“I Will Never Move” By: Alex Boudreau
Born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama. Married to Raymond Parks since December of These two met on December in the year 1930 two years before they got married. Dead on October 24, 2005 Buried next to her mother and husband. Those three were buried in the Rosa Parks Cemetery in Detroit. NO CHILDREN.
Rosa Parks took a brave and noble bus ride in December 1, She was sitting in the back of the bus with all the other black people. When more white people got on she was forced to give up her seat to the white man. When she didn’t move the bus driver called the cops. She was in jail and was guilty for segregation laws. She started the movement toward racial equality.
Events: When Rosa was six she went to school in Pine Level. Next went to Spring Hill Church School. Struggles: Rosa didn’t have a lot of different struggles but the biggest struggle was she had is the white kids. They would bully her, steal from her, and threaten to kill her. Also she had to deal with the Ku Klux Klan. Accomplishments: Finished the sixth grade (not many black girls did that back then). Told white kids to back off when no other black kid would. Family: Dad= James McCauley, Mom= Leona McCauley, Brother= Sylvester, Grandfather= Sylvester, Grandmother= Rosa
Events: Rosa Parks became active in defending the Scottsboro Boys. Struggles: Rosa had the same struggles throughout life which is raciest attitude toward her. Family: When Rosa was 20 she married Raymond Parks.
Career: Secretary for NAACP, adviser for NAACP. Family: Her family moved to Detroit in Struggles: Got arrested on December 5, 1955 when she was 42 years old. Accomplishments: In 1965 she joins “ Selma- to- Montgomery protest march” Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for self- Development. Awards: Martin Luther King JR. Nonviolent peace prize. Honors: 1963 March Washington, Ebony magazine.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president in Also at this time Rosa worked on a army air force base called Maxwell Field. She could do anything the whites could do because Franklin vanished the raciest rules on any U.S military base.
Woodrow W. Wilson was the president in He was in the Democratic party. When he was president he did very little to help black people.
How Different would your life be if you did move on the bus? Do you ever regret your decision on the bus? Why or why not? Do you think the white kids who bullied you when you where a kid have more respect for you now?
13 Aug Web. 4 May Web. 4 May
Web. 5 May
Web. 6 May Hull, Mary. Rosa Parks. Chelsea House, Print.