DGP For the week of February 1st
This week’s sentence: julia wants to give a card to stephan for valentine’s day but she is shy
Day One: julia - proper noun wants – action verb to give - infinitive a - article card - common noun to - preposition stephan – proper noun for - preposition valentine’s day – proper noun but – coordinating conjunction she - pronoun is – linking verb shy - adjective
Day Two julia wants (to give a card) infinitive phrase (to stephan) prep. phrase (for valentine’s day) prep. phrase but she is shy
[julia wants (to give a card) infinitive phrase (to stephan) prep. phrase (for valentine’s day) prep. phrase] INDEPENDENT CLAUSE but [she is shy] INDEPENDENT CLAUSE
Day Three DO julia wants VT (to give a card) OP ( to stephan) (for valentine’s day) but she is VI shy (predicate adjective)
Day Four Julia wants to give a card to Stephan for Valentine’s Day, but she is shy. Proper Nouns are always capitalized. When a coordinating conjunction is used to join independent clauses, a comma is needed also. The sentence is making a statement. It is DECLARATIVE AND SHOULD END WITH A PERIOD. 1 INDEPENDENT CLAUSE + 1 INDEPENDENT CLAUSE = COMPOUND SENTENCE