E-Learning: Current Trends & Practices By: Maisarah Bt Mokhsein
Overview Definition Definition History of E-Learning in Malaysia History of E-Learning in Malaysia Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages & Disadvantages Current Trends & Practices Current Trends & Practices E-Learning in Malaysia E-Learning in Malaysia Implementation in UNITEN Implementation in UNITEN Conclusion Conclusion
DEFINITION E-Learning is a learning process that is facilitated and enhanced by using digital tools such as CD- ROMs, video conferencing, websites, and many more, where the content and instruction is delivered electronically. E-Learning is a learning process that is facilitated and enhanced by using digital tools such as CD- ROMs, video conferencing, websites, and many more, where the content and instruction is delivered electronically. E-learning ≠ distance learning E-learning ≠ distance learning Distance learning = Physical separation of the student with the instructor and classroom. Distance learning = Physical separation of the student with the instructor and classroom. E-learning = Can become part of the classroom environment. E-learning = Can become part of the classroom environment.
HISTORY OF E-LEARNING IN MALAYSIA E-learning strategies have been introduced into public universities since 1996 E-learning strategies have been introduced into public universities since s = Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad introduced Vision s = Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad introduced Vision = Establishment of the Multimedia Super Corridor and the privatization of tertiary education = Establishment of the Multimedia Super Corridor and the privatization of tertiary education. Since then, E-learning is introduced widely and is encourage to be implemented in organizations and education. Since then, E-learning is introduced widely and is encourage to be implemented in organizations and education.
ADVANTAGES Individualization -Learn in own pace Individualization -Learn in own pace Distance, money & time constraint –cost savings Distance, money & time constraint –cost savings Improved access and flexibility -Transfer information faster, available 24/7, everywhere. Improved access and flexibility -Transfer information faster, available 24/7, everywhere. Improved control and standardization Improved control and standardization -Get the right information -Get the right information Enhanced communication and collaboration - Share & manage knowledge and skills, active participation Enhanced communication and collaboration - Share & manage knowledge and skills, active participation Demonstrating concepts that are difficult to convey in any other medium Demonstrating concepts that are difficult to convey in any other medium
DISADVANTAGES Expensive to Create Expensive to Create Either Ugly or Too Much Graphics and Not Enough Content Either Ugly or Too Much Graphics and Not Enough Content Hard to Use Hard to Use Slow Slow Plug-ins Plug-ins
CURRENT TRENDS & PRACTICES #1: E-learning as a business strategy #1: E-learning as a business strategy -E-learning is now widely used in smart companies to train their employees. Here each employees is given the best instructor and they can also have an active participation in online discussions. #2: Blended learning #2: Blended learning -This trend merge online learning with traditional methods. Meaning the e-learning can reach lots of people at one point and not one at a time. Blended learning can be the mix of web-based learning, computer based learning, audio and video clips, role-plays, case studies, documentations (supported by technology ) #3: Moving from discrete to integrated learning #3: Moving from discrete to integrated learning -In other words, synchronous activity.
#4: Podcasting #4: Podcasting - Gaining popularity, but has bandwidth issues #5: M-Learning (Mobile Learning) #5: M-Learning (Mobile Learning) - Is still not widely use in Malaysia #6: Learning Management system (LMS) #6: Learning Management system (LMS) -A software package that allows management and delivery of learning content to the learners. It is a web based system that allows the management of instructor led courses, virtual classroom, online courses and many more. It also tracks the learners progress and performance of all the activities they are involved in.
E-LEARNING IN MALAYSIA University E-Learning Software FunctionsLink Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) - Form in Feb 2002 Morpheus (Moodle) &Learnfinity Assignments Journal Quiz Survey Chat Forum Glossary Wiki New Messages Registered Courses My Progress Report My Calendar Users Online News & Events Search mas.my/index.php?o ption=com_content& task=view&id=90&It emid=123 mas.my/index.php?o ption=com_content& task=view&id=90&It emid=123 m.unimas.my/login/i ndex.php m.unimas.my/login/i ndex.php as.my/eles/login.php ?req_uri=%2Feles%2 F&set_langhttp://elearning.unim as.my/eles/login.php ?req_uri=%2Feles%2 F&set_lang= as.my/eles/login.php ?req_uri=%2Feles%2 F&set_lang
E-LEARNING IN MALAYSIA University E-Learning Software FunctionsLink Universiti of Malaya (UM) Unidentified1.Notes Online (E–Book format) 2. Document: (uploaded & managed by lecturer) 3. Assessment: Online Quiz/Survey with 7 type of questions 4. Announcement & News 5. Forum 6. Learning Tracks 7. Links & Reference erdana.um.edu.m y/login.php erdana.um.edu.m y/login.php my/abtelearning. html my/abtelearning. html
E-LEARNING IN MALAYSIA University E-Learning Software FunctionsLink Multimedia University Malacca (MMU) Multimedia Learning System (MMLS) Developed fully using open source technology Developed fully using open source technology · Auto sequencing slides · Questions bank · Auto administration · On-line self test · Short notes, course outline, past year exam paper · Lecturer Notes, References · , Chat, discussion board · On-line forum by course for asynchronous interactions · Report on students progress in table and chart format · Extensive student monitoring and tracking · m-Learning (coming soon) mmu.edu.my/about mmls.htm
E-LEARNING IN MALAYSIA University E-Learning Software FunctionsLink Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) LMS Announcements Documents Forum Learning Tracks LinksAssessments are.uum.edu.my/ are.uum.edu.my/
Other Universities Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman - UNITAR Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman - UNITAR Universiti Sains Malaysia - USM (Moodle) Universiti Sains Malaysia - USM (Moodle)
IMPLEMENTATION IN UNITEN Things to consider Things to consider StudentsStudents ActivitiesActivities Mixed mode Mixed mode Fully online Fully online Modules / Courses – Assessment?Modules / Courses – Assessment? Accreditation issuesAccreditation issues InfrastucturesInfrastuctures Additional classroom/ smart lab Additional classroom/ smart lab Bandwidth issues Bandwidth issues
Suggestions Test e-learning to degree students Test e-learning to degree students Make e-learning part of assessment criteria for classes (i.e. : online forum discussions, online quizzes, learning tracks, podcasting) Make e-learning part of assessment criteria for classes (i.e. : online forum discussions, online quizzes, learning tracks, podcasting) Study what are students academic achievements before and after e- learning? Study what are students academic achievements before and after e- learning?
CONCLUSION It is said that e-learning can save cost but the important factor of e- learning in University is whether e- learning can improve the quality of education. It is said that e-learning can save cost but the important factor of e- learning in University is whether e- learning can improve the quality of education. E-learning also involves ongoing infrastructure cost, if it is not used, it will become a burden to maintain it. E-learning also involves ongoing infrastructure cost, if it is not used, it will become a burden to maintain it.
REFERENCES s+in+E-Learning s+in+E-Learning s+in+E-Learning s+in+E-Learning onestop.com/about_elearning.html onestop.com/about_elearning.html onestop.com/about_elearning.html onestop.com/about_elearning.html a-brief-history-of-e-learning-and-distance-education/ a-brief-history-of-e-learning-and-distance-education/ a-brief-history-of-e-learning-and-distance-education/ a-brief-history-of-e-learning-and-distance-education/ pte/module1/m01t03p01_e.asp pte/module1/m01t03p01_e.asp pte/module1/m01t03p01_e.asp pte/module1/m01t03p01_e.asp