Russ Laher (1) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 Downlink Segment Test Status (S14.0) Russ Laher February 27, 2006
Russ Laher (2) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 Summary of S14.0 D/L work performed D/L-group software changes implemented for S14.0 (all critical level 3 or 4) 59 pipeline-related CRs/AIs (99 for S13.0) 24 GNATS entries for S13.2 patch 12 database-related CRs/AIs (38 for S13.0) 19 ARs (22 for S13.0) D/L segment-testing to check specific CR/AR/AI changes Small cluster of 15 pipeline-drones (mini “ops-like” environment) SODB (fresh S13 database via Ed Jackson) Product archiver run on pipeline results for end-to-end verification ISTs doing science verification of pipeline products and testing of SPICE QA team verification of QA sub-system upgrades Test plan documents written by CogEs to help I&T Meetings Many code walk-throughs and training sessions conducted to improve software quality, help I&T, and build developer skills Weekly downlink meetings with developers, the pipeline operator (Ron Beck) and IST Cog. E.s (David Henderson, Wen Lee, and Bob Narron) “Advanced Data Products” development team meetings with developers and customers “Archive Working Group” meetings with developers, IRSA group, SSC deputy manager (L. Storrie-Lombardi), and archive scientist (Mark Lacy)
Russ Laher (3) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 What’s New for S14.0 IRS New “irs_retune” module for extended-source tuning (CR #7007) New “slopest” module added to several IRS pipelines (CR #7009) Upgrades to SPICE (CR #6993) Changes to several wrapper scripts to allow time-dependent calibration-file selection in the offline pipelines; should not impact online pipelines (CR #7107) Minor changes and bug fixes: Allow longer pathname (written to FITS header) in rectify module (CR #7067) Enlarged command buffer for irs_retune system call from irs_tune (AR #7111) Removed non-ASCII character from ridge output FITS file (AR #6053) Wrapper-script change to register ancillary products spec2.tbl and ridge.tbl (AR #7125) Wrapper-script change to remove no-longer-needed NMASK file (AR #7137) IRAC New “pointing-adjust” pipeline (plScriptId=20) and module (CR #6987) New “ffc” module for the first-frame correction (CR #7079) New FITS keyword RONOISE in BCD header (CR #6878) Use 30-s default if cross-AOR delay-time can’t be computed (CR #7096; patched in S13.2) Minor NaN-logic bug fixed in flatfield module (AR #7040)
Russ Laher (4) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 What’s New for S14.0 – cont. MIPS:Si None! (4 different upgrades were made in the S13.2 patch) MIPS:Ge GNU-compiled MIPS Ge modules for offline GeRT software under Solaris, Linux and Mac OsX (GNU v ; CR #6998) New namelist-controllable options for the stim-interpolation function for use in offline GeRT software (CR #6477) Minor changes and bug fixes Reduced reporting of NaNs when not in verbose mode (CR #6867) Bug fix in optional least-squares interpolation (AR #6814) Bug fix for non-portable NaN construct in dlmodule library (AR #6865) Bug fix for NaN-handling in column_filter under Linux (AR #6851) Infrastructure Build-script changes for building U/L jar files in the D/L nightly build (this facilitates the GUI-development efforts for mopex, bandmerge and Spice) Developed a scripts to facilitate creation of the Mac OSx tar ball for Spice (CR #7083) New directory structure for builds: $SOS_VERSION/sw/$SOS_REL/$ARCH
Russ Laher (5) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 What’s New for S14.0 – cont. Post-BCD Software New MIPS Mopex SED pipeline (plScriptId 1049) New MIPS Mopes TPM pipeline (plScriptId 1051) Copy refined pointing of long to shorter frames in IRAC processing (CR #6889) New background subtraction with user-defined sky annulus (CRs #6792, #6912, #6913) New way of defining source area for sourcestimate’s mosaic mode (CR #6835) New box outlier mode for mosaic_outlier (CR #7048) GNU-compiled MOPEX and bandmerge modules for off-line use under Solaris, Linux and Mac OsX (GNU v ) and Windows IRAC bandmerge pipeline to go online for S14 New bandmerge tools and documentation bandfill, getoff, regband, modvar, statqa, fndsrc, fndveto, and cmpbmg Integrate bandfill into the bandmerge wrapper script Minor upgrades, changes, and bug fixes (this is a partial list) Bug fix for bandmerge-module segmentation faulting in trace mode (AR #7069) FIF format check added to s2c module (CR #6916) Added 1-D bicubic interpolation in SED mode to mosaic_int module (CR #6911) Bug fix in c2s module (AR #7073) Modified Mopex pipeline to populate QA_irac_refine database table (AR #6854)
