Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences Information Session 15 November 2007 Dipti Pandya and Sorcha Carthy, IRCHSS
Agenda About us IRCHSS Research Schemes International Funding Opportunities
Who? Council Members Dr. Maurice Bric, Chairman IRCHSS, UCD Dr. Josephine Browne, IADT Dun Laoghaire Professor Angela Chambers, UL Professor Michael Cronin, DCU Professor Áine Hyland, UCC Dr. Margaret Kelleher, NUI, Maynooth Professor Malcolm MacLachlan, TCD Professor Elizabeth Meehan, QUB Dr. Rory O'Donnell, NESC Professor Patrick O'Donovan, UCC Dr. Helen Russell, ESRI Dr. Sean Ryder, NUI, Galway
Who? Executive Dipti Pandya, Director Fiona Davis, Programme Manager Sorcha Carthy, European Projects Officer Kathryn Kozarits, Administrative Assistant Sarah Moore, Intern
Activities Administration of research funding schemes. 2007: 12m euro 203 awards (plus 2.5 GREP awards) 6 schemes (plus GREP) International bilateral partnerships Promote HSS research funding opportunities. EU Framework Programme 7 Contribution to research policy for HSS.
Anthropology Celtic Studies Classics & Archaeology Cultural Studies Economics Education Environmental Studies (applications relevant to the HSS) Film Studies Folklore Studies Government & Political Science; History International Development Irish Language Studies Languages, Linguistics & Literatures Library & Information Studies Law Management & Business Media & Communications Philosophy Psychology (applications relevant to the HSS) Religious Studies Social & Economic Geography Social Policy & Social Work Sociology Musicology & Theatre Studies (excluding applications in composition and performance) Theology Subject areas
IRCHSS Research Schemes
Schemes Postgraduate Research Scholarship Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Research Fellowship Senior Research Fellowship Small Projects Thematic Projects
Awards Year2007/ / / / /2004 Scheme AppsAwardsAppsAwardsAppsAwardsAppsAwardsAppsAwards Post-Graduate Scholarship Post-Doctoral Fellowship Research Fellowship Senior Research Fellowship Projects Annual Total Success Rate 28%22%27%30%
International Assessment Focus on funding excellence International Assessment Boards 15-to-25-member boards Generally professors with extensive research backgrounds Experienced evaluators with international evaluation experience As broad a disciplinary spectrum covered as possible
Peer Review College Database of Humanities and Social Sciences experts to contribute to national and international evaluation practices. International discipline experts to participate in national scheme evaluations. National discipline experts to contribute to the work of the IRCHSS in consultations, reviews of existing awards progress committees, and potential nominations for international assessments (as an when required).
Postgraduate Scholarship Scholarships for research degrees are valued at €16,000 per annum. Awarded initially for one year, but are renewable for up to two additional years. Applicants must have a first- or upper second-class honours primary degree (or equivalent)
PG: Evaluation Criteria Description of topic Aims and objectives Central research questions Methodology Research plan Description of the relationship of the project to existing research/how the project will make a new contribution to knowledge Description of any specialist knowledge/data required to undertake the project Description of the reason for choosing this institution and supervisor for the project. The applicant's record and academic achievements
Postdoctoral Fellowship Valued at €31,745 per annum for the academic year Applicants may apply for one of two categories of funding under this scheme: either a one-year Fellowship, the purpose of which is to prepare a doctoral dissertation for publication, or a two-year Fellowship, the purpose of which is to develop a new research project which is a significant development from the subject of the doctorate. Those who apply for this particular award are advised to specify the differences between the doctorate and the submitted project.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Who is eligible? Those who have been awarded their doctoral degrees within the five-year period before 7 December 2007, or Those who, by 7 December 2007, have been certified as having fulfilled all the requirements for the award of a doctoral degree, including a viva, where such is required. Fellowships may not be deferred.
Research Fellowship Research opportunities for those who, on 1 September 2008, have held an appointment on the academic staff of any third-level institution, either in or outside Ireland, for a total of ten years or less, and who are currently members of the academic staff in a recognised third-level institution in Ireland whose services to their institutions are of a research and teaching nature, and who have not been on research leave from their respective institutions during the whole of the academic year Applications in respect of doctoral research projects are not eligible for funding within the remit of this Scheme.
Research Fellowship Applicant must outline how a Fellowship will benefit him/her and enhance the development of graduate research in his/her department. Fellows may hold a Government of Ireland Research Fellowship in conjunction with other personal awards, provided that such awards will not exceed a total of the value of €15,000 during the period of the Fellowship. The Research Council will recognise a Fellow under this Scheme by making the applicant’s institution a payment of up to €42,000 or the equivalent of the Fellow’s gross salary, whichever is the lesser. Fellowships may not be deferred.
