NATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AND DATA MANAGEMENT N.A.Rykov, Far Eastern Regional HydrometeorologicalResearch Institute, Vladivostok, Russia Igor Rostov, V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Vladivostok, Russia
N.A.Rykov Introduction Russia carries out marine investigations in the NW Pacific from the third quarter of the 19 th century. A lot of oceanographic observations are obtained. Researchers from many domestic and foreign Institutions use they for scientific and applied investigations. With establishment of WDC-B (Obninsk) in 1971 Russia participates in international data exchange through IODE. Negative events after USSR disintegration had such results as sharp decreasing of marine expeditions and loss of many data on paper tapes/cards and old magnetic tapes. Therefore Russian Institutions were glad to take part in started GODAR project. The project allowed to digitize and rewrite into up-to-date carriers data from hundreds of cruises. More than 45,000 serial stations and about 340,000 BT were prepared for international data exchange within GODAR’93-95.
N.A.Rykov International data exchange in Country Project GODAR IODE Serial stations BT CTD Serial stations BT CTD China8,053 2,000 Japan254,846114, ,221175,345 Republic of Korea 28,194 8,800 Russia45,543340,0006,262137,00017,093 USA59,427250,1009,430191,0001,930,09066,888 Australia22,19094,000 46,700
N.A.Rykov The main Russian Agencies, which carry out marine investigations in the World Ocean: - Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); - Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet); - Ministry of Defence (MD); - State Committee on Fishery (SCF); - Ministry of Education
N.A.Rykov The main Russian marine Organizations/Institutions in WESTPAC region: - Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute (FERHRI, Roshydromet); - Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI, RAS); - Institute of Marine Biology (IMB, RAS); - Hydrographic Service of Pacific Navy (HS); - Pacific Institute of Fishery and Oceanography (TINRO-Center, SCF); -Territorial Departments for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Primorie (PDHEM), Sakhalin (SakhDHEM), Kolyma (KolDHEM), Kamchatka (KamDHEM), Roshydromet); - Territorial Institutes of Fishery and Oceanography (Sakhalin (SakhNIRO), Kolyma (KolymNIRO), Kamchatka (KamchatNIRO), SCF)
N.A.Rykov Distribution of serial stations made by TINRO in
N.A.Rykov Approximate number of observations Institution Serial stations BT CTD FERHRI 120,000 95,000 10,000 TINRO-Center 120,000 66,000 ? POI 20, ,000 HS >100,000 >50,000 - Territorial DHEM 50,000 ? ? Territorial NIRO ? ? ?
N.A.Rykov Standard cruise report of Roshydromet R/Vs Volume I: - Captain report; - Report of a head of expedition (scheme of cruise, period, kinds and number of observations, list of instructions, co-ordinates and dates of stations, list of observers, list of used equipment and instruments); - Reports of heads of groups (information on instruments calibration, main results and scientific papers if any). Volume II: software, paper tapes/cards, magnetic tapes Volume III: meteorology and actimomethry Volume IV: aerology Volume V: - Serial stations with meteorology; - BT; - current observations Volume VI: radionuclear elements in atmosphere
N.A.Rykov Data preparation data searching (archives, cruise reports, Institutions, Internet, CD-ROMs, etc); data requirement, coping, and formatting or data digitizing; - - data quality control and editing; - data formatting and archiving.
N.A.Rykov Parameters of quality control - impossible date/time; - impossible ship speed between stations; - position on land; - global and regional impossible parameter value; - decreasing depth values; - form of profile; - spike; - standard deviation; - visual inspection
N.A.Rykov POI observations in
N.A.Rykov FERHRI stations digitized for GODAR’99 (left) and GODAR’01 (right)
N.A.Rykov CONCLUSION Russian marine Institutions will welcome establishment of the GODAR-WESTPAC project on the following reasons: project allows to search and digitize a lot of oceanographic observations made by different countries and organizations, which are now in manuscript forms; many new data sets will be available for scientific community; data preparation (digitizing, quality control, etc) can be carry out by using uniform technology; new data sets allow to create new informational products