Russ Laher (6) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 What’s New for S14.0 – cont. Database changes New ensemble-creation rules for the new post-BCD pipelines (MIPS Mopex SED, MIPS Mopex TPM and IRAC “pointing-adjust”; AI #1977) Added new mapRowNum and mapColNum fields to ensemble-creation WIP database tables and modified assocated database stored procedures to query these fields. Required for the new ensemble-creation rules for the new MIPS Mopex SED pipeline (CRs #7035 and #7036) New records in plScripts database table for new pipelines (plScriptIds 20, 1049 and 1051; CRs #7042, #7114, #7118) Minor changes to database stored procedures Logic change for IRS “bksub” pipeline (CRs #7094; patched in S13) Return additional information for super-boresight pipeline (CR #7051) Sort returned list by DCEID for QA software (CR #7086) Minor content changes to the QA-README-file text returned by database stored function getQaInfoForRequest (CR #7061) QA sub-system software changes: Upgrade showQaPtgXfer.cgi to compute and display the min., max., and mean pointing differences for all DCEs in a request (CRs #7087 and #7088) Minor bug fix to showDcesSodbInfo.cgi (AR #6951)
Russ Laher (7) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 Tests Under S14.0 IRS All Sci (BCD&BQD), DarkCal, DarkEns, Flatcal and peak-up-imaging pipelines; used fallback cal; all data run through archiver Details in IRS S14 Test Plan Document MIPS-Ge Sci (scanmap, photometry, sed, tpm), darks, flats, warm AOR, fine photometry; used fallback cal; all data run through archiver Details in MIPS-Ge S14 Test Plan Document MIPS ‑ 24 No new tests required; recommend re-running S13.0 and S13.2 tests IRAC sub-, full-array science and cal pipelines for all exposure modes, frame times, and combinations of internal and external repeats; product records and file system contents checked for data run thru each pipeline; used metadata and fallback cal; all data run through archiver Details in IRAC S14 Test Plan Document Post-BCD FIFcreation; pointing refinement;single_frame_pnt_src_ext;multi-frame pnt-src_ext; mosaic pnt- src_ext; overlap correction; image_interp, outlier; image_reinterp; mosaic_coadd for IRAC, MIPS24, 70 &160; all data run through archiver Details in PostBCD S14 Test Plan Document QA, SDAT Loader run for all tested pipelines, SDAT tool run, qa pages and statistics pages brought up Details in QA/Infrastructure S14 Test Plan Document
Russ Laher (8) S14.0 Test Readiness Review, February 27, 2006 Issues/Concerns A new perl build will be deployed for S14. The major changes are that the new perl will be an up-to-date version (v vs. v ) and linked to the v10 Informix library. Because of v perl incompatibilities with Ingest (which has embedded perl), we will continue building Ingest using our existing v perl. D/L build scripts have been modified to allow more flexibilty in building D/L software in different ways (FORTE or GNU compilers; optimized or unoptimized); efforts are underway this week to determine impact on the build instructions for I&T and operations (we need to make sure documentation is updated). I am still working on upgrading the bandmerge wrapper script; my goal is to finish and test this week. This includes: Changing the point-source “select conditions” (simple namelist change) Adding the bandfill module (wrapper-script change) Re-test with our stressing Plieades case S14.0 D/L segment-testing is underway. Our goal still is to complete the testing by 3/2/06 I&T-delivery date. The D/L segment-testing schedule is very tight!