Senior Research Fellowship Research opportunities for those who, on 1 September 2008, have held a tenured appointment on the academic staff of a 3 rd level institution, either in or outside Ireland, for more than a total of ten years, and who are currently members of the academic staff in a recognised third-level institution in Ireland; whose services to their institutions are of a research and teaching nature, and; who have not been on research leave from their respective institutions during the whole of the academic year Applications in respect of doctoral research projects are not eligible for funding in this scheme.
Senior Research Fellowship Scheme is intended to recognise those whose research and professional development as researchers would benefit measurably from a period of concentrated research. Fellows may hold a Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship in conjunction with other personal awards, provided that such awards will not exceed a total of the value of €15,000 during the period of the Fellowship. The Research Council will recognise a Fellow under this Scheme by making the applicant’s institution a payment of up to €42,000 or the equivalent of the Fellow’s gross salary, whichever is the lesser. Fellowships may not be deferred.
Thematic and Small Research Project Grant Results 2007 Eligible applications Successful applications Small 6522 Thematic 6716 Totals 13338
Thematic Research Project Grants This Scheme is for academic staff employed at third level institutions in Ireland for research project funding in the range of €6,500 to €300,000 tenable for a maximum duration of 3 years. Themes 2007/8 Migration and Cultural Diversity The ‘New Economy’: Problems of Definition and Strategies for Growth, Development and Inclusion Thinking Globally: Issues and Investigative Practices The Making of Ireland: Paths to Modernity
Small Research Project Grants Funds small research projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the range of €2,500 to €50,000 for a maximum duration of two years. Supports research in the historical, analytical, theoretical and empirical study of subjects which normally fall within the Humanities and Social Sciences, including Law and Business Studies. Applications of an interdisciplinary nature are also welcome.
Evaluation Criteria Description of topic Purpose of grant (small research project) Thematic relevance (thematic project) Proposed Methodology Ability to Deliver Proposed Project Contribution to Knowledge The Applicant(s) Dissemination Impact (including teaching)
Ineligibility Eligibility criteria to be strictly enforced. Applications to schemes will not be assessed if they are incomplete, or have been received in the IRCHSS office posted after the advertised closing date. Common reasons for ineligibility Correct documentation Original letters, copies, electronic submissions, institutional signature, certificates, funding requirements, theme relevance… Read terms and conditions with care.
Key Dates Schemes 2008/09CallClosing Date Results Senior Research Fellowship Scheme 12 October 2007 Friday 30 November 2007 March 2008 Research Fellowship Scheme 12 October 2007 Friday 30 November 2007 March 2008 Post-Doctoral Fellowship Scheme 12 October 2007 Friday 30 November 2007 April 2008 Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme 9 November 2007 Friday 18 January 2008 May 2008
Project Monitoring Increase project monitoring Recruitment of staff (public) Post-graduate and post-doctoral eligibility criteria 6-monthly reports Finance Project schedule performance Outputs (publications and conference papers submitted) Final research report for public dissemination
Managing Queries HSS Community Group Each institution to nominate institutional contact points IRCHSS to fit with institutional research information communication channel Contact point to feed information back to IRCHSS FAQ section on website to be expanded Annual information session remain in place
International Funding Opportunities Sorcha Carthy European Projects Officer
Activities II: International The European Research Area (ERA) Creation of “internal market” in research Restructuring of the European research fabric Development of a European research policy Framework Programme Seven FP7 European Science Foundation (ESF): Workshops Programmes Forward Looks
FP7 Dedicated funding streams Cooperation Programme SSH Dedicated topics Partnerships (minimum of 3 MS / AC’s ) Comparative problem solving research Large & small scale grants Coordinating and supporting activities
FP7 ERC Objectives of ERC Keep (young) researchers in Europe Favour “brain gain” and “reverse brain drain” Improve career opportunities and independence - especially for young researchers: ERC Starting Grant attract & retain the next generation Increase competition, recognition and international visibility for excellent individual scientists and scholars in Europe: ERC Advanced Grant attractive & prestigious grants for established leaders
FP7 for HSS 2 % Cooperation: € 623m WP 1 : €138.64m 15% Ideas: €1,126.5m WP1 STG €43.4m Total €1,749.5
Getting Informed about FP7 Have an open mind! Explore multi-disciplinary opportunities Don’t be put off by scare stories Think “outside the box” Get to know Europe! Register as an expert evaluator If new to FP, leverage expertise of ‘veterans’ Make use of Enterprise Ireland development support grants Access Networks IRCHSS as an information and advisory service Events and website including EC speakers National Delegate and National Contact Point Join FP7 HSS Google group General information events – e.g. Enterprise Ireland
