New Physics in B decays 3 rd International Conference on Flavor Physics Oct.3-8, 2005 National Central University, Taiwan Tadashi Yoshikawa (Nagoya U.


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Presentation transcript:

New Physics in B decays 3 rd International Conference on Flavor Physics Oct.3-8, 2005 National Central University, Taiwan Tadashi Yoshikawa (Nagoya U. ) This talk is based on C.S.Kim, Y.J.Kwon,Jake Lee and T. Y. hep-ph/ This talk is based on C.S.Kim, Y.J.Kwon,Jake Lee and T. Y. hep-ph/

Before LP05 There were quite large discrepancies in CP asymmetries. There were quite large discrepancies in CP asymmetries. After LP05

The discrepancies were substantially reduced !! The discrepancies were substantially reduced !! Almost consistent with the SM !! Almost consistent with the SM !! Our task is to find the evidence of Our task is to find the evidence of New Physics if they are cleverly New Physics if they are cleverly hiding behind the SM. hiding behind the SM.

Where is the origin ? Using the topological diagrammatic decomposition: P : QCD Penguin, S: QCD Singlet Penguin C : color suppressed tree, P EW : EW penguin P s, S s, P EW s : b  sss penguin processes P : QCD Penguin, S: QCD Singlet Penguin C : color suppressed tree, P EW : EW penguin P s, S s, P EW s : b  sss penguin processes

B decays Tr ee QCD Peng uin Color suppressed tree ElectroWeak Penguin (P EW ) Annihilation Singlet QCD Penguin Color suppressed EW Penguin (P C EW ) Gronau, Hernandez, London, Rosner b

Comparison by CP asymmetry Time-dependent CP asymmetry: A f  direct CP violation S f  mixing CP violation :  M (phase of B-B mixing) ~  1  D (phase of A(B  f) ) Almost 0!!

New Physics window is still remaining !

How to get ? 1. S J /  VS b  s penguin processes 2. Among b  s penguins: S  K, S  ’ K, S K  3. Between Bd decays and Bs decays 4. b  s penguin VS b  d penguin processes. You can distinguish where the origin comes from!!

For example

Case B : B-1 ) The difference comes from the weak phase for C. Time-dependent CP asymmetry are To reduce both S f s from sin2    is Slightly difficult because of the different of the sigh!!

B-2 ) case B-1 + new weak phase. Lower bound of S  under  A  ’K = 0.08  0.07,  A K  = 0.02  0.13,  S K  = 0.31  0.26 Lower bound of S  under  A  ’K = 0.08  0.07,  A K  = 0.02  0.13,  S K  = 0.31  0.26 r > 0.1,  EXP. bound Need large r (~ C / P) !! Other hand, In SM, r ~ O(0.01)

In Case D: S  K ~ S  ’ K ~ S K  How to distinguish ? Consider using B s decays !! We can get information because no phase in Bs mixing.

B d decays + B s decays b S, d s

Pure penguin process Pure EW penguin process ( if C is negligible ) We will extract each information about New phase including each diagram.

Conclusion Time-dependent CP asymmetries may include some fruitful information about New Physics. Time-dependent CP asymmetries may include some fruitful information about New Physics. Comparing among S f s, one may find the type of New Physics. Comparing among S f s, one may find the type of New Physics. Several Bs decays may help resolve to distinguish the origin of New Physics! Several Bs decays may help resolve to distinguish the origin of New Physics! B s   ’, Bs   ’ , Bs  K 0 K 0 will give us some very important information where the new CP phases come from.