hotspot Express $ One of the Pioneers of complete WiFi solutions in India $ Hardware to create HOTSPOTs Software to secure HOTSPOTs & Manage the users and their usage $ Have been in WiFi for the past two years $ First company to Integrate Subscriber Management Software into a special purpose device running on LINUX OS
hotspot Express solution overview Internet hotspot Express WiFi Network
hotspot Express Components hotspot Express WiFi solution Out-door transmitters Linux Server/Router -hotspot Express Software Creation of WiFi/hotspot Managing WiFi/hotspot in secure and optimal way
Outdoor transmitters $ In WiFi parlance also referred as Access Points (AP) $ Operates in 2.4GHz frequency $ Public Frequency $ No need for any clearance from any Govt agency $ The electronics installed inside an ABS plastic container $ Gain : $ Sustains temperature in the range of +50 degree to -15degree $ Usually mounted on pole $ Power over Ethernet (PoE) is possible $ Depending on the size and shape of the building the number of APs required may vary
Sample out-door photos
hotspot Express Modules LINUX OS RADIUS - Authentication Module My SQL - Database Hotspot Subscriber & Billing Management Module $ Single board Computer designed for 24X7 operation $ Runs on reliable LINUX $ Gateway for WiFi users $ Only authenticated users are allowed to login $ Maintains User Database and other crucial details like actual usage, sites visited etc Internet hotspot Express WiFi Network
Key Features $ Web based User Interface $ Except enabling DHCP no other change on client laptop $ Login screen can be easily customized $ Security $ A gateway for all WiFi users within the hotspot $ Only authenticated users are allowed $ https server may be enabled to enhance security - optional $ Log of sites visited $ Bandwidth Management $ User level bandwidth allocation $ Billing Management $ Can easily be integrated with the existing Billing Systems $ Pre-paid & Post paid plans $ Time - No of hours and validity period $ Usage - In terms of GBs and validity period