, MHz