Joakim Pagels Div. Aerosol Technology (EAT) Secondary Aerosol Formation from Combustion Aerosols
Improved understanding of the contribution from combustion sources to secondary aerosol formation, importance for both health and climate Primary and secondary emission factors Influence of transformation on composition, morphology, hygroscopic properties and optical properties Implement in-situ techniques to determine composition and morphology Sources studied in chamber upon UV and O 3 exposure Biomass combustion/Wood smoke emissions Engine emissions Indoor sources, e.g. Incense, Fragrance products, Building material etc Field measurements in indoor and outdoor air Identify SOA signatures in indoor and outdoor air Transformations from outdoor to indoor air Objectives ? Team: Joakim Pagels, Mats Bohgard, Anders Gudmundsson, Christina Isaxon, Erik Swietlicki, Pontus Roldin, new diploma workers and external co-workers
Ongoing Projects Secondary Aerosol Formation from Anthropogenic Combustion Sources. Partners: Erik Swietlicki, Copenhagen University (Merete Bilde), Umeå University (Christoffer Boman), Insbruck University (Armin Wisthaler) Funding Period ( , 2.8 MSEK) Single Particle Chemical Composition and Mixing Characteristics of Fine and Ultrafine Particles in Indoor and Outdoor Air Partners: Erik Swietlicki Funding Period ( year Research Assistantship, MSEK) Aerosol Mass Spectrometry for Characterisation of Particles in Flue gases from Wood and Crop Fuels - A tool for Minimising Emissions. Partners: Erik Swietlicki, Umeå University (Christoffer Boman) Funding Period ( , 0.5 MSEK) Equipment for Research on Aerosols and their Effects on Climate and Human Health – Funding to buy a HR-TOF-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer PI: Erik Swietlicki, Partners: CAST Funding Period (2007, 4.5 MSEK)
Primary Biomass Emissions Organics EC Organics EC K 2 SO 4 K 2 CO 3 KCl Efficient Hot Airstarved Low Temp.
Secondary Aerosol Formation VOCs
Ageing of diesel emissions Robinson et al Science
Ageing of soot
200nm Fresh Soot: H 2 SO 4 coated Soot:
Ageing of soot Pagels et al. 2008, Khalizov et al to be submitted to AS&T 200nm Fresh Soot: H 2 SO 4 coated Soot:
Outer electrode Mass classified aerosol exit Z Aerosol entrance Inner electrode r2r2 r1r1 High voltage Aerosol Particle Mass analyzer (APM) (Ehara et al., 1997) Select particles of known mass even for agglomerates In-situ measurment of particle morphology Determine mass fractions of condensed species in secondary aerosol formation
Planned activities 2008 Implementation of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer PhD/MSc projects –Pilot study on ageing of indoor combustion aerosols (incense and ETS) using O 3 as oxidant. –Field measurements in Vavihill Implementation of Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer PhD/MSc project –Morphology and Mass-Mobility relationship of welding and candle soot agglomerates. Preparing aerosol chamber for UV exposure experiments Measurements of fresh and aged wood smoke in Umeå. Measurements of fresh and aged engine exhaust in Chamber. Field measurements using AMS in indoor and outdoor air
Other Projects/Long Term Goals A detailed understanding of the processes involved in transforming combustion aerosols in outdoor and indoor environments. –To predict influence of processing on chemical composition, hygroscoppic properties, optical properties, morphology and other health and climate relevant properties Influence of chemical composition, morphology/surface area/particle size on health effects of airborne particles –Lung deposition of highly agglomerated nano particles using modified RESPI –Apply the AMS to measure chemically resolved lung deposition –Cell exposures to complement human exposures and allow detailed studies on the influence of composition, size surface are etc on health effects –Building a deposition chamber for cell exposures which mimics deposition in the respiratory tract –Use secondary combustion aerosols in human exposure studies
Markers for Wood- and Cellulose-Burning Any Wood, Biomass, Paper, Wood Products, Cellulose containing Products: Levoglucosan