EDI Implementation At the simplest level, implementation is about change therefore we need to: determining where we are now targeting where we want to be deciding on an approach on how to get there formulating a method to check that we know when we have arrived
Reasons for Failure Costs –ongoing nature of any implementation –often difficult to predict –ROI in terms of management training difficult to calculate EDI Champion –middle managers unable to support a full implementation –EDI champion (senior manager) essential Poor Vision –senior management need clear vision No experience –during the early phases organisations lack experience –learning must be incorporated into plans Culture –culture change takes a long time –lot of resistance may be experienced –resistance to high technology
Generic Implementation Framework.
Implementation Methodology Flowchart
Implementation means Change Change brings about: –uncertainty –insecurity –fear –discomfort people will resist change managers may wish to maintain their little empire therefore it is a question of how to Manage Change
Three stages to accomplishing change Unfreeze to make people dissatisfied with the present situation. Move to change the situation and progress to a better one. Refreeze into the improved situation.
Implementation of changes Before any improvements are seen there may be a reduction in performance during the implementation stages - A to B on graph
Guidelines for change Change projects need to be considered in relation to the strategic requirements of an organisation. Change should be planned and implemented in phases. Those most closely affected should be involved in planning and implementing the change project. To be successful, change projects must allow those involved to make free and informed choices in order to gain their commitment. Individuals and groups will need to alter their behaviour if successful change is to be achieved. Cultural change is a necessary part of any change project.
Concerning the future... Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion. Or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must out run the slowest gazelle. Or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up in the morning, you’d better be running.