Finding Information for Film Studies 412 by Denis Lacroix Romance Languages and Film Studies Librarian February 11, 2009
Session Outline Understanding the Research Process Finding guides and library services Finding resources using the library catalogue Finding Articles in Periodicals using Databases RefWorks This slide show is downloadable at:
The Research Question What is the importance of cinema direct in Canada? Academic Search Complete Film Literature Index Film Indexes Online
The Research Process Recognise an information need Define the problem limit, label, hypothesize Choose a search system books, electronic and print indexes, Web resources… Formulate a query depending on the search system semantic mapping and action mapping Execute the search Examine, assess, and save the results Extract information Reflect, write, reiterate, stop Saving might involve using RefWorks RefWorks
Finding Basic Research Tools
Useful Reference Resources General: facts, dates, terms International index to film periodicals – PN 1993 A1 I62 Ruth Ref. Aux. (2nd floor) The Motion picture guide - PN 1993 M918 Ruth. Ref. The complete film dictionary – PN K Ruth. Ref. The international film industry: a historical dict. – PN S Ruth. Ref. Encyclopedia of film themes, settings and series - PN A Ruth. Ref. Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film v.1 – v.4Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film People: information on directors, actors, etc. International dictionary of films and filmmakers – PN I625 Ruth. Ref.International dictionary of films and filmmakers Filmmaker's dictionary – PN S Ruth. Ref. The new biographical dictionary of film - PN 1998 A2 T Ruth. Ref Film Theory: terminology The film studies dictionary - PN B Ruth. Ref. Film study: an analytical bibliography – PN 1994 M268 v.1-v.4 Ruth Ref. Dictionnaire du film: tous les termes de la technique, de l'industrie, de l'histoire et de la culture cinématographiques – TR 847 R BSJ Ref.
Genre: terms, people, films particular to one genre Major film periodicals for media research – PN 1993 A12 M (micro.) Film Daily yearbook of motion pictures – PN F (microfilm) The Macmillan film bibliography – PN A1 Z9 R v.1-2 Ruth. Ref. Guide to the cinema(s) of Canada -- PN C2 G Ruth. Ref. Index to critical film reviews – PN 1995 B v.1-3 Ruth. Ref. Film review index – PN 1995 Z9 F v.1-2 Ruth. Ref. The complete index to world film since PN 1998 G Ruth. Ref. The International film index, – PN 1998 I folio Ruth. Ref. Diccionario del cine mexicano, – PN M6 D Ruth. Ref. Documentary Cinema: Encyclopedia of the documentary film – PN D6 E v.1-3 Ruth. Ref. N.B. Copies of National Film Board films are located at the Bibliothèque Saint-Jean.
Books vs. Periodical Articles Books are a good place to start for an author or subject that is well-known and not too recent Check book bibliographies for references to other books and articles Use the NEOS Libraries Catalogue to find books
Finding Books By author: By title By subject Request or place a hold on a book
Finding books about a topic using Advanced Search Divide topic into key concepts, e.g. Quebec AND Cinema Think of variant or similar terms for concepts Use Boolean operators, e.g. and, or Use truncation symbols to increase results: $ ? Limiting your search by format and location in advanced search Advanced Searching One key concept per box or field!
Using Subject Headings Sample Subject Headings: search in the CatalogueCatalogue Motion pictures and Dictionaries Motion pictures and Encyclopedias Documentary Films Films documentaires Cinéma and Québec Québec (Province) and Conditions social$ and 20th century Perrault, Pierre Motion pictures and Social Aspects Realism in Motion pictures Avant-garde (Aesthetics) Experimental films or Cinéma vérité
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Increase your results by using variant terms
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Sample Catalogue Record If possible, add relevant catalogue subject terms to your own search.
Searching Within Ebrary
Let’s Practise Using NEOS How many titles can you find on Jacques Godbout and film? How many videos by Jacques Godbout can you find?
