Supported by: Joint MSc curriculum in software engineering European Union TEMPUS Project CD_JEP Module SE-C-01 Requirements Engineering Experiences in conducting a course in requirements engineering M. Ivanović, University of Novi Sad
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 2 Agenda Course Preparation – Experiences Course Delivering Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Further Improvement Conclusion
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 3 Course Preparation – Experiences Material prepared Based on some e-books, presentations available on Internet, journal and conference papers During 6 months 2 weeks stay in Berlin In free-time slots in Novi Sad
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 4 Course Preparation – Experiences Topics covered According to Project’s requirements RE Introduction (72) RE Processes (67) RE Elicitation (105) RE Analysis and Negotiation (52) RE Specification and Validation (114) RE Management (100) RE Methods (63, but there are a lot of overlapping with some of other topics) Viewpoint-oriented requirements methods (134) Non-functional Requirements (69) RE for Interactive Systems (98) Some additional material for socio-technical and critical systems (not included in basic material)
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 5 Course Preparation – Experiences Course Structure Topics Presentations Slides Lecture notes Exercises Examples and tasks for practical work Coursework Individual work (seminar papers) Team work (seminar papers, RE for real examples)
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 6 Course Preparation – Experiences Experiences Very difficult Completely new field A lot of different sources Different approaches and classifications Relatively short period for preparation (together with other regular activities) As dead-line for delivering course approaches, the work was more intensive (only Balkan manner of work? )
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 7 Agenda Course Preparation – Experiences Course Delivering Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Further Improvement Conclusion
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 8 Course Delivering In Skopje – Macedonian and Serbian students (25+10) Two sessions – Beginning of June and beginning of July 3 days per session (4-5 classes per day)
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 9 Agenda Course Preparation – Experiences Course Delivering Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Further Improvement Conclusion
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 10 Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Teacher’s Opinion 4-5 classes (Un)fortunately students decided to have classes in Serbian It caused additional complication in translation English terms From time to time duplication of slides and subtopics Interaction with students, discussion and exchange of experiences Difficult to keep concentration A lot of new topics, a lot of information, in condense time
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 11 Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Students’ Opinion Personal contacts Rather satisfied with topics covered Satisfied with manner of teaching – discussions, exchange of experiences Satisfied with practical way of exercising, coursework, teamwork Suggestion To prepare 2 groups of slides Current version - for learning Shorten number of slides and content of slides – for classes With too much content on slide – they do not know whether to read or to listen
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 12 Agenda Course Preparation – Experiences Course Delivering Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Further Improvement Conclusion
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 13 Further Improvement Improvement of slides, remove duplications Preparation of 2 versions of slides (according to students suggestions) Collect additional material for seminar papers …
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 14 Agenda Course Preparation – Experiences Course Delivering Teacher’s and Students’ Opinion Further Improvement Conclusion
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 15 Conclusion - Assessment of study packs 0. Technical editor Dragan Bojić 1. Module title Requirements Engineering 2. Date of editing 3. July, 2007
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 16 Conclusion - Assessment of study packs 3. To what extent does the material cover learning outcomes of modules (as described in template) are adequate? a) slides Adequate - All topics from the course template have been covered in detail. b) lecture notes Most lectures have adequate notes. There are some notes in Serbian. c) tutorials No tool mentors present in the material. d) problem classes Excellent: there are several very well defined problem classes. e) case studies Adequate. f) examinations There is an adequate coursework material: several very well defined exercises. There is no prototype examination present in the teaching materials.
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 17 Conclusion - Assessment of study packs 4. Is the timeline for face-to-face delivery and self study adequate There are 10 lectures of slides, it is maybe to much to deliver entire contents. 5. Comment on the suitability of books and course material associated with module There are suitable recommendations for literature, as well as additional reading material attached. 6. Has dry run been completed No information. 7. Comment and recommendations on overall technical quality of material – is it of an MSc standard? The overall technical quality of material is good and complete (except maybe for tool mentors).
SE-C-01 – Requirements Engineering 18 Conclusion Generally we can be satisfied Prepared complete material for new course Good base for further improvements Most of students finished obligatory exercises and coursework Students aware of importance of this course for their practical work and further careers