Leisure and Nature in Poland
Nature in Poland is preserved in its original state. Forests cover 29% of the country. Forests in Poland
The most beautiful nature areas are protected in: 23 national parks, hundreds of preservation parks, many reservations. National Parks cover 1% of the country. National Parks and Reservations
Białowieski National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site The oldest national park in Poland. The park covers parts of a primeval forest in its original state. The park is home to many species of animals, the best known being zubr (Polish bison)- the largest European mammal
Białowieski National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site Many tourist trails cross the park, making it a perfect location for hiking, biking and horseback riding. Main tourist attractions: Białowieża village Zubr Reservation Area the Royal Oak trail narrow-gauge rail
Biebrzański National Park Area protected by RAMSAR convention The largest national park in Poland. The park covers preserved in their original state area of marshes, inhabited by vast colonies of birds.
Biebrzański National Park Area protected by RAMSAR convention The park is an attractive destination for active tourism : canoeing photo-safari trail hiking Other attractions: Fortress from the XIX century in Osowiec Baroque synagogue in Tykocin
Biebrzański National Park Area protected by RAMSAR convention
Tatrzański National Park UNESCO Biosphere reserve (MaB) The park covers the highest of Polish mountains- Tatry. The only Polish peaks with Alpine character are inhabited by: bears marmots chamois eagles
Tatrzański National Park UNESCO Biosphere preserve (MaB) The park is the most attractive for those interested in skiing, climbing and winter sports. Other attractions: Zakopane - „winter capital of Poland” Highlander folklore.
Pieniński National Park The park covers a very scenic region of limestone massif called Pieniny with its highest peak Trzy Korony (982 m above the sea level) and picturesque section of Dunajec river
Pieniński National Park Terrain of the park is perfect for mountain hiking and active tourism. The most popular activity is rafting. In the vicinity of the park, there is Niedzica castle and ruins of Czorsztyn castle.
Bieszczadzki National Park Part of the International Biosphere Preserve The park protects the highest parts of Bieszczady Mountains, with their peculiar peaks covered with grass called “poloniny” Bieszczady are the “wildest” mountains in Poland, where wolves, bears, lynx and eagles roam free.
Bieszczadzki National Park Part of the International Biosphere Preserve Many tourist trails cross the park: mountain hiking horseback riding skiing biking. Additional attraction are wooden Orthodox churches.
Słowiński National Park World-wide Biosphere Preserve (MaB) The most interesting curiosity of the park are the moving sand dunes. The highest being 42 m (137 ft.). Park’s lakes are home to many species of birds.
Słowiński National Park World-wide Biosphere Preserve (MaB) The main tourist attraction is dune hiking. Other interesting sites around the park : Heritage Park - Muzeum Wsi Słowińskiej in Kluki, Swołowo is a „capital” of so called Checkered Land because of its skeleton construction houses.
Information brochures and maps can be found in those facilities. National and scenic Parks fulfill educational, recreational and cultural function. Nature museums and educational facilities are located in the parks.
Polish forests provide a natural leisure environment which gives an opportunity to rest close to nature and what is more important there are only few restrictions on entering forested areas. Many forests remained untouched in their original beauty.
Forests are inhabited by many different species of animals and meeting them is never a problem. Visitors can admire: deer, boar fox and many other Polish nature is famous for her birds. Marshes become a true heaven for photo-safari
Hunting season provides wide variety of game : deer, boar, elk, birds. Hunting trips are organized by specialized offices.
Visitors can lodge in a wide array of accommodations: private lodgings pensions, camp sites, hotels, resorts. Hunting lodges are also very popular.
Hunting lodges and inns serve traditional dishes of local Polish cuisine.
Travelers can tour located nearby historical and heritage sites that offer attractive and unique souvenirs of folk art.
Travelers can also participate in many cultural, tourist and sport events such us: Białowieski National Park International Festival of Orthodox Music in Hajnowka Pieniński Park Narodowy International rafting competition in Dunajec Tatrzański National Park World Cup in ski-jumping
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