C++ Workshop Designing and Implementing Classes
References ● C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-Wesley ● C++ and Object-Oriented Numeric Computing for Scientists and Engineers, Daoqi Yang, Springer ● Scientific and Engineering C++, John J. Barton and Lee R. Nackman, Addison- Wesley
Rational Class Mechanics ● Goal: Design and test a class, Rational, for manipulating rational numbers ● Components: – rational.h – header file with definition of the class including member data and functions – rational.cpp – implementation of member functions – testrat.cpp – a small program to test the class definition
Access ● Keywords: private (default), public, protected, friend ● private – members can accessed only by other member functions or operators of the class ● public – members can be used directly by client programs ● protected – members can be used only by other member functions or operators of the class or derived classes ● friend – complete access to all class members, use with caution
Client Program Example - Revisited #include #include “rational.h” using namespace std; int main() { Rational r(3/4), s(2/3); Rational t(r); Rational Sum = r + s; Rational Product = r * s; cout << r << “+” << s << “=“ << Sum << endl; return(0); }
Statements not permissible due to access restrictions Rational r(3,4); r.ImaginaryValue = 6; //illegal – data is private int a = GetNumerator(r) //illegal – function is protected r.SetNumerator(b); //illegal – function is protected
Constructors ● Rational (); – use in external program or function: – Rational b; //data not initialized ● Rational (int numer, int denom=1); ● Use in external program or function: – Rational b(3,4); //data is ¾ – Rational c(4); //denominator defaults to 1
const qualifier ● Objects may also be declared as constants, e.g. – const Rational OneHalf(1,2); ● const objects require const member functions ● const member functions can be used with both const and non-const objects ● Example: – Rational Add(const Rational &r) const; – Object is passed by reference (&r), const qualifier prevents modification – const member function will not modify any of object's data members
Inspectors ● Note: protected not accessible to main or external functions ● Used to retrieve member data ● int GetNumerator() const; ● int GetDenominator() const; ● const qualifier permits use with const objects
Mutators ● Modify member data ● Protected access ● void SetNumerator(int numer); ● void SetDenominator(int denom);
Arithmetic Functions ● Rational Add(const Rational &r) const; ● Public member functions – accessible in main and other functions ● Example usage: – Rational r(3,4); – Rational s(2,5); – Rational t =r.Add(s); – Explanation: r is a rational object invoking its public member function Add with the rational object s as an argument. The result is another Rational object which is assigned to t
Stream Facilitators ● public access ● void Insert(ostream &sout) const; – inserts a representation of the object into the output stream referenced by &sout ● void Extract(istream &sin) const; – extracts a representation of the object from the input stream referenced by &sin
Stream use examples Rational r: Rational s; cout << “Enter rational number (a/b): “; r.Extract(cin); cout << “Enter rational number (a/b): “; s.Extract(cin); Rational t = r.Add(s); t.Insert(cout); cout << endl; //note: illustrations of use are based only on the //definitions. These member functions still have to be //implemented
Overloaded Operators ● Rational operator+(const Rational &r, const Rational &s); ● reserved word operator indicates operator overloading ● returns a Rational object
Implementation ● use a.cc or.cpp file ● Syntax for member function implementation header: ● :: ( ) ● Example: – void Rational::SetNumerator(int numer) { – NumeratorValue=numer; – }
Constructors - Implementation //default constructor Rational::Rational() { SetNumerator(0); SetDenominator(1); } //numer, denom constructor Rational::Rational(int numer, int denom) { SetNumerator(numer); SetDenominator(denom); } //Notice: both constructors are invoking protected member functions SetNumerator and SetDenominator
Inspector Implementations //get numerator int Rational::GetNumerator() const { return NumeratorValue; } //get denominator int Rational::GetDenominator() const { return DenominatorValue; }
Mutator Implementation //set numerator void Rational::SetNumerator(int numer) { NumeratorValue = numer; } //set denominator void Rational::SetDenominator(int denom) { if (denom != 0) { DenominatorValue = denom; } else { cerr << “Illegal denominator: “ << denom << “using 1” << endl; DenominatorValue = 1; }
Arithmetic Function Implementation One example will suffice: Rational Rational::Add(const Rational &r ) const { int a = GetNumerator(); int b = GetDenominator(); int c = r.GetNumerator(); int d = r.GetDenominator(); return Rational(a*d + b*c, b*d); } //Note that the return invokes the constructor
Stream Insertion and Extraction - Implement //Inserting a Rational void Rational::Insert(ostream &sout) const { //output as a/b sout << GetNumerator() << '/' << GetDenominator(); return; } //Extracting a Rational void Rational::Extract(istream &sin) { //input a/b int numer; int denom; char slash; sin >> numer >> slash >> denom; SetNumerator(numerb); SetDenominator(denom); }
Operator implementation Again, one example: Rational operator+(const Rational &r, const Rational &s) { return r.Add(s); }
Automatic member functions C++ automatically makes copy constructor available: e.g. Rational r(1,2); Rational s(r); //s is copy constructed from r C++ also automatically makes assignment available, e.g. Rational t = r; C++ automatically makes destructor member function available, ~Rational() -Restrictions: no parameters, no return value
Explicit Implementation //Rational copy constructor Rational::Rational(const Rational &r) { int a = r.getDenominator(); int b = r.getNumerator(); SetNumerator(b); SetDenominator(a); } //Rational: destructor Rational::~Rational() { } //Rational: assignment operator Rational& Rational::operator=(const Rational &r) { int a = r.GetDenominator(); int b = r.GetNumerator(); SetNumerator(b); SetDenominator(a); return *this; }
