Mark Carey, CPA, CISA President Toll free: x101 International: x101 Business Continuity Planning Process Improvement
The Elevator Pitch You are on the elevator. The President of your company walks onto the elevator. You have 30 seconds! What do you do? The President turns to you, and asks, “What do you do here at the company?” You say…..
Why are you here? (What is wrong with your BCP processes?) We can’t get senior management support, buy- in or participation We can’t get the $ we need for our program We can’t the right people/expertise The business units won’t cooperate We can’t keep business unit recovery plans current We don’t do enough testing We have never conducted a business impact assessment
Who is to blame? The company? The CEO, CFO? My boss? My staff? Me?!?!?!
Define Success A great business continuity planning program is _______________________________________ We will be successful when we _______________________________________ In terms of benefits –For your organization –For your function and team –For yourself
The Problem with Senior Management Management challenges the numbers –Make it “real” for senior management –Typical approach/ measures often do not line up with how CEO, CFO, CIO evaluate their business and make decisions Relate program to strategy and/or business objectives Relating program to shareholder (stakeholder) value
Relating to Shareholder Value Revenue and Growth Cost Allocation of capital ROIC/WACC
Relating to Strategy Shareholder Value Levers Risks That Matter Growth Accelerate growth in current businesses Drive adoption of next generation appliances, e-services and infrastructure in high growth markets Cost and Efficiency Value Web and Organizational Efficiency Streamline decentralized operating model Total Customer experience approach Capital Take advantage of strong balance sheet Market Variables Create e-services ecosystems - place HP at the center Risk Management Culture and Infrastructure RISK MANAGEMENT CULTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE Risk Strategy Risk Management Processes Technology Functions Culture and Capability Governance IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES Senior Management Validation and Support eRisk Rapid Response (eR 3 ) Process Risk Coverage Mapping Risk Management Workbench Detailed Risk Analysis eBusiness Risk Management Benchmark Customer Facing Business Models Virtual Supply Chain Partnerships and Alliances e-Business Infrastructure Venture Capital Investments Human Resource Organizational Change/Allocation of Resources Intellectual Property
Defining your customers Who are your customers? –Senior management, business managers, line personnel, end customers, government regulators What is their problem (pain)? –Past interruptions, SLAs with customers, single points of failure, loss of data, vital records, etc. How do you solve that problem? Can you describe how your program solves that problem in 30 seconds or less?
The Elevator Pitch You are on the elevator. The President of your company walks onto the elevator. You have 30 seconds! What do you do? The President turns to you, and asks, “What do you do here at the company?” You say…..
Conducting a BIA/needs analysis How will a business interruption impact shareholder value? How will strategic initiatives be impacted? Who are your key customers? What is their pain? How would they like you to solve it? Where are the gaps?
The Needs Analysis/Program Matrix Program Feature 1 Program Feature 2 Program Feature 3 Program Feature 4 Customer Requirement 1 Customer Requirement 2 Customer Requirement 3
How to start an insurrection Build a point of view (POV) Write a manifesto Create a coalition Pick your targets and pick your moments Co-opt and neutralize Find a translator Win small, win early and win often Isolate, infiltrate and integrate Source: “Leading the Revolution”, Gary Hamel, 2000
Challenge: Be Strategic Be Strategic - Your issues matter more now than ever Position your program as more than “just in case” Speak Language of Senior Management – “Value”
Challenge: Be Strategic Are we in alignment with organizational value drivers and strategies Can we implement our strategy effectively? Do we have the right –Organizational structure –Tools –Metrics –“Go to market” approach?
Challenge: Be Strategic Strategic Plan Implementation Framework Required Budget Metrics Organizational Change Program Management
What will you do if….. Are you being value – oriented with your career? Are you seeking out the experiences you need to improve? Are you developing your “Expert Factor”? –Conferences –Articles –Other Develop your plan Ask your consultants/services providers to assist you