Florida Department of Education Office of Mathematics and Science FASS Meeting May 2, 2007
Sunshine State Standards Revision Process Framers will meet in Orlando - May 14 – 16 Framers will hear from a panel of national and international experts to address the state of science curriculum standards Framers will set guidelines for a group (or groups) of writers to draft the science standards
Panel of National and International Experts Leah Bricker - Science Specialist during Indiana’s Science Standards revisions Jacob Foster - Science Specialist, Massachusetts DOE Bill Schmidt - National Director of TIMSS Andrew Shouse - NRC Board on Science Education, Co-editor of Taking Science to School Jean Slattery - Science Director for Achieve, Inc. and American Diploma Project Ted Willard - AAAS, Author of Volume 2 of the ATLAS of Science Literacy Pending final confirmation
Sunshine State Standards Revision Process Some things to consider: Less is more – work to decrease the number of content standards at each grade level so that teachers may concentrate on the “big ideas” in science Order 9 – 12 standards by discipline (for example): Physical sciences Life sciences Earth/Space sciences Engineering and Technology Environmental Science
FCAT Science FASS May 2007
Updates and News Now available at Content Focus Reports Coming soon Student scores available on Parent Network (May) Student scores (mid May) Florida Inquires 2007 (mid May) Training Materials on CD for 2007 Released Items (late July) FCAT Explorer Grade 5 (June)
Released Tests FCAT Science Grade 8 Fall 2007 January decision to only release one grade for science
Sites to Watch
FCAT Science Meetings Annual Committees with Rotating Membership Rangefinding September and April/May Grade level organization Item Review October Reporting Cluster organization Rangefinder Review November/December Grade level organization Expert Review Panel January Reporting Cluster organization Gridded Response Adjudication April Grade level organization
FCAT Science Meetings Standing Committees FCAT Science Content Advisory meets as needed once or twice a year Special Ad Hoc Committee Lessons Learned Educator Meeting September 2007
More Meeting Information Participating in FCAT Committees (handout) Nomination Form (handout)
FCAT Science Staff and Contact Information Linda Oravetz, FCAT Science Coordinator Phone: ext. 237 Roberta Halley, FCAT Science Development Team Heather McKenzie, FCAT Mathematics/Science Development Team
Office of Mathematics and Science Mission: Florida’s Office of Mathematics and Science is charged with defining research- based state education policy and programs for the state of Florida to increase student knowledge and performance in the content areas of mathematics and science. Science and Mathematics Advisory Boards Website (with calendar):
Office of Mathematics and Science Staff includes: Director and Deputy Director Secondary and Elementary Science Curriculum Specialists Mathematics Curriculum Specialist on board soon! Administrative Support
Required Remediation in Science Florida Statute (4) (a) Each student must participate in the statewide assessment tests required by s Each student who does not meet specific levels of performance as determined by the district school board in reading, writing, science, and mathematics for each grade level, or who scores below Level 3 in reading or math, must be provided with additional diagnostic assessments to determine the nature of the student's difficulty, the areas of academic need, and strategies for appropriate intervention and instruction as described in paragraph (b). (b) (b) The school in which the student is enrolled must develop, in consultation with the student's parent, and must implement a progress monitoring plan. A progress monitoring plan is intended to provide the school district and the school flexibility in meeting the academic needs of the student and to reduce paperwork. A student who is not meeting the school district or state requirements for proficiency in reading and math shall be covered by one of the following plans to target instruction and identify ways to improve his or her academic achievement: 1. A federally required student plan such as an individual education plan; 2. A school-wide system of progress monitoring for all students; or 3. An individualized progress monitoring plan. The plan chosen must be designed to assist the student or the school in meeting state and district expectations for proficiency. If the student has been identified as having a deficiency in reading, the K-12 comprehensive reading plan required by s (8) shall include instructional and support services to be provided to meet the desired levels of performance. District school boards may require low-performing students to attend remediation programs held before or after regular school hours or during the summer if transportation is provided. (c) Upon subsequent evaluation, if the documented deficiency has not been remediated, the student may be retained. Each student who does not meet the minimum performance expectations defined by the Commissioner of Education for the statewide assessment tests in reading, writing, science, and mathematics must continue to be provided with remedial or supplemental instruction until the expectations are met or the student graduates from high school or is not subject to compulsory school attendance.
Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Update Funding Purpose / Priorities The Florida Science Partnership program is part of the Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP), a formula grant program that supports improved academic achievement of students in the areas of mathematics and science through enhanced training of teachers. Funds are awarded to partnerships consisting of high-need school districts, science, mathematics, and engineering departments within public and private universities and colleges, and other discretionary partners if desired.
Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Update The Florida Science Expert Teacher Program: The design of a professional development program to prepare teachers as science content experts. This program will develop a rigorous training curriculum, provide professional development, and produce a tool for assessing teacher content knowledge in the area of science that may be used statewide. Dissemination of best practices: The development of researched- based online science education modules focused on innovative best practices related to teaching and learning science. These modules must be for teachers of grades K-12 and cover key science concepts. The modules may be designed for specific grade levels or grade bands within the K-12 system. Innovative Integration: The development of innovative collaborations between: schools and industry; between elementary and secondary schools; and/or, between science and mathematics teachers to promote exemplary science instruction. The partnership will use research and best practices to demonstrate when collaboration makes a positive difference in student achievement in science.
Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Update Timeline Intent to apply – April 30, 2007 Deadline for questions – April 30, 2007 Application due by close of business – May 14, 2007
Mathematics and Science Partnerships (MSP) Update DOE will receive $8,620,560 in July 2007 for the next round of funding DOE will solicit applications to total $8,189,532 The RFP is in development now The RFP will be released in July The notice to apply will go out via the DOE Paperless Communication System
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching PAEMST 2007 – 7-12 grade teachers 81 science nominations for this year’s cycle State Selection Committee – May 24, 2007 National Selection Committee – July 2007 State Finalist – up to three can be selected and will be honored at the October FAST Conference National Finalist – one teacher will be selected and announced in May 2008
Congratulations to Beth Giles from Polk County!!!
Science Textbook Adoption Cycle The State of Florida entered into 3 year contracts with publishers for science materials effective April 1, Although these contracts will expire on March 31, 2009, the state will request 2 year extensions of the contracts. In , the State will request bids for new materials and will enter into 6 year contracts with publishers effective April 1, Charlie Carraway, Director, Instructional Materials
DOE Paperless Communication Process
STEM Initiatives in Florida New Office of Mathematics and Science Support for Large-Scale grant application such as: U-Teach AP Support Programs NGA STEM-Initiative Support for Federal Funds in FL such as: MSMI MSP Funding Review work for FCAT Explorer – 5 th grade module FL Engineering Education Conference Florida Center for Research in STEM Education at FSU
Q and A Mary Jane Tappen, Executive Director Todd Clark, Deputy Director VieVie Baird, Elementary Specialist Lance King, Secondary Specialist
Lance King will meet you in October!!!