Books vs. Periodical Articles Periodical articles are a good place to start if an author or subject are recent or local you are looking for a detailed analysis (e.g. essay films) Databases are searchable by title, or Databases are also searchable by subject. To find articles, Use periodical databases
What’s a Periodical? The difference between Scholarly and Popular Information Sources: Film studies/film history journals 2. Journals about movie-making 3. Trade publications 4. Newspapers 5. Popular magazines
Finding Articles in Periodicals The library catalogue cannot be used to find articles on your research topic. Instead, you need to search databases. Databases are all different: some contain full-text articles, some list only citations and abstracts, some are interdisciplinary others are subject specific Use database Help features for searching assistance Scholarly versus popular journals Scholarly versus popular journals
Databases for Film Studies 412 General Humanities Databases: Academic Search Complete, Alternative Press Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, CBCA Complete, CPI.Q., Expanded Academic ASAP, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities International Index, IBZ, MLA International Bibliography, Omnifile full text, Periodicals Index Online, Readers’ Guide Full Text.Academic Search Complete Alternative Press IndexArts and Humanities Citation Index CBCA CompleteCPI.Q.Expanded Academic ASAP Humanities AbstractsHumanities International IndexIBZ MLA International BibliographyOmnifile full textPeriodicals Index OnlineReaders’ Guide Full Text Film Studies Databases: Communication and Mass Media Complete, Film Indexes Online, Film & Television Literature Index, IMDb.Communication and Mass Media CompleteFilm Indexes OnlineFilm & Television Literature IndexIMDb International Cinema: Bibliography of Asian Studies, ABSEES, EBSEES, Social Sciences and Humanities Journals from Russia, HAPI, Prisma, CLASE, Francis, Repère, Erudit, CAIRNBibliography of Asian Studies ABSEESEBSEESSocial Sciences and Humanities Journals from RussiaHAPIPrismaCLASEFrancisRepère EruditCAIRN
Historical Topics: America: history and life, Historical AbstractsAmerica: history and life Historical Abstracts Canadian Topics: CBCA Complete, CPI.Q, RepèreCBCA CompleteCPI.Q Repère
Film & Television Literature Index Searching examples: [Subject] motion picture* or cinema* or film*AND [Subject] direct OR verite* AND To view full-text, click on HTML, PDF or To save, mail, or print citations Click on Add to folder, Click on Folder View under Folder has items, Click on print, or save options. Send citations to RefWorks
Change your subject search to Cinema verite.
Let’s Practise Use the database Film & Television Literature Index to find academic articles on Jean Rouch and Cinéma vérité
Film Indexes Online Contains Film Index International, which gives full international coverage of films and film personalities from over 170 countries. All eras of film-making are covered.Film Index International Use this database to find information about films, but also bibliographic listings of resources relating to the films. A person search is also possible from the Film Index International database.
Finding Periodicals in the Library Search the NEOS Libraries Catalogue Limit by Periodical Title in the drop-down menu Click on Starting With Click on the Search button Or Use the Getit Citation Linker Input all the article information into the boxes
1 2
Journal is available online!
Is the journal scholarly or peer-reviewed?
Journal Titles Six percent k ept in Rutherford South 2 nd floor Shelved around the perimeter Organized alphabetically by title Most other journals located in Rutherford North or South Interfiled with books by call number Available online
Let’s Practise Find the online full text of the following article –Toward the Quebec Auteur: From Perrault to Arcand. By: Melnyk, George. Cineaction, 2002 Issue 57, p16-29, 14p, 18 bw;Toward the Quebec Auteur: From Perrault to Arcand. Is this periodical Academic or Scholarly?
Exporting to RefWorks from Gale
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How to Export from Other Databases Mark the records you wish to export View marked records Export records from the database to RefWorks Click on the RefWorks link in the tool bar, OR Click on Save and/or Export Check Tip Sheets if you are unsure about exporting from a specific databaseTip Sheets Example from Web of Science :
Exporting from NEOS
Inter-Library Loans When a periodical or a book is not located at the University of Alberta Libraries, request the items through ILL. Click on the link Request an Inter-Library loan on the right-hand side of the main library web page.Request an Inter-Library loan Click on Request Material from another library Input your Library barcode number and pin. Fill in the form with as much information as you have. Check availability of document worldwide using the OCLC WorldCat database OCLC WorldCat Allow 2 weeks for ILL requests
Let’s Practise Send to RefWorks the two academic articles found in the database Film & Television Literature Index on Jean Rouch and Cinéma vérité
Reference Services Good luck in your searches!