European association of national organisations responsible for the support of scientific research. ESF brings European scientists together to work on topics of common interest, to facilitate cooperation in the use of large research facilities, and to discover and define new endeavours which will benefit from a cooperative approach. European Collaborative Research Projects (ECRP) responsive-mode, investigator-driven Collaborative Research Projects within all fields of Social Science in Europe. The ECRP Programme is designed to promote research of the highest quality, offering opportunities to test innovative ideas, pool expertise and strengthen research capacity in line with the objectives of the European Research Area. European Collaborative Research Projects Networking activities QMSS, EARTH, NHIEST, GLOBALEURONET
Activities II: International Bi-lateral agreements– ESRC, CNRS, Canada, Australia Ulysses ERA-NETS – NORFACE and HERA
NORFACE New Opportunities for Research Funding Co-operation in Europe – a Strategy for Social Science Partnership between twelve Research Councils to increase co- operation in research and research policy in Europe Strategic Objectives: Develop partnership in research funding policy and practice Develop a transnational research programme Extend to other European countries 3 stage plan of work: 1. Establishing the NORFACE management structure 2. Information exchange, analysis and strategic thinking 3. Launch a transnational research programme Activities and work packages include: Transnational Programmes, Best practice studies, knowledge transfer, forward look, workshops, conferences, exchange visits Seminar Series, TNP in Migration Autumn 2008 NORFACE ERA-NET
Partnership between fifteen Humanities Research Councils across Europe and the European Science Foundation, with the objective of firmly establishing the humanities in the European Research Area and in the Framework Programmes. HERA has been designed to deliver new levels of co-operative research policy and practice in the humanities by embarking on an ambitious programme of communication, enquiry and sharing of expertise. Activities include: Establishment of best practice in funding mechanisms, research priorities, humanities infrastructure and the development of a joint funding programme 2009 Theme of Cultural Dynamics and Creativity & Innovation.
Results of International Activity Broadening of network and research capacity Added value Sharing of best practice and expertise Value for money
NCP Activities Information service – Join the google group hss hss Interface for researchers and the commission Lobbying the commission eg gaps in the work programme Assist in Partner Searches Assist and Advise with applications Pre-reads Host information events
Cooperation Research areas Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities in FP 7 Addressing major challenges facing Europe and the World Growth, employment, competitiveness Combining economic, social and environmental objectives (sustainable development): e.g. socio-economic models, economic and social cohesion. Major trends in society: (initially) demographic trends, quality of life, cultural interactions Global interactions and interdependencies; conflicts and peace. Participation, democracy, governance; European diversities and commonalities.
Cooperation topics ACTIVITY 8.1 GROWTH, EMPLOYMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS IN A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: THE EUROPEAN CASE Area Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy Area Structural changes in the European knowledge economy and society Area Strengthening policy coordination coherence in Europe ACTIVITY 8.2 COMBINING ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE: PATHS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Area Socio-economic development trajectories Area Regional, territorial and social cohesion ACTIVITY 8.3 MAJOR TRENDS IN SOCIETY AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS Area Demographic changes Area Societal trends and lifestyles Area Cultural interactions in an international perspective
Cooperation topics ACTIVITY 8.4 EUROPE IN THE WORLD Area Interactions and interdependences between world regions and their implications Area Conflicts, peace and human rights Area Europe’s changing role in the world ACTIVITY 8.5 THE CITIZEN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Area Participation and Citizenship in Europe Area Diversities and Commonalities in Europe ACTIVITY 8.6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND SCIENTIFIC INDICATORS Area How indicators are used in policy Area Developing better indicators for policy Area Provision of underlying official statistics Area Development of methods for the evaluation of research policies and programmes
Cooperation Theme 8 : Work Programme Call Content ACTIVITY 8.7 FORESIGHT ACTIVITIES Area Forward Visions on the European Research Area Area Research, research policy and interrelations with other policy areas (including joined-up policies) Area The Future Dynamics of Key S&T Actors in Europe Area Blue Sky Research on Emerging Issues Affecting European S&T Area Mutual Learning and Cooperation ACTIVITY 8.8 STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES
IRCHSS Contact Points National Schemes: Fiona Davis, Programme Manager EU/International Activities: Sorcha Carthy, European Projects Officer