Ceng Operating Systems i-1 Course Title : Ceng 334 Operating Systems Lecturer : Prof. F. Payidar Genç Room A-409
Ceng Operating Systems i-2 Lecture Hours Section 1: –Monday 9:40 – 10:40 BMB 4 –Wednesday 12:40 BMB 4 Section 2: –Monday 12:40 BMB 4 –Wednesday 9:40 – 10:40 BMB 4
Ceng Operating Systems i-3 Exam Dates Midterm 1.. 5’th April 2003 (Monday) Midterm 2.. 5’th May 2003 (Wednesday) Final.. To be announced Exams are common for both sections
Ceng Operating Systems i-4 Exams All my exams are open book, notebook etc. except bringing a friend who has taken the course before. An English to Turkish dictionary is strongly recommended. You are strongly advised to solve most of the problems at the end of the chapters covered in class.
Ceng Operating Systems i-5 Text Book(s) Modern Operating Systems, 2/e, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall 2001 Book Material: / Book Description: Operating System Projects Using Windows NT, Gary Nutt, Addison-Wesley 1999 Book Description: Author’s web site:
Ceng Operating Systems i-6 Course Material & etc. All of the material (slides, past exams etc.) are all in my web site. I’ll be using a mixture of my own slides and the slides provided by Tanenbaum in the book web site (refer to the links on the previous slide) You do not have to take detailed notes during the lectures but a copy of the lecture slides may be handy to take short notes. A Ceng 334 discussion list will be provided so that we (me & our asst.) can make announcements. You may also use the list for inter-class communication.
Ceng Operating Systems i-7 Course Outline Introduction (Chapter 1) - 1 week Processes and Threads (Chapter 2) – 3 weeks Deadlocks (Chapter 3) – 1 week Memory Management (Chapter 4) File Systems (Chapter 6) Input/output (Chapter 5) Multimedia Operating Systems (Chapter 7) Case Study 1: UNIX (Chapter10) Case Study 2: Windows 2000 (Chapter 11) Note: Chapter numbers are from the text book
Ceng Operating Systems i-8 Grading Project and homeworks (15%) Two midterm exams (25% each) Final exam (35%)
Ceng Operating Systems i-9 Attendance Attendance to lectures are expected from all students although I won’t hold an attendance sheet If the number of students in any class hour is less than the 10% of the class size, I won’t lecture but the class will be responsible from the course material
Ceng Operating Systems i-10 Assistant Burçak Otlu Telephone:(+90) Fax:(+90) Office:A 302 Personal Web Page: