Course Outline Process Overview for Course Convenors
Course Outline Process Overview The following slides will prepare you to: Navigate through the Course Outline system panels accessible to Course Convenors Check the courses you are registered to convene Upload and submit Course Outlines for approval/publication Revise submitted Course Outlines View the School/Department’s Course Outlines
Course Outline Publication Deadlines The Course Outline Requirements policy advises Course Outlines are to be published to the Course Outlines Website by the following deadlines: Semester 1 courses: First week of February Semester 2 courses: Week 15 of semester 1 Semester 3 courses: Week 15 of semester 2
Course Outline Template The Course Outline is an official and public University document that contains commitments about the: learning objectives and outcomes of the course course content, organisation, and teaching methods purpose, scope and timing of assessment for the course management of student-teacher communications and support for student learning The Course Outline Template prescribes the minimum content, structure, and style for all Course Outlines.
Cover page Course Identifying Information Section A Teaching, Learning, Assessment Section B Additional Course Information Convenor completes and uploads Section C Key University Information Course Outline Template Document structure The template has three parts:
Course Outline Template: Cover page
Course Outline Template: ‘BODY’BODY
Course Outline Template: Section C
Course Outline System Web-based system to support the process of creating, approving, monitoring and publishing Course Outlines Accessed via the Griffith Portal System users are Griffith staff (no student access to system) System builds Course Outlines using the three-part Course Outline template
Course Outline System System assumptions One Course Outline per course code per semester One convenor per campus A ‘primary’ convenor is designated to submit the Course Outline for a multi-campus course with two or more convenors Access to system panels is determined by a user’s role (eg Course Convenor, HOS, SAO)
Scenario: A Course Convenor in the Department of Marketing submits a Course Outline for a course with major changes since the last offering. The Head of Department, as Chair of the Department Committee, recommends the course to the Griffith Business School Board. The Board ’ s approval of the revised course is recorded in the Course Outline system. Course Outline System Overview of system function
Course Convenor steps 1. Login to the Griffith Portal
2. Select ‘My Convenorships’ under ‘Course Administration’:
4. Select to submit a Course Outline
5. Click to check cover page text
6. Select to locate and upload file
Locate and upload file
7. Enter submission comments
8. Flag appropriate ‘ Modified Sections ’
9. Flag New Course/Major Changes, if appropriate
10. Select
returns Convenor to ‘My Convenorships’ and status is now ‘Submitted’ End of Course Convenor steps
Head of School/Department (New courses and major changes only) 1. Receives advising a Course Outline requiring Committee consideration has been submitted 2. Logs in to the Griffith Portal 3. Under Course Administration Select ‘School Summary’
Notes approval is required and selects to Manage Approval
returns HOS to ‘School Summary’ and status is now ‘Recommended’ End of Head of School steps
Dean/Secretary to Faculty Board (ASO) 1. Receives advising the Course Outline has been recommended for Faculty Board consideration 2. Logs in to the Griffith Portal 3. Under Course Administration Select ‘Faculty Approval Summary’
Selects to Manage Approval
returns the user to the ‘Faculty Summary’ (Course no longer appears as it is now approved) End of Dean/ASO steps
Head of School/SAO/PSO 1. Receives advising the Course Outline has been approved by Faculty Board 2. Logs in to the Griffith Portal 3. Under Course Administration Select ‘School Summary’
Head of School/SAO/PSO selects Course Outline for publication
Publication Status is now ‘ Ready to Publish ’
Approval Log/Comments records all actions
System converts Course Outline to.pdf and publishes to the Course Outlines website
Course Outline System Supports Griffith’s approved Course Outline process Assists Schools to ensure all courses are supported by a current Course Outline available to students in a timely manner in a central location Draws course data from the PeopleSoft system to ensure consistency between the Course Outline and the Course Catalogue
Course Outline System Includes workflows for Head of School and Dean consideration of Course Outlines which are new or have major changes Provides relevant staff with early access to course information Replicates Course Outlines to the web for student access Retains an archive of approved Course Outlines
Support Resources The Course Outlines page in the Griffith Institute for Higher Education (GIHE) website provides support materials including:Griffith Institute for Higher Education A guide to writing Course Outlines An introduction to curriculum design The Course Outline System User Guide Example Course Outlines Links to relevant University policies
Course Management Evaluation process (implemented semester 1, 2005) Policy on Student Evaluation of Courses Policy on Student Evaluation of Teaching Course Outline process (implemented semester 1, 2006) Course Approval and Evaluation Policy Course Outline Requirements Policy on Course Catalogue, Coding and other Course Attributes Role of the Course Convenor Relevant Policies
In your School/Department 1.Course Convenor access to the Course Outline system i.Head of School/Department confirms the Course Convenors for the coming semester ii.SAO/PSO records Course Convenor details in PeopleSoft_Student iii.These details flow to the Course Outline system, providing Course Convenors with access to appropriate courses, as well as populating the cover page of the Course Outline template.
In your School/Department 2.Internal School/Department deadlines for Course Outlines Heads of School/Department are encouraged to set internal deadlines for Course Outlines to allow time for considering Course Outline content
In your School/Department 3.Note the implications of one Course Outline per course code per semester for your courses All campuses to be reflected in one Course Outline [eg NA & GC] Courses with different course codes to have separate Course Outlines [eg 1141AES Maths for the Environment (10CP) and 1144AES Maths for the Environment (8CP), 1012EPS Introduction to Education and 1013CTL Introduction to Education] On Campus and Off Campus in one Course Outline
In your School/Department 4.For multi-campus courses with two or more convenors, the Head of School/Department will designate a ‘primary’ convenor The ‘primary’ convenor: is the individual responsible for submitting the Course Outline via the Course Outline system must be registered as the Course Convenor for one campus at least is not a role communicated to students
In your School/Department 5.Check for School-level information to be included in all Course Outlines For example, information about: submitting assessment items requesting extensions/penalties for late submission grade descriptions School/Department resources
Course Outline Template: Queries should be directed to your Group Academic Services Officer (Secretary to Faculty Board). Contact details are in the Griffith Phone Book under University Administration Academic Administration Secretariat. Course Outline System: If ‘Course Outlines’ does not appear in the Enterprise Menu in the Griffith Portal or a course is missing from your ‘My Convenorships’ list, please see your School Admin Officer/ Program Service Officer to check that you are registered as the convenor. If you encounter system errors in the Course Outline System, please contact Business Systems Support on Contacts
Curriculum Design: Details of academic staff in the Griffith Institute for Higher Education who can provide assistance with curriculum design and academic issues associated with writing course outlines are provided at: Contacts
You should now be familiar with: The Course Outline publication deadlines Outcomes The structure and format of the Course Outline template The structure and function of the Course Outline system panels accessible to Course Convenors
You should now be able to: Navigate through the Course Outline system panels relevant to your user role Check system information to populate the Course Outline cover page Upload and submit Course Outlines for publication Monitor your School/Department’s Course Outlines (Program Convenors) [END] Outcomes