HUCOM Language 23 Jan 2010
Language in Higher Education Context & Observations Kai-ming Cheng University of Hong Kong
Contexts 1.Language 2.Higher Education Trends 3.Hong Kong’ Future 4.Changed Society
Context 1 Language: changing context economic tool intellectual capacity cultural vehicle political identity/hegemony Emerging Crucial in Globalization Essential for Learning
Context 1 Essential to Education Crucial in globalization –Language for cross-border communications Essential for learning –Language for new sources of knowledge
Context 2 Higher Education: Dramatic reforms (1) Rebuilding national systems –Expansions of Access –Elite institutions Repositioning the private sector –Private institutions –Philanthropic culture
Context 2 Higher Education: Dramatic reforms (2) Internationalization –Internationalizing institutions –Cross border activities –Global competition:Ranking Revisiting student learning –Reforming the formal curriculum –Broadening student experiences –Emphasizing cultural specificity
Context 2 Higher Education: Dramatic reforms (3) Among others: Global cyber connectivity Cross-border students Joint programmes Research collaborations Off-shore campuses Changing role of English
Context 3 Changed Society (1) Flatter organizational structure Frontline-workers as decision- makers Precarious individual career engagements Receding function of credentials
Context 3 Changed Society (2) Communication: –the major workplace activity Continuous learning –a lifelong expectation Language –a key capacity for individuals
Context 4 Hong Kong: Charting its future Settling with an Identity? An edge over other parts of China? The most international city in China? A Chinese city in the international community?
Observations 1.Education Hub as a notion 2.Internationalization of institutions 3.Language Planning 4.Role of Tertiary Institutions
Observation 1 Education Hub: a notion Undeniable responsibility of a metropolitan A changing higher education landscape Intensified student mobility Language as a crucial element
Observation 2 Internationalization (1) A ladder Level 1: One-way communications –English website & brochures –International Office –International conferences Level 2: One-way mobility –Academics outward –Students outward
Observation 2 Internationalization (2) Level 3: Two-way exchange –Academics inward –Student inward: local language –Ring-fenced international programmes Level 4 International campus –Medium of instruction –Working language –Student communications
Observation 2 Internationalization (3) Throughout all levels of Internationalization Language is a critical factor!
Observation 3 Language Planning (1) Is there a Language Policy for Hong Kong? –“Trilingual Bi-literate” –Multilingualism as a taken –What is the Chinese-English interplay? –What is the Cantonese- Putonghua interplay? –Zero-sum games?
Observation 3 Language Planning (2) Is there Language Planning in Hong Kong? –Language Landscaping: the status quo –Needs analysis and forecasting –City language capacity building –Government language protocols –Media language requirements –Language learning environments –Language learning in schools
Observation 4 Role of Tertiary Institutions The most critical agent of globalization The most multinational community The most multilingual environment The leading force for language learning
Two major tasks: Building the Language Capacity for Hong Kong Internationalization vis-à- vis national and cultural identity
Undeniable Social Responsibility for Tertiary Institutions
Thank you!