Opportunities for Collaboration Presentation to Visiting Team from Sandia National Laboratory Meeting Held at UCSD La Jolla, CA April 16, 2001
Governor Davis Created New Institutes for Science, Innovation, and Tech Transfer UCSB UCLA The California NanoSystems Institute UCSF UCB The California Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology, and Quantitative Biomedical Research UCI UCSD The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (Proposed-UCB, UCD, UCSC, UCM) UCSC
The Next Wave of the Internet Will Extend IP Throughout the Physical World Materials and Devices Team, UCSD This is the Research Context for the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
The Institute is Built on Existing UCSD/UCI Faculty Strengths Broadband Wireless LOW-POWERED CIRCUITRY ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION COMMUNICATION THEORY COMMUNICATION NETWORKS MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS RF Mixed A/D ASIC Materials Smart Antennas Adaptive Arrays Modulation Channel Coding Multiple Access Compression Architecture Media Access Scheduling End-to-End QoS Hand-Off Changing Environment Protocols Multi-Resolution Center for Wireless Communications Source: UCSD CWC
San Diego Supercomputer Center Cal(IT) 2 Research & Infrastructure Partner Areas of Strength & Leadership for Initial Interactions between Cal(IT) 2 and Phil Papadopoulos, Frank Dwyer, Ronn Ritke, kc claffy, Hans-Werner Braun Networking and Wireless Peter Arzberger, Anke Kamrath, Phil Papadopoulos, Chaitan Baru, Alison Withey Management John Wooley, Phil Bourne, Shankar Subramaniam, Mark Ellisman, Mike Gribskov, Kim Baldridge Bioinformatics/Digitally Enabled Med./ Comp. Chemistry/Biology Ann Redelfs, Kim Baldridge, Theresa BoisseauEducation/Outreach Tom PerrineComputer Security Infrastructure Mike Vildibill, Frank Dwyer, Phil Andrews, Phil P.Core IT Infrastructure and Integration Jay Boisseau, Mary Thomas, Allan Snavely Computing and Portals Mike Bailey, John MorelandVisualization/GIS/Augmented Reality Alison Withey Enviroinformatics/Observing Systems Chaitan Baru, Reagan Moore, Tony FountainData Mining/Metadata/AI Phil PapadopoulosClusters
Complex Problems Require a New Research and Education Framework UCSD & UCI Faculty Working in Multidisciplinary Teams With Students, Industry, and the Community The State Provides $100 M For New Buildings and Equipment
The UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 Building Preliminary Design New Media Arts Spaces –Research Lab –Visualization Labs –Audiovisual Editing Facilities –Gallery Space –Helping Design Auditorium Occupancy ,000 Gross SF
A Broad Partnership Response from the Private Sector Akamai Boeing Broadcom AMCC CAIMIS Compaq Conexant Copper Mountain Emulex Enterprise Partners VC Entropia Ericsson Global Photon IBM IdeaEdge Ventures Intersil Irvine Sensors Leap Wireless Litton Industries MedExpert Merck Microsoft Mission Ventures NCR Newport Corporation Orincon Panoram Technologies Printronix QUALCOMM Quantum R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical RI SAIC SciFrame Seagate Storage Silicon Wave Sony STMicroelectronics Sun Microsystems TeraBurst Networks Texas Instruments UCSD Healthcare The Unwired Fund WebEx Computers Communications Software Sensors Biomedical Startups Venture Firms Large Partners >$10M Over 4 Years $140 M Match From Industry
Elements of the Cal -(IT) 2 Industrial Partnerships Endowed Chairs for Professors Start-Up Support for Young Faculty Graduate Student Fellowships Research and Academic Professionals Sponsored Research Programs Equipment Donations for Cal-(IT) 2 and Campus Named Laboratories in new Institute Buildings Pro Bono Services and Software
The Southern High Tech Coast Is Well Organized for Partnering From Bandwidth Bay to Wireless Valley –70,000 Fiber Strand-Miles Under Downtown SD –Nation’s Center for Wireless Companies San Diego Telecom Council – –200 Member Companies –SIGs on Optical, Wireless, Satellite, etc. UCSD CONNECT – –UCSD Program in Technology and Entrepreneurship Many Others –BIOCOM –Mayor’s Science and Technology Commission –UCI Chief Executive Roundtable –…
Near Term Goal: Build an International Lambda Grid Establish PACI High Performance Network –SDSC to NCSA to PSC LambdaNet Link to: –State Dark Fiber –Metropolitan Optical Switched Networks –Campus Optical Grids –International Optical Research Networks NSF Fund Missing Dark Fiber Links For: –Scientific Applications –Network Research
Nanotechnology Is Becoming Essential for Photonics Source: UCSD Ultrafast and Nanoscale Optics Group, Shaya Fainman
