TREEBREEDEX DATA BASE Third annual meeting Arezzo, 25-29/05/2009.


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Presentation transcript:

TREEBREEDEX DATA BASE Third annual meeting Arezzo, 25-29/05/2009

Agenda 17-18/04/07 (Zaragoza): Definition of DB specifications (all partners) – decision to have only 1 database 28-30/05/07 (Järvenpää): amendments of specifications (all partners) 24-25/09/07 (Vantaa): technical workshop: agreement on INRA (Medias) & METLA roles 12/07/07: data input templates sent to partners (METLA) 21/12/07: data-base structure provided by METLA 15/02/08: test data (INRA, METLA, SKOGFORSK, LFRI) 18/03/08: ‘final’ input files + queries examples on web 12/05/08: database model + SQL-script sent to Medias 22/05/08 (Vantaa): discussion on input files (INRA-Metla) 4/06/08 (Wageningen): –Discussion on data-input (last decisions to be taken) –Discussion on editing and queries (1st priority: basic queries agreed on, then open to more sophisticated ones) –Agenda for data preparation and transfer to INRA

Agenda Fall 2008: Medias-France developed the web-interface for data input (file + on-line), editing and correction End 2008: Preparation of datasets for Scots pine and wild cherry (all partners) Introduction of datasets by INRA, control, tuning INRA/Medias: preparation of statistics/requests/editing – development of interface Dec.2008: end-of-contract with Medias-France / transfer of database on INRA-server Partners invited to input their datasets themselves / test the database INRA starts to input climatic (Worldclim) and soil (pedological map of Europe) data End of April: V.Pignot hired by INRA on contract for 4 months to achieve requests interface

What is next ? Deadline : Get missing datasets for Scots Pine and Wild cherry !!!! Deadline : Input datasets for all other species (Picea, Pseudotsuga, Larix, Med-firs, Acer, Fraxinus, Populus) Deadline : tables of synonymous Deadline : Database content analysis –Does it fit what we look for? –Combining information Deadline : show-case for internet

Statistics 119 files inserted (FT, GU, TM + synonymous + climate + soil) 1502 field trials genetic units test material 922 climate data 920 soil data

Scots pine Is missing:

Scots pine

Wild cherry

Input of datasets Through Excel sheets (3: FT – GU – TM) Or on-line Start in the order: FT > GU > TM Respect all sheet headlines, columns order, etc Fullfill all mandatory fields ! But other fields are useful too !!! Respect codes !! Use exceptionally !!! An « extra»- « automatic » service : access to some climatic and soil consolidated/standardised information But…if no geographic coordinates… no information possible

Each line in each file must be unique ! In FT: one national_code/ trial In GU: one national_code/ gu In TM: one national_code for site x one Entry_id code Specific pb. of TM file: link betw. FT & GU files

The less information you will provide, the less interesting will be the data base Nobody can say: « I do know what is the relevant information »

Policy: to let it open for other species

Policy: to let it open for other institutes

Please enter file in following format: P15-Pa-Data GU-LT.xls Partner-species-Datadate-file-country.xls Validate - insertError messages +

Can extract tables in xls or cv The « owner » is the one who has entered the data. He/she will be the only one who can delete and correct his/her dataset + administrator Files can be read by everybody

General statistics


Genetic Unit type: Added field !! NAT SYN HSP FSP CLO VAR OTH

Experimental data Ecological data Measurement data

Search for gu present in different tests sites through the synonymous search

Synonymous issue This new table allows connecting the same GU recoded differently by several partners (e.g. IUFRO trials / EU-trials, etc) Interest: find out which genotypes have been commonly tested, by who, where and when ; find out shared gu in collections, etc Need 1)to identify shared material (susceptible to be used by others) 2)to find out correspondance betw. material, 3)to prepare Excel file

Synonym headSynonym1Synonym2Synonym3Synonym4Synonym5 Synon ym6 Synon ym7 Synon ym8 GROUP_NAME SPECIES_ID DESCRIPTION NB_SYN COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID COUNTRY NATIONAL_ID How to organise all this ? Synonym group/description Synonym head: national GU code of the donor Synonyms: national GU codes of receivers Synonymous issue

-9999 issue Mandatory fields

Show-case issue Objective: –Inform about existence of DB –Draw attention of potential users Some attractive pages needed –What is in? –What can be done with it? Can I find relevant information for my research? –Good examples needed.

Up-dating issue To be of interest a database must be kept alive: –Regularly up-dated –Completed when too many missing information –Think about new developments (link with GIS tools ?)

Prunus avium – genetic trials across Europe Euforgen

Deadlines: –Input of data for other species? –Synonymous tables –DB content analysis –Show-case for internet