WG-AL3S - Recommendations1 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 Working Group LHC Safety Alarms (AL3S) DSO TIS & FB LHC GLIMOS CONTROLS Civil Engineering Legal Service Control Rooms LEP GLIMOS Exp Areas
WG-AL3S - Recommendations2 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 WG-AL3S - Madate n Define the overall concept of Safety Alarm System for the LHC machine and the experiments n Define the transmission and the display of the Safety Alarms => WG : fundamental recommendations n Define the Safety Alarms during the civil engineering construction phase => Red telephones n Define the transition from the present LEP to the future LHC Safety Alarm System => Project & Group Leaders as work progresses
WG-AL3S - Recommendations3 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 WG-AL3S - Main Input & Outcome Experience with present LEP system User requirements Other Safety Alarm Systems Standards WG AL3S Technical Recommendations Recommendations for Further Work References Standards General Recommendations
WG-AL3S - Recommendations4 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 General Recommendations Methodical Engineering Practices State-of-the-art Technology Standards Experiments Homogeneous AL3S Concept CERN wide MeyrinPrevessin CPS SPS LHC Global Safety Approach Accelerator Experiments Access Radiation Adequate Ressources Unique Responsible Service Design Implementation Testing Operation Documentation TrainingAnalysis Pilote TIS GLIMOS DSO
WG-AL3S - Recommendations5 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 Interface Diagram Off-line Reference Database Data Logging System Central Alarm Display Human Computer Interface Data Exchange Protocol Safety Actions Detection Technical Data Safety and Technical Data (STD) Local Alarm Display Safety Alarm Transmission (SAT)
WG-AL3S - Recommendations6 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 Further Work (outside mandate of WG-AL3S) n Risk Analysis & Selection of most appropriate sensors, detection systems, actions n Consistent procedures for safety and rescue interventions n Definition of common protocol and data- exchange-mecanism for all control systems n Adapt TIS SI 37 n Procedures to monitor and ensure correct implementation of these recommendations
WG-AL3S - Recommendations7 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 IS 37 vs STANDARDS n IS 37 u 3 Classification of Alarms: - Level3 F Significance: accident or serious abnormal situation, especially where people’s lives are or may be in danger n ex: IEC u 4. Definitions; 4.1 Alarm F A warning of the presence of a hazard to life, property, or the environment.
WG-AL3S - Recommendations8 H. Laeger; SAPOCO 9/11/98 REDUNDENCY in Standards n ex IEC Alarm Systems Requirements for alarm transmission systems u 4.2 In order to provide for increased communication reliability, more than one communication channel may be used between an alam system and one or more alarm receiving centres. u For the purpose of transmission redundancy, an alarm system may be connected to a remote centre by more than one form of transmission, e.g. dedicated transmission paths and digital communicators using the public switched network.