What is *this ? this is a keyword for the address of the object whose member function is being invoked * is the dereferencing operator *this is the value of the object at that address
Putting it all together 1. Create rational.h file with class definitions 2. Create rational.cpp file with implementations for member functions 3. Compile: g++ -c rational.cpp 4. Create a simple driver program using the class, e.g. call example program, testrat.cpp 5. Compile the driver g++ -c testrat.cpp 5. Link the driver to the class module: g++ -o testrat testrat.o rational.o
Other possible member functions for Rational class ● operator += (and other op=) ● operator == ● ++, --
MyComplex Class ● Using example of Rational Class, walk through construction of user-defined Complex Class
Point Class ● 2 dimensional point ● attributes: x,y ● methods: – Constructor (s) – move – parameters1 : x,y coordinates, parameters 2: another point – draw – for now, just print out – ?? Other functions
Integral Class ● ref: Yang ● evaluate definite integrals ● attributes: – lower and upper bounds – pointer to a function
Integral Class typedef double (*pfn)(double); //defining a function ptr class integral { double lower; double upper; pfn integrand; //integrand function public: integral(double a, double b, pfn f) { lower = a; upper = b; integrand = f; } double lowbd() const {return lower;}; double upbd() const {return upper;} void changebd(double, double); double trapezoidal(int) const; friend double simpson(integral, int); } ;
Integral Class Use Example int main() { integral di(0,5, sin); double result = di.trapezoidal(100); cout << result << endl; //change bounds di.changebd(3,7); result = di.trapezoidal(100); cout << result << endl; result = simpson(di, 200); cout << result << endl; }
Class MyVector Class MyVector: a vector Data: plain array Functions: subscripting, change length, assignment to another vector, inner product with another vector,... This example is for illustration only. A vector class is defined in the Standard Template Library
MyVector - functionality Create vectors of a specified length: MyVector v(n); Create a vector with zero length: MyVector v; Redimension a vector to length n: v.redim(n); Create a vector as a copy of another vector w: MyVector v(w); Extract the length of the vector: const int n = v.size();
More functionality Extract an entry: double e = v(i); Assign a number to an entry: v(j) = e; Set two vectors equal to each other: w = v; Take the inner product of two vectors: double a = w.inner(v); or alternatively a = inner(w,v);
More functionality Write a vector to the screen: v.print(…); Arithmetic operations with vectors… It is assumed that the example syntax would be defined in the MyVector class. MyVector consists of the data in the vector, the length of the vector, as well as a set of member functions for operating on the vector data Users can only operate on the vector data using the member Functions
MyVector class possible definition class MyVector { private: double* A; // vector entries (C-array) int length; void allocate (int n); // allocate memory, length=n void deallocate(); // free memory public: MyVector (); // MyVector v; MyVector (int n); // MyVector v(n); MyVector (const MyVector& w); // MyVector v(w); ~MyVector (); // clean up dynamic memory bool redim (int n); // v.redim(m); MyVector& operator= (const MyVector& w);// v = w; double operator() (int i) const; // a = v(i); double& operator() (int i); // v(i) = a; void print (ostream& o) const; // v.print(cout); double inner (const MyVector& w) const; // a = v.inner(w); int size () const { return length; } // n = v.size(); / operators: MyVector operator* (double a, const MyVector& v); // u = a*v; MyVector operator* (const MyVector& v, double a); // u = v*a; MyVector operator+ (const MyVector& a, const MyVector& b); // u = a+b;
Constructors - I MyVector v; // declare a vector of length 0 // this actually means calling the function MyVector::MyVector () { A = NULL; length = 0; }
Constructors II MyVector v(n); // declare a vector of length n // means calling the function MyVector::MyVector (int n) { allocate(n); } void MyVector::allocate (int n) { length = n; A = new double[n]; // create n doubles in memory }
Destructor A MyVector object is created (dynamically) at run time, but must also be destroyed when it is no longer in use. The destructor specifies how to destroy the object: MyVector::~MyVector () { deallocate(); } // free dynamic memory: void MyVector::deallocate () { delete [] A; }
Assignment Operator Set a vector equal to another vector: // v and w are MyVector objects v = w; means calling: MyVector& MyVector::operator= (const MyVector& w) // for setting v = w; { redim (w.size()); // make v as long as w int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // (C++ arrays start at 0) A[i] = w.A[i]; return *this; } // return of *this, i.e. a MyVector&, allows nested // assignments: u = v = u_vec = v_vec;
Redimensioning Length Change the length of an already allocated MyVector object: v.redim(n); // make a v of length n Implementation: bool MyVector::redim (int n) { if (length == n) return false; // no need to allocate anything else { if (A != NULL) { / "this" object has already allocated memory deallocate(); } //end if allocate(n); return true; // the length was changed } //end else }
Copy Constructor Create a new vector as a copy of an existing one: MyVector v(w); // take a copy of w MyVector::MyVector (const MyVector& w) { allocate (w.size()); // "this" object gets w’s length *this = w; // call operator= } this is a pointer to the current (“this”) object, *this is the object itself
Subscripting // a and v are MyVector objects; want to set a(j) = v(i+1); // the meaning of a(j) is defined by inline double& MyVector::operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; // base index is 1 (not 0 as in C/C++) } Inline functions: function body is copied to calling code, no overhead of function call! Note: inline is just a hint to the compiler; there is no guarantee that the compiler really inlines the function Why return a double reference? double& MyVector::operator() (int i) { return A[i-1]; } // returns a reference (‘‘pointer’’) directly to A[i-1] // such that the calling code can change A[i-1]