½ Mile Commodity Internet, Internet2 Link UCSD and UCI Campus Wireless The UCSD “Living Grid Laboratory”— Fiber, Wireless, Compute, Data, Software SIO SDSC CS Chem Med Eng. / Cal-(IT) 2 Hosp High-speed optical core Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC
Broadband Wireless Internet is Here Today Create Wireless Internet “Watering Holes” –Ad Hoc IEEE Domains –Real Broadband--11 mbps Going to 54 mbps –Home, Neighborhoods, Office –MobileStar--Admiral Clubs, Major Hotels, Restaurants, … –UCSD—Key Campus Buildings, Dorms, Coffee Shops… Upsides –Ease of Use –Unlicensed so Anyone can Be a Wireless ISP –Will Accelerate Innovation—”Living in the Future” Downsides –Not Secure –Shared Bandwidth –Short Range Coverage “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed” William Gibson, Author of Neuromancer
Web Interface to Grid Computing The NPACI GridPort Architecture b Wireless Interactive Access to: State of Computer Job Status Application Codes
Cal -(IT) 2 Researchers Will Focus on Semiconductor “System Chips” Two Trends: –Increasing Use of “Embedded Intelligence” –Networking of Embedded Intelligence In Ten Years: –The Big: eg., Terabit Optical Core, Gigabit Wireless,... –The Small: eg., Pervasive Self-powered Sensor “Motes” –The Cheap: eg., One-Cent Radios –Short-range (10-100m), Low Power (10nJ/bit), Low Bit Rate (1-100kbps) The Consequence: –Smart Spaces, Intelligent Interfaces, Ad Hoc Networks Source: Rajesh Gupta, UCI Center for Embedded Computer Systems
Goal: Design of Configurable Wireless Embedded Sensing/Computing/Communicating Appliances Protocol Stacks SoC Design Methodologies Sw/Silicon/MEMS Implementation Memory Protocol Processors DSP RF Reconf. Logic Wireless RTOS Network Physical Data Link Transport Applications sensors Protocols Sw/Hw/Sensor/RF Co-design Reconfiguration Internet Source: Sujit Dey, UCSD ECE
The Wireless Internet will Transform Computational Science and Engineering Teraflop Supercomputers Simulate in Dynamic 3D Evolving a System Requires Knowing the Initial State Add Wireless Sensors and Embedded Processors –Give Detailed State Information –Allows for Comparison of Simulation with Reality Critical Software Research Required –Security –Robust Scalable Middleware –Effervescent Architectures –Mobile Code –Resource Discovery –Ad Hoc Networking –SensorNet Simulations
The High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network NSF Funded PI, Hans-Werner Braun, SDSC Co-PI, Frank Vernon, SIO 45mbps Duplex Backbone
Wireless Antennas Anchor Network High Speed Backbone Source: Hans-Werner Braun, SDSC
The Wireless Internet Adds Bio-Chemical-Physical Sensors to the Grid From Experiments to Wireless Infrastructure Scripps Institution of Oceanography San Diego Supercomputer Center Cal-(IT) 2 Building on Pioneering Work of Hans-Werner Braun & Frank Vernon Source: John Orcutt, SIO
The Wireless Internet Will Improve the Safety of California’s 25,000 Bridges New Bay Bridge Tower with Lateral Shear Links Cal-(IT) 2 Will Develop and Install Wireless Sensor Arrays Linked to Crisis Management Control Rooms Source: UCSD Structural Engineering Dept.
Can Use of These Technologies Help Us Avoid the Downsides of Prolonged Growth? Add Wireless Sensor Array Build GIS Data Focus on: –Pollution –Water Cycle –Earthquakes –Bridges –Traffic –Policy Work with the Community to Adapt to Growth Huntington Beach Mission Bay San Diego Bay UCSD UCI High Tech Coast
High Resolution Data Analysis Facility Linked by Optical Networks to PACI TeraGrid Planned for Fall 2001 at SIO Support from SDSC and SDSU Panoram Technologies, SGI, Sun, TeraBurst Networks, Cox Communications, Global Photon Institute Industrial Partners
From Telephone Conference Calls to Access Grid International Video Meetings Access Grid Lead-Argonne NSF STARTAP Lead-UIC’s Elec. Vis. Lab Creating a Virtual Global Research Lab
Bridging Internet Data Collection and Theoretical Scaling Analysis Network Graph Theory –Sparse –Clustered –Hierarchical –Power Laws Goal –IT First Principles –Quantitative Laws –Verify Against Reality –Use for Optimal Design 100,000 nodes Colored by Node IP Address Bill Cheswick, Lucent Bell Labs and Hal Burch, CMU Fan Chung Graham, UCSD
Possible Multiple Qubit Quantum Computer SEM picture of posts fabricated at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility –PI John Goodkind (UCSD Physics) & Roberto Panepucci of the CNF Electrons Floating over Liquid He One Electron per Gold Post 500 nm NSF ITR PROGRAM CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY/ UCSD/MICHIGAN STATE
