Volcanic landforms Effusive eruptions (gentle flows, lots of lava) cinder cones shield volcanoes plateau basalts Explosive eruptions (viscous lava, trapped gases) composite volcanoes calderas
Cinder cone Big Cinder Butte, Craters of the Moon, Idaho - forms small hills, less than 450 m high - black scoria rock with air bubbles
Shield volcano Mauna Loa, Hawaii Low viscosity magma Gases readily escape From this magma Effusive eruptions
Kilauea, Hawaii
Hot spot Seamounts
Plateau basalts
Composite volcano
Shield/Composite Comparison
Mount St. Helens: the day before
Flooding (from steam-melted ice and snow)
Four years later
Caldera Crater Lake, Oregon windblown ash landed in Calgary 6600 years ago
Volcanic hazards and effects hot ash (pyroclastics) steam and gas explosions lava flows poisonous gases (carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid) landslides tree blowdowns lahars (steam-melted ice and snow cause flooding and large mudflows) increase in atmospheric dust (decreased global temperatures)
Volcanic benefits new fertile soils - Hawaii, Philippines geothermal energy - Iceland, Italy, New Zealand new real estate - Iceland, Japan, Hawaii
Diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe