Parameterising Copulas Staple Inn Thursday, 16 th November 2006
Outline Outline & Introductions The Smith Institute The Warm-up Act Maths and Graphs An Academic Interlude Parameterising Copulas Q&A and Party Bags Drinks & Nibbles
Outline Outline & Introductions The Smith Institute The Warm-up Act Maths and Graphs An Academic Interlude Parameterising Copulas Q&A and Party Bags Drinks & Nibbles James Orr Trevor Maynard Andreas Tsanakas David Allwright James & Trevor 5 mins 15 mins 20 mins 10 mins Robert Leese 10 mins James et al 15 mins
Multiple Choice Question paper was on your seat To help capture some of tonight’s key points To encourage you to pay attention The answers are on the copulas wiki the link is on the back page of the question paper No prizes for getting them all right just a moment of “actuarial smugness”
Example Data Set
Warm Up James Orr Chair of Research Steering Committee
Dependency Modelling - Motivation Risk of simultaneous asset movements Risk of aggregate losses across business lines Common source of “extreme” events Key to ICAS and Economic Capital calculations Systemic effects drive overall performance It’s easier to cope with one thing at a time
Dependency Modelling - Spectrum Complexity Causal Factor Gas Laws Newtonian Mechanics Thermodynamics GCMs Econometrics Catastrophe Models GLMs ESGs Mortality Options Pricing Wilkie Model Annuitants Insureds Pensioners
Causal Mechanism Example 1.We’ll pick a letter of the alphabet “ ” 2.How often does “ ” appear in your first name? Call this x i (as you’re the ith delegate) 3.How often does “ ” appear in your second name? Call this y i 4.On our cue Clap x i times Stamp y i times
Our First Selected Letter A consonant h After 3… 11 22 33
Our Second Selected Letter A consonant r After 3… 11 22 33
Let’s look at our original data
Our Third Selected Letter A vowel e After 3… 11 22 33
Our Final Selected Letter A vowel a After 3… 11 22 33
Finally, let’s unpick the data a little
How did X & Y relate?