COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 1 COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems Lecture 7: Arithmetic and logic Instructions Lecturer: Hui Wu Session 2, 2004
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 2 Arithmetic and Logic Instructions in AVR Sample AVR Assembly Programs Using AL instructions Overview
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 3 AVR Instruction Overview Load/store architecture At most two operands in each instruction Most instructions are two bytes long Some instructions are 4 bytes long Four Categories: Arithmetic and logic instructions Program control instruction Data transfer instruction Bit and bit test instructions
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 4 General-Purpose Registers in AVR 32 general-purpose registers named r0, r1, …, r31 in AVR assembly language Broken into two parts: with 16 registers each, r0 to r15 and r16 to r31. Each register is also assigned a memory address in SRAM space. Register r0 and r26 through r31 have additional functions. or0 is used in the instruction LPM (load program memory) oRegisters x (r27 : r26), y (r29 : r28) and z (r31 : r30) are used as pointer registers Most instructions that operate on the registers have direct, single cycle access to all general registers. Some instructions such as sbci, subi, cpi, andi, ori and ldi operates only on a subset of registers.
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 5 General-Purpose Registers in AVR (Cont.) Address 0x00 0x01 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F r0 r1 r26 r27 r28 r29 r30 r31 x register low byte x register high byte y register low byte y register high byte z register low byte z register high byte
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 6 Selected Arithmetic and Logic Instructions add, adc, inc sub, sbc, dec mul, muls, mulsu and, or, eor clr, cbr, cp, cpc, cpi, tst com, neg Refer to the main textbook (Pages 63~67) and AVR Instruction Set for the complete list of AL instructions.
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 7 Add without Carry Syntax: add Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd + Rr Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: add r1, r2 ; Add r2 to r1 add r28, r28 ; Add r28 to itself
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 8 Add with Carry Syntax: adc Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd + Rr + C Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: Add r1 : r0 to r3 : r2 add r2, r0 ; Add low byte adc r3, r1 ; Add high byte Comments: adc is used in multi-byte addition.
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 9 Increment Syntax: inc Rd Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd+1 Flags affected: S, V, N, C Encoding: d dddd 1011 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: clr r22 ; clear r22 loop: inc r22 ; Increment r22 cpi r22, $4F ; compare r22 to $4F brne loop ; Branch to loop if not equal nop ; Continue (do nothing
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 10 Subtract without Carry Syntax: sub Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd–Rr Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: sub r13, r12 ; Subtract r12 from r13
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 11 Subtract with Carry Syntax: sbc Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd–Rr–C Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: Subtract r1:r0 from r3:r2 sub r2, r0 ; Subtract low byte sbc r3, r1 ; Subtract with carry high byte Comments: sbc is used in multi-byte subtraction
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 12 Decrement Syntax: dec Rd Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd–1 Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: d dddd 1010 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: ldi r17, $10 ; Load constant in r17 loop: add r1, r2 ; Add r2 to r1 dec r17 ; Decrement r17 brne loop; ; Branch to loop if r17 0 nop ; Continue (do nothing)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 13 Multiply Unsigned Syntax: mul Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: r1, r0 Rr*Rd (unsigned unsigned * unsigned ) Flags affected: Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Example: mul r6, r5 ; Multiply r6 and r5 mov r6, r1 mov r5, r0 ; Copy result back in r6 : r5
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 14 Multiply Signed Syntax: muls Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r16, r17, …, r31} Operation: r1, r0 Rr*Rd (signed signed * signed ) Flags affected: Z, C Encoding: dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 2 Example: mul r17, r16 ; Multiply r6 and r5 movw r17:r16, r1:r0 ; Copy result back in r17 : r16
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 15 Multiply Signed with Unsigned Syntax: mulsu Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r16, r17, …, r23} Operation: r1, r0 Rr*Rd (signed signed * unsigned ) Flags affected: Z, C C is set if bit 15 of the result is set; cleared otherwise. Encoding: ddd 0rrr Words: 1 Cycles: 2
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 16 Multiply Signed with Unsigned (Cont.) Example: Signed multiply of two 16-bit numbers stored in r23:r22 and r21:r20 with 32-bit result stored in r19:r18:r17:r16 How to do? Let ah and al be the high byte and low byte, respectively, of the multiplicand and bh and bb the high byte and low byte, respectively, of the multiplier. ah : al * bh : bb = (ah* al) * (bh* 2 8 +bb) = ah*bh* al*bh* ah*bb*2 8 + al*bb
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 17 Multiply Signed with Unsigned (Cont.) Example: Signed multiply of two 16-bit numbers stored in r23:r22 and r21:r20 with 32-bit result stored in r19:r18:r17:r16 muls16x16_32: clr r2 muls r23, r21 ; (signed) ah * (signed) bh movw r19 : r18, r1 : r0 mul r22, r20 ; (unsigned) al * (unsigned) bl movw r17 : r16, r1: r0 mulsu r23, r20 ; (signed) ah * (unsigned) bl sbc r19, r2 ; Trick here (Hint: what does the carry mean here?) add r17, r0 adc r18, r1 adc r19, r2 mulsu r21, r22 ; (signed) bh * (unsigned) al sbc r19, r2 ; Trick here add r17, r0 adc r18, r1 adc r19, r2 ret