Wireless “Pad” Web Interface The Institute Facilitates Faculty Teams to Compete for Large Federal Grants Deep Web Surface Web Proposal-Form a National Scale Testbed for Federating Multi-scale Brain Databases Using NIH High Field NMR Centers Source: Mark Ellisman, UCSD Duke UCLA Cal Tech Stanford U. Of MN Harvard NCRR Imaging and Computing Resources UCSD Cal-(IT) 2 SDSC
Why Not Constantly Compute on Federated Repositories? Currently –Instrument Coordinates –Virtual Human NLM Project –Transformations to Organ Coordinates –Surgical View of Body –Define Differences in Organs –Eg. UCLA Human Brain Mapping Project—Art Toga –Fly Through Organs –Virtual Colonoscopy ( Future –Train AI Software on –Millions of Human Image DataSets –Define Distribution Functions –Thresholds for Medical Attention –Life Cycle of Single Individuals –Automatic Early Warnings
As Our Bodies Move On-Line Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Merge New Sensors—Israeli Video Pill –Battery, Light, & Video Camera –Images Stored on Hip Device Next Step—Putting You On-Line! –Key Metabolic and Physical Variables –Wireless Internet Transmission –Model -- Dozens of 25 Processors and 60 Sensors / Actuators Inside of our Cars Post-Genomic Individualized Medicine –Combine Your Genetic Code & Imaging, with Your Body’s Data Flow –Use Powerful AI Data Mining Techniques
What Data is Needed to Specify a Single Eukaryotic Cell? Organelles –4 Million Ribosomes –30,000 Proteasomes –Dozens of Mitochondria Macromolecules –5 Billion Proteins –5,000 to 10,000 different species –1 meter of DNA with Several Billion bases –60 Million tRNAs –700,000 mRNAs Chemical Pathways –Vast numbers –Tightly coupled Is a Virtual Cell Possible?
Cellular Signaling Pathway Database, Analysis Tools and User Interface Shankar Subramaniam, UCSD, Director, Data Coordination & Bioinformatics Lab, Alliance for Cell Signaling Alliance for Cell Signaling PI: Alfred Gilman, UT-SW MED UCSF, Caltech, Stanford, UCSD NIH and Industrial Funding
Monte Carlo Cellular Microphysiology From IBM Blue Horizon to the Grid PROJECT LEADERS –Francine D. Berman –UC San Diego –Terrence J. Sejnowski –Salk Institute for Biological Studies PARTICIPANTS –Dorian Arnold Jack Dongarra Richard Wolski –University of Tennessee –Thomas M. Bartol Lin-Wei Wu –Salk Institute for Biological Studies –Henri Casanova Mark H. Ellisman Maryann Martone –UC San Diego Neurotransmitter Activity Leading to Muscle Contraction MCell Simulated: The Transmission of 6,000 Molecules of the Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (Cyan Specks) In a Reconstructed Mouse Sternomastoid Neuromuscular Junction Containing Acetylcholinesterase (White Spheres). Rendered by Tom Bartol of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies & Joel Stiles of Cornell University using Pixar PhotoRealistic RenderMan
The Institute Will Focus on the Use of Highly Parallel and Distributed Systems PACI Distributed Terascale Linux Clusters –Multi-Teraflop –Thousands of Processors High Performance Grids –Lambda Connected –Heterogeneous Compute and Storage DoE Labs –Highest End Machines –Experimental Architectures (Blue Light) Peer-to-Peer Computing –Millions of Processors –NT/Intel Homogenous PCs
The Drive toward Commodity Processors in Parallel Computing 100x Processors RISC Processors Cray X-MP TMC CM-5 IBM SP Intel Processors ASCI Red Internet Computing PC Clusters 100x Processors? Changes in Architecture Induce Changes in Algorithms
Entropia’s Planetary Computer Grew to a Teraflop in Only Two Years Deployed in Over 80 Countries The Great Mersenne Prime (2 P -1) Search (GIMPS) Found the First Million Digit Prime Eight 1000p IBM Blue Horizons
Demonstrated that PC Internet Computing Could Grow to Megacomputers Running on 500,000 PCs, ~1000 CPU Years per Day –Over Half a Million CPU Years so far! –22 Teraflops sustained 24x7 Sophisticated Data & Signal Processing Analysis Distributes Datasets from Arecibo Radio Telescope Next Step- Allen Telescope Array Arecibo Radio Telescope
Extending the Grid to Planetary Dimensions Using Distributed Computing and Storage AutoDock Application Software Has Been Downloaded to Over 20,000 PCs Nearly 3 Million CPU-Hours Computed In Silico Drug Design Art Olson, TSRI
From Software as Engineering to Software as Biology Stanford Professor John Koza Uses Genetic Programming to Create a Working Computer Program From a High-Level Problem Statement of a Problem Starting With a Primordial Ooze of Thousands of Randomly Created Computer Programs, a Population of Programs Is Progressively Evolved Over a Series of Generations Has Produced 21 Human-Competitive Results 1,000-Pentium Beowulf-Style Cluster Computer for Genetic Programming
A Mobile Internet Powered by a Planetary Scale Computer