CU Difference Committee January 22, 2009 Michigan Credit Union Center, Livonia, MI
Web/Telephone Conference Guidelines Muting and Unmuting On the phone, participants can mute their own lines by pressing *6 and unmute them by pressing *7. Please DO NOT place your phone on hold, as the participants will hear any on-hold messages/music.
Agenda I.CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL II.MINUTES III.REPORTS A.Chairman Darren Cameron B.MCUL President & CEO/Committee Ex-Officio David Adams IV.INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A.2009 Campaign Plan V.ADJOURNMENT
I. Call to Order Call to Order Roll Call
II. Minutes Approval of the November 19, 2008, Meeting Minutes Approval of the December 19, 2008, Meeting Minutes Approval of the December 23, 2008, Meeting Minutes
III. Reports Chairman Darren Cameron MCUL President & CEO/Committee Ex-Officio David Adams
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Background CU Difference Campaign messages focus on key credit union membership benefits: Trust/safety Deposits insured to $250,000 by NCUA Better rates Lower fees Free ATMs Everyone can join Call to action:
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Addition to Campaign Add Invest in America as a key message Significant automotive discount program Great member enhancement Great potential to attract new credit union members Fits with the CU mantra, especially in difficult times, CUs are here to help Short window of opportunity to make Invest in America successful so that this membership benefit is not lost
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Creative Strategy Creative focuses on various consumer segments and why they love and trust their credit unions
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Creative Strategy Adding Invest in America is a natural fit with the creative strategy
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Creative Strategy All creative will utilize the theme 80% of messaging will focus on Invest in America benefits 20% on other key benefits of credit union membership
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Media Strategy Primary medium: Radio One spot focused on Chrysler One spot focused on GM Two spots focused on brand messaging Collateral materials Considering Invest in America materials, what brand-focused materials do we need? –Lobby posters –Direct mail postcards –Web banner for CU sites Outdoor Advertising Investigating outdoor media as part of plan
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Media Plan Interactive Media Content will support various interactive media components Search Engine Marketing Content and Unpaid Search Online Ad Placement Social Networking Viral Marketing Social and News Media Marketing Oriented Web Site Google Yahoo MSN Written Video Podcast Google Other Campaign FaceBook YouTube Flicker Blogger Credit Unions League & Partners Dealership Members Story Starters Social Media Mass Media Auto Sites Existing Members Potential Members Media Partners
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Media Funding $1.5 million to $2 million media spend MCUL/CUcorp had committed $1 million in matching funds Need to raise $750k to $1 million from credit unions Fundraising is underway with deadline of Jan 30
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan 2009 DMA Chart as of # of CUs # of CUs PaidDMA 2009 Supplemental Voluntary Dues Assessment (SVDA) Previous BalanceInterestPaidBalance 60ALPENA$53,257.07$8,043.04$3.01$0.00$8, CASS/BERRIEN (SOUTH BEND)$8,450.00$231.84$4.47$2,279.12$2, DETROIT$1,121,935.56$53,848.17$122.78$115,555.03$169, FL-SG-Bay$382,272.33$62,257.47$38.31$22,062.99$84, GR-KA-BC$532,651.17$23,964.62$67.35$45,974.60$70, Lansing$200,440.17$42,407.47$15.57$2,867.40$45, MARQUETTE$42,134.40$8,503.75$8.92$10,688.89$19, TRAVERSE CITY$186,839.48$3,868.23$12.44$0.00$3, TOTAL$2,527,980.18$203,124.59$272.85$199,428.03$402, Previous Balance column does not include some outstanding media invoices.
IV. Informational Items 2009 Campaign Plan Campaign Timeframe weeks Beginning in February Targeting February 15 start
V. Adjournment Next meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009, at 10 a.m. MCUL’s new headquarters in Lansing 101 South Washington Square, Suite 900 Adjourn