Getting the Message Out and Getting Children In! Boots on the Ground School Based Pilot Project Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Who Is Uninsured?
Uninsured Children: A National Problem
Uninsured Floridian Children Florida ranks 3 rd in U.S. for the number of uninsured children. 42% of Florida’s children live in families 200% under FPL 40% of these are uninsured Florida ranks second in the nation for the percentage of children in the state without health insurance. 70% of uninsured children are eligible for CHIP
Working Families College Students Working Poor Working Mothers Absenteeism Myth Busters – Uninsured Children
Health Implications for Uninsured 30% less likely to receive medical attention for injuries Uninsured newborns have lower birth weights Less likely to have regular medical doctor No immunizations or medical treatment for common childhood illnesses Uninsured newborns higher rates of premature deaths Delay health care until in crisis Forgo prescription medicines
Benefits to Your School Children with insurance have fewer preventabl e diseases. Insured children have fewer sick days home from school & parents are less absent from work. Quality of life is improved for children in the communit y.
Florida KidCare is Florida's own Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Florida KidCare combines the best of public and private insurance into one affordable and comprehensive insurance program for children. There is ONE family friendly application! If a child was previously enrolled in Florida KidCare, parents may not need to complete a new application. They can call for additional information. 12-month continuous coverage for birth through age 18. A single application for all programs English, Spanish, and Creole. What is Florida KidCare?
Florida KidCare Medicaid CMS N MediKid s FL Healthy Kids
Financial Eligibility
Florida Healthy Kids
Florida Healthy Kids Benefits Office visits for Minor Illness, Accident are (Primary Care Provider)$5 Co-Pay Well Child CareNo Co-Pay Routine Vision and Hearing Screening (Primary Care Provider)No Co-Pay Specialist Office Visit (Referred)$5 Co-Pay Behavioral Health Services (Pre-authorized, Outpatient - 40 visits per year, Inpatient/Residential - 30 days per year) $5 Co-Pay Substance Abuse Rehabilitation and Treatment (Pre-authorized, 40 outpatient visits, 7 inpatient days for detox, 30 residential days) No Co-Pay Diagnostic Testing (Laboratory, X-rays,No Co-Pay Emergency Services$10 Co-Pay Emergency Ambulance Services$10 Co-Pay Hospital Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care (Pre-Authorized, includes 15 day rehabilitation stay for non-acute confinement) No Co-Pay Semi-private room Surgeon Fees (Pre-authorized)No Co-Pay Maternity Services and DeliveryNo Co-Pay Anesthesia ServicesNo Co-Pay
Children’s Medicaid
Children’s Medical Services - CMS
BOOTS ON THE GROUND SCHOOL ACTION PLAN CHECKLIST 1. _______ Designate school liaison by September 2, _______ Direct liaison to create opportunities for parents to learn about and enroll in Florida KidCare. 3. _______ Have computers available for parents to use for application enrollment and renewal. 4. _______ Place a link to Florida KidCare on School website: 5. _______ Request and display posters in visible areas. 6. _______ Request and place fliers in front office, Parent Resource Center, health clinic, and student services area. 7. _______ Add Florida KidCare to EESAC Agenda to discuss ways to increase awareness. 8. _______ Ask PTA and Health Connect teams to partner in this effort. 9. _______ Request KidCare presence at school/community events.
Communicating with Families One-on-one assistance Easy to understand information Be sensitive to fear and mistrust Keep information shared confidential
Florida KidCare, Confidentiality & HIPAA HIPPA- The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act As a Florida KidCare community partner families entrust you to not only help them navigate the Florida KidCare system but to keep the information they share with you confidential and safe.
Florida KidCare, Confidentiality & HIPAA Florida KidCare requires a properly completed Florida Healthy Kids Release of Information (ROI) be on file prior to the release of any account related personal health information.
Release of Information (ROI) A ROI form should be voluntarily completed by application parent or guardian. One ROI must be properly completed and on file for each enrollee (child) prior to disclosure. Makesure to initial where indicated. Signature is required.
Levels of Disclosure Florida KidCare staff are limited to the type of information they are allowed to disclose to third parties. Such as: Full disclosure – All account information provided Minimum disclosure – Information needed to resolve a family’s concerns if provide Limited disclosure – Confirmation of coverage, and dates of coverage, and name of child’s health & dental plan, amount of premium being paid are provided No disclosure – No information is provided without a completed ROI on file
Personal Health Information (PHI) Name Address Phone Number Social Security Number (SSN) Date of Birth (DOB) Premium Payment Relatives Address Health/Dental Plan # Employer Account Number
HIPAA Compliance To maintain HIPAA security you must: Prevent unauthorized access and disclosure Prevent loss of information Secure electronic information Secure paper records Avoid overheard conversations Never leave information in public view Always check the credentials of a requester Always check a client’s authorizations Report incidents to your organization’s HIPAA Compliance Officer Use encryption when sending an with PHI Do not copy others on an with PHI without written consent from the client
HIPAA & Non-Applicant Parents Under new legislation a non-applicant parent can have limited disclosure to Florida KidCare account information. In other words, a non- application parent can contact Florida KidCare (with the child’s information such as DOB and SSN) and are able to receive the following types of account information without a ROI on file: – Confirmation of Coverage – Dates of coverage – Name of child’s health & dental plan – Amount of premium being paid
Don’t forget to review these materials! Bookmark the website for quicker access to the application
Pay Special Attention to Required Fields
Parent Two does not have required fields, but fill in as much information as possible if Parent Two exists
Utilize the Help bars for questions you may have
Make sure all income documents are sent in immediately to ensure application processing
You have 30 minutes to complete each section before the website times out and all information is lost!
The application ends here – you will have one last chance to review all the information provided on the next page and make changes before electronic submission
FL-CKF Application Assistance Code
This is the electro nic signatu re
Upon Completion When the family finishes the online application Documents List Personal Copies Confirmation Number Copies Only Fax Mail
Monthly Premium Payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Visa, MasterCard and Discover accepted Direct from checking or savings account Fee may be charged Internet & Telephone Mail a check or money order with payment coupon to Florida KidCare Write your family account number on check or money order Mail 600 Fidelity Express Locations $2.00 Service Fee Cash Payments Not making a payment will result in a cancellation of coverage Nonpayment cancellation: Cannot reactivate for coverage for one month (30 Days) Enrollees have 10 working days to request a dispute resolution & benefits reinstated Non-Payment
Renewal Process Enrollees must renew their coverage once every 12 months About two months before the renewal date, parents receive a reminder letter Pre-populated renewal forms are included in letters Very important that parents respond to the renewal letter and provide the needed information in a timely manner. Income documentation is required with completed renewal form
For More Information Contact the Parent Academy (305) Informational Web Sites ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