Le Futur OBJECTIVES Saying what you are going to do Using the immediate future and the simple future
You have learned lots of verbs in the present tense. They are all very useful when you want to talk about what is happening now, or every day. But you may want to talk about things that haven’t happened yet, that are in the future.
Je vais + manger – I am going to eat One way of doing this is to use the immediate future (in French the futur proche). This is really easy. All you do is take the present tense of the verb aller (to go) and put an infinitive on the end. Je vais – I go / I am going Je vais + manger – I am going to eat But do you remember the verb aller?
Decide if what you hear is a future or not and then in the box provided write what you hear in French and the translation in English Answers appear one by one on mouseclick. Check
Decide if what you hear is a future or not and then in the box provided write what you hear in French and the translation in English Answers appear one by one on mouseclick.
LE FUTUR simple Now another way of saying things in the future is to use: LE FUTUR SIMPLE
Il/Elle/On –a Ils/Elles -ont LE FUTUR simple Verbs ending in ER Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) example: (to eat) = manger add the following endings Je –ai Nous -ons Tu –as Vous -ez Il/Elle/On –a Ils/Elles -ont
LE FUTUR simple I will eat je mangerai You will eat Tu mangeras He will eat Il mangera She will eat Elle mangera We will eat Nous mangerons You will eat Vous mangerez They will eat Ils/elles mangeront
Il/Elle/On –a Ils/Elles -ont LE FUTUR simple 2. Verbs ending in IR Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) example: (to finish) = finir Add the same endings as you would for –ER verbs: Je –ai Nous -ons Tu –as Vous -ez Il/Elle/On –a Ils/Elles -ont
I will finish je finirai You will finish Tu finiras He will finish Il finira She will finish Elle finira We will finish Nous finirons Vous finirez They will finish Ils/elles finiront
3. Verbs ending in RE Take the infinitive (the form of the verb you find in the dictionary) example: (to sell) = vendre get rid of e = vendr Add the following endings: Je –ai Nous -ons Tu –as Vous -ez Il/Elle/On –a Ils/Elles -ont *Yes, they’re the same endings as for –ER and –IR verbs!
I will sell je vendrai You will sell Tu vendras He will sell Il vendra She will sell Elle vendra We will sell Nous vendrons Vous vendrez They will sell Ils/elles vendront
Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles Check Now can you find the future of the following verbs Write them in the table in the next slide: Regarder (je), écouter (tu), chanter (il), danser (nous), choisir (vous), apprendre (elles), prendre (tu), ouvrir (tu), mentir (elles), sentir (vous), rigoler (nous), mettre (je) , penser (il), croire , fermer (nous), étudier (elles), bavarder (je), ranger (tu) , sortir (nous), aimer (vous), jouer (tu), répondre (il), rester (vous), rentrer (il), prêter (vous), acheter (je) , perdre (tu) , fumer (vous), boire (il), voler (nous). Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles Check
Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles Regarder (je), écouter (tu), chanter (il), danser (nous), choisir (vous), apprendre (elles), prendre (tu), ouvrir (tu), mentir (elles), sentir (vous), rigoler (nous), mettre (je) , penser (il), croire (tu) , fermer (nous), étudier (elles), bavarder (je), ranger (tu) , sortir (nous), aimer (vous), jouer (tu), répondre (il), rester (vous), rentrer (il), prêter (vous), acheter (je) , perdre (je) , fumer (vous), boire (il), voler (nous). Je Tu Il/elle Nous Vous Ils/elles
There are some verbs which do not follow this pattern; here are some of them: Etre (to be) je serai Avoir (to have) j’aurai Faire (to do/to make) Je ferai Aller (to go) J’irai Pouvoir (to be able to) Je pourrai
Infinitive stem future translation aller ir- j'irai I will go courir courr- je courrai I will run devoir devr- je devrai I will be obliged to envoyer enverr- j'enverrai I will send faire fer- je ferai I will do falloir faudr- il faudra it will be necessary mourir mourr- je mourrai I will die obtenir obtiendr- j'obtiendrai I will obtain pleuvoir pleuvr- il pleuvra it will rain pouvoir pourr- je pourrai I will be able recevoir recevr- je recevrai I will receive savoir saur- je saurai I will know tenir tiendr- je tiendrai I will hold venir viendr- je viendrai I will come voir verr- je verrai I will see vouloir voudr- je voudrai I will want
Common stem spelling changes: Verbs with spelling changes like appeler, employer, and acheter add -r to the present tense je form to create their future stems present tense stem future translation j'appelle appeller- j'appellerai I will call j'emploie emploier- j'emploierai I will use j'achète achèter- j'achèterai I will buy Other -er verbs verbs with spelling changes including préférer, manger, and commençer have regular future stems. More verbs with irregular stems used to form the futur simple.
Click on the link to practice and do all the exercises Module 3. Extension exercises.
Match the English and the French cet été pendant les vacances ce soir en juillet en août dans quelques mois dans une semaine la semaine prochaine le mois prochain le week-end prochain this evening next week this summer in a week next weekend during the holidays in a few months next month in August in July C F A J I G Answers appear one by one on mouseclick. D B H E CONTINUE You will probably want to make your sentences more interesting by saying exactly when you plan to do something, so you may find the following time expressions useful. Can you find the English for each one on the right?
Match the English and the French cet été pendant les vacances ce soir en juillet en août dans quelques mois dans une semaine la semaine prochaine le mois prochain le week-end prochain this evening next week this summer in a week next weekend during the holidays in a few months next month in August in July C F A J I G Answers appear one by one on mouseclick. D B H E CONTINUE You will probably want to make your sentences more interesting by saying exactly when you plan to do something, so you may find the following time expressions useful. Can you find the English for each one on the right?