The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles “Driving Our Future!”
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles --- Driving Our Future! Revised mission statement and new agency vision and value statements developed by our strategic planning team, made up of representatives from all levels of the agency, around the state and across divisions. On July 5, 2007 via , members were notified of our revised mission and new agency vision and value statements. Our strategic planning effort is identified as “Driving Our Future!” The new mission, vision and value statements are the cornerstones of our strategic plan. Background
Our Mission Statement: Provides a precise description of what DHSMV does; Represents the varied divisional roles of the entire organization; and Communicates one consistent message. Mission Statement Providing Highway Safety and Security through Excellence in Service, Education, and Enforcement. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles --- Driving Our Future!
Vision Statements: Give shape and direction to where an organization wants to be in the future. Identify what we want to make happen globally! Vision Statement A Safer Florida! Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles --- Driving Our Future!
A strong organization needs to establish values that it lives by. These values reflect our diverse workforce; establish standards and expectations; and represent our highest priorities as an organization. Values are part of our culture, our mindset. Our values will be used as part of a department-wide rewards program. Value Statements Service by exceeding expectations; Integrity by upholding the highest ethical standards; Courtesy by treating everyone with dignity and respect; Professionalism by inspiring confidence and trust; Innovation by fostering creativity; and EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO! Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles --- Driving Our Future!
Ensure all members know, understand and embody our mission, vision and values. Initiate the process of integrating the vision and values into our everyday work life. Continue the strategic planning process-identify critical issues; formulate goals and strategies; and create action plans. Let’s work together – to drive our future in line with our mission, vision and values. Live What We Believe! Provide Highway Safety and Security through Excellence in Service, Education and Enforcement. Next Steps Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles --- Driving Our Future!