OBJECTIVES Follow and understand the story of Noah. Learn vocabulary for different animals. Express weather conditions. Identify and describe different animals. Act out the story of Noah. Mime the actions of animals. Classify animals (mammals, etc.) Understand how rainbows are formed. Learn about primary and secondary colours. Create the School's ark with our own set of values and rules.
NOAH´S ARK KEY COMPETENCIESDESCRIPTORS LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE ORAL PRODUCTION They can produce words and expressions of Noah´s song by guessing and relating them to given rhyming words They can say the names of different animals(in the story) They can describe animals They can classify the different animals They can reproduce Noah´s poem They can sing Noah´s song They can produce Noah´s dialogue They can say by heart their set of rules and values They can express weather conditions ORAL COMPREHENSION They can recognize words and expressions related to weather conditions, animals, etc.. They can understand the “Do and Don’ts” through their own set of values and rules They can understand the meaning of Noah´s DVD story They can follow the lyrics of Noah´s song Thy can identify animals descriptions They can understand how a rainbow is formed They can follow instructions about mixing primary colours to get secondary ones They can discriminate sounds and recognize different rhyming words in Noah´s song and poem.
ORAL INTERACTION They can keep a conversation about Noah´s ark They can ask and answer questions related to the story They can ask for permission to get into the ark They can guess through miming games with the whole group WRITTEN PRODUCTION They can write their own set of rules and values they can write primary and secondary colours, animals and some expressions of the story They can write simple animal´s descriptions WRITTEN RECEPTION They can read understand sentences related to rules and values. They can understand and read Noah´s song, poem and mini book. They can read texts related to Noah´s story that have been worked orally I the classroom WRITTEN INTERACTION They can write their own set of rules and values and share them with the class They can write answer to simple questions about Noah´s story. KEY COMPETENCIESDESCRIPTORS LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE
KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE They can understand and respond to mathematical expressions (two by two) They can count, some up and take away the animals that get into the ark. They can solve a maze and a puzzle. They can understand a mathematical argument about Noah´s story and solve it through employing mathematical reasoning skills. ITC COMPETENCE They can search for information about how rainbows are formed and about floods They can transfer the information searched into knowledge. AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE COMPETENCE They can respect and value the personal differences and improve their self-esteem identifying themselves with positive qualities of Noah´s ark animals.
KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS SOCIAL AND CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE They can elaborate a set of rules and values in a democratic way and internalize and make use of them in order to improve the school´s coexistence. They can collaborate in displays made by the group. They can understand the importance of diversity through Noah´s ark story and transfer it to their every day life which will help respect the differences among themselves LEARNING TO LEARN They can memorize Noah´s ark song and poem using rhyming words as a tip. They can improve their attention and communication though maze and puzzle activities They can discover how to get secondary colours by mixing primary ones. They can understand how a rainbow is formed by experiencing a classroom activity that shows the process They can make and colour a rainbow by using the know ledge acquired ( colours ordr in a rainbow, how to get secondary colours ….)
KEY COMPETENCIES DESCRIPTORS CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCE They can create their own ark They can use different artistic techniques to create a set of crafts, murals, drawings, mini books…related to the story. They can participate in a role play about the story. They can act out Noah´s ark song using their own initiative and imagination.
NOAH`S ARK Through the story of Noah WE LEARNT that we should: Respect each other. Help each other. Follow orders.
We memorize the poem We learnt to memorize Noah's poem. We also learnt how the animals respected the rules to get into the ark (two by two). We experimented with the colours to make a rainbow. We learnt Noah`s song and we loved it!!!
The animals went in two by two, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in two by two, hurrah, hurrah. The animals went in two by two, The elephant and the kangaroo And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in three by three, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in three by three, hurrah, hurrah. The animals went in three by three, The wasp, the ant and the bumble bee, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in four by four, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in four by four, hurrah, hurrah. The animals went in four by four, The big hippopotamus stuck in the door, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in five by five, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in five by five, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in five by five, By hugging each other they kept alive, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in six by six, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in six by six, hurrah, hurrah. The animals went in six by six, They turned out the monkey because of his tricks, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in seven by seven, The little pig thought it was going to heaven, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in eight by eight, The turtle thought he was coming late, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in nine by nine, Marching up in a long straight line, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. The animals went in ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah, The animals went in ten by ten, The last one in was the little red hen, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain, And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.