18 Lower-Case to Upper-Case.include "".equ size =5.def counter 0x100 ; Set the starting address of data segment to 0x100 Cap_string:.byte 5.cseg Low_string:.db "hello" ldi zl, low(Low_string<<1) ; Get the low byte of the address of "h" ldi zh, high(Low_string<<1) ; Get the high byte of the address of "h" ldi yh, high(Cap_string) ldi yl, low(Cap_string) clr counter ; counter=0
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 19 main: lpm r20, z+ ; Load a letter from flash memory subi r20, 32 ; Convert it to the capital letter st y+,r20 ; Store the capital letter in SRAM inc counter cpi counter, size brlt main loop: nop rjmp loop Lower-Case to Upper-Case (Cont.)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 20 The carry flag has three different meanings in AVR: C is the borrow from bit 7 in the conventional non-two’s complement subtraction in sub, sbc, cp, cpi and cpc. In other words, C is set to 1 iff the absolute value of the contents of the source register is greater than that of the destination register. In this case, C is actually the result of unsigned comparison. C is bit 15 of the result in mul, muls and mulsu. It is used in multi-byte multiplication. C is the carry from MSB of the result in add, adc, adiw and other instructions. Carry Flag
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 21 How to set C? In sub, sbc, cp, cpi and cpc: C = NOT(Rd7) Rr7+ Rr7 R7 +R7 NOT(Rd7) Where Rd7 is bit 7 of the byte in destination register Rd, Rr7 is bit 7 of the byte in source register Rr in sub, cp and cpi, or bit 7 of (Rr)+C in sbc and cpc, and R7 is bit 7 of the result. is the logical AND. + is the logical OR. Carry Flag (Cont.)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 22 How to set C? In mul, muls and mulsu, C= R15 Where R15 is bit 15 of the result. In add, adc, adiw and other instructions: C= Rd7 Rr7 +Rr7 NOT(R7) + NOT(R7) Rd7 Where the meanings of Rd7, Rr7 and R7 are the same as before. Carry Flag (Cont.)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 23 The sign flag in the status register is the result of signed comparison. S=V N (Exclusive OR between V and N) Where V=NOT(Rd7) NOT(Rr7) R7 + Rd7 Rr7 NOT(R7) S=1 implies a negative result. S=0 implies non-negative result. S is used in signed comparison. Refer to AVR Instructions Set for details. Sign Flag
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 24 Bitwise AND Syntax: and Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rr · Rd (Bitwise AND Rr and Rd) Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: ldi r2, 0b ldi r16, 1 and r2, r16 ; r2=0b
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 25 Bitwise OR Syntax: or Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rr v Rd (Bitwise OR Rr and Rd) Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: ldi r15, 0b ldi r16, 0b or r15, r16 ; Do bitwise or between registers ; r15=0b
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 26 Bitwise Exclusive-OR Syntax: eor Rd, Rr Operands: Rd, Rr {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rr Rd (Bitwise exclusive OR Rr and Rd) Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: eor r4, r4 ; Clear r4 eor r0, r22 ; Bitwise exclusive or between r0 and r22 ; If r0=0b and r22=0b ; then r0=0b
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 27 Clear Bits in Register Syntax: cbr Rd, k Operands: Rd {r16, r17, …, r31} and 0 k 255 Operation: Rd Rd · ($FF-k) (Clear the bits specified by k ) Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: 0111 wwww dddd wwww (wwwwwwww=$FF-k) Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: cbr r4, 11 ; Clear bits 0 and 1 of r4.
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 28 Compare Syntax: cp Rd, Rr Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd–Rr (Rd is not changed) Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: cp r4, r5 ; Compare r4 with r19 brne noteq ; Branch if r4 r19... noteq: nop ; Branch destination (do nothing)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 29 Compare with Carry Syntax: cpc Rd, Rr Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd–Rr–C (Rd is not changed) Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: rd dddd rrrr Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: ; Compare r3:r2 with r1:r0 cp r2, r0 ; Compare low byte cpc r3, r1 ; Compare high byte brne noteq ; Branch if not equal... noteq: nop ; Branch destination (do nothing)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 30 Compare with Immediate Syntax: cpi Rd, k Operands: Rd {r16, r17, …, r31} and 0 k 255 Operation: Rd – k (Rd is not changed) Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C Encoding: 0011 kkkk dddd kkkk Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: cp r19, 30 ; Compare r19 with 30 brne noteq ; Branch if r19 noteq: nop ; Branch destination (do nothing)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 31 Test for Zero or Minus Syntax: tst Rd Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd Rd · Rd Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: dd dddd dddd Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: tst r0 ; Test r0 breq zero ; Branch if r0=0... zero: nop ; Branch destination (do nothing)
COMP3221: Microprocessors and Embedded Systems--Lecture 7 32 One's Complement Syntax: com Rd Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd $FF – Rd Flags affected: S, V, N, Z Encoding: d dddd 0000 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: com r4 ; Take one's complement of r4 breq zero ; Branch if zero... zero: nop ; Branch destination (do nothing)
33 Two's Complement Syntax: neg Rd Operands: Rd {r0, r1, …, r31} Operation: Rd $00 – Rd (The value of $80 is left unchanged) Flags affected: H, S, V, N, Z, C H: R3 + Rd3 Set if there is a borrow from bit 3; cleared otherwise Encoding: d dddd 0001 Words: 1 Cycles: 1 Example: sub r11,r0 ;Subtract r0 from r11 brpl positive ;Branch if result positive neg r11 ;Take two's complement of r11 positive: nop ;Branch destination (do nothing)