Supernovae and GRB Connection Ken’ichi Nomoto (Univ. of Tokyo) MAGNUM (U. Tokyo)
Supernova Spectra (Maximum Light) ( Å ) log(Flux)
Hypernova Candidates E kinetic > (5-10)×10 51 ergs SNe Ic SNGRB 1998bw ef(971115) 2002ap 2003dh lw dq 1998ey 1992ar SN 1998bw GRB
Ia Ic Ib 94I 97ef 98bw He CaO SiII Hyper -novae Spectra of Supernovae & Hypernovae Hypernovae : broad features blended lines “Large mass at high velocities” Ic: no H, no strong He, no strong Si
Core Collapse SNe II -P –Single RG II n, II -L, II b –Close Binaries? I b, I c –Single WR –Close Binaries Hypernovae ( I c) ↔ Gamma-Ray Bursts –Rotating Single WR? (Helium) –Close Binary Mergers? (Mass of SN ejecta: Mej ?) Mass loss
SN1994I SN2006aj SN2003lw SN1997ef SN2002ap SN2003dh SN1998bw
56 Co-decay
Parameters [M ej, E, M( 56 Ni)] Si C+O He H-rich M C+O Fe Collapse 56 Ni 56 Co 56 Fe M ms /M M C+O /M ~ ~ ~ Light CurveSpectra ~ [ dyn diffusion ] 1/2 ~ R VR c M ej 1/2 ½ M ej ¾ E -¼ E M ej 3 E M ej CO Star Models for SNeIc 56 Ni
Jet-like explosion Tominaga et al. 2005
M=25M , E=3×10 50 erg [Fe/H]= - 5.3 Mr (M ) 0 -1-1 -2-2 -3-3 -4- He H C C O O N Ne Mg 56 Fe Ti 58 Ni Log X ejecta Fallback M BH ~6M Umeda & Nomoto (2003) Mixing
Spectral Fitting: SN1997ef Normal SN (E 51 =1) Small M ej Hypernova (E 51 =20) Large M ej at High Vel. Too Narrow Features Broad Features Iwamoto et al. (2000) E 51 =E/10 51 erg
t (days) 98bw 94I 97ef Radioactive Decay 56 Ni 56 Co 56 Fe C+O Star Models 98bw97ef94I M ms (M ) M C+O (M ) E K (10 51 erg) M( 56 Ni) (M ) log L (erg/s) Light curves of Hypernovae & SNeIc
GRB / SN 2003dh Hjorth et al (2003)
SN2003dh / GRB Deng et al. (2005)
SN2003lw / GRB Deng et al. (2005)
Supernova – GRB Connection GRBSNM CO /M M ms /M E/10 51 ergM( 56 Ni)/M bw dh lw Three GRB - SNe = all Type Ic Hypernovae E > erg ( ~ 10×normal SN) Large M ms →Black Hole Forming SNe Aspherical
Very narrow lines. V < 1000 km s -1. E K =1-4×10 50 ergs. V~1000km s gd, 1999br Faint M( 56 Ni)~0.002M Type II-P SN 1997D (Turatto, Mazzali, Young, Nomoto 2002)
SN Ⅱ 1997D: Faint SN Turatto, Mazzali, Young, Nomoto, Iwamoto et al. (1998) 1997D 1987A 1997D L BOL M ms ~20M M ms ~ 25 - 30M R ≤ 300R M( 56 Ni) 0.07M 0.002M m - M=30.64 (NGC1536) E~4×10 50 erg narrow lines
Hypernovae/Faint SNe EKEK Nomoto et al. (2003) Failed SN? 13M ☉ ~15M ☉ GRB-SN
Nomoto et al. (astro-ph/ ) GRB-SN Hypernovae/Faint SNe ( 56 Ni mass)
Non-GRB Hypernovae SNe 1997ef, 1999as, 2002ap, 2003jd MAGNUM (U. Tokyo)
Brightest Hypernova: E ~ 3×10 52 erg M ms ~ 60M M CO ~ 20M M( 56 Ni) ~ 5.4M SN 1999as mag (Deng et al. ) ( Knop et al.)
SN1994I SN2006aj SN2003lw SN1997ef SN2002ap SN2003dh SN1998bw
SN 2003jd SN 1998bw SN 2002ap SN 2003jd SN 1983V
Spectra of SN2002ap 4M C+O star (Mms ~ 25) (E = 4e51 erg) Mazzali et al. 2002
XRF060218SN2006 SN2006aj
SN1994I SN2006aj SN2003lw SN1997ef SN2002ap SN2003dh SN1998bw
Fe III, Fe II OI days since the explosion
Ca II IR triplet OI 7774 Si II 16 days since the explosion
Comparison with 02ap SN 2006aj (21 Feb 2006) SN 2002ap at z=0.033 Model 4Msun Model 2Msun OI 7774
SN 2006aj 13 days after the explosion (3 Mar 2006) CaII IR triplet OI 7774 SiII 6355 FeII, FeIII CrII, TiII Model 2 Msun 4 Msun
SN 2006aj
XRF / SN 2006aj Small Oxygen Mass < 1.3 M M ej ~ 2 M (M ms ~ 20 M ) E ~ 2 x erg M( 56 Ni)~0.21M Neutron Star forming SN ? Magnetar-driven XRF ? Mass Loss Rate ? Shell ? Cas A – connection ?
Non-GRB, peculiar SN Ib 2005bf MAGNUM (U. Tokyo)
SN Ib 2005bf: Spectra Tominaga et al He H feature
SN 2005bf: Observed Light Curves Tominaga et al Folatelli et a Modjaz et al. 2006
Comparison with other SN Ib/c
SN 2005bf: Abundance Distribution Mass Fraction Velocity [km/s] X( 56 Ni)=0.44 X( 56 Ni)=0.013 X( 56 Ni)=0.03 X(He)=0.44 1,6003,9005,400 Ni Si, O, C He H,He 13,000
Type Ib SN 2005bf Peculiar Light Curve –Double peaks : M( 56 Ni)~0.3M –Slow rise to the 2nd peak (~40 days) –Rapid decline M ej ~ 6 – 7 M (M ms ~ 25 – 30 M ) E ~ 1.3 x erg Explosion of a WN star He, H features
Subaru FOCAS Obs. of SN 2005bf [O I ] ~10 days after the 2 nd peak. He indicated by [Ca I I ] [Fe I I ]?? HH
Unipolar Ejection of 56 Ni(Fe)? sym. axis [OI] 6300 [FeII] 7150 [CaII] 7300 O Ca Fe
SN 2005bf: Light Late Phases
Type Ib SN 2005bf Nebula Spectrum –[FeII], [CaII],[OI] : Blue shifted by ~1500 km/s –[OI] : Double peaks –Unipolar Jet ? –Kick ? (v ~ 200 – 600 km/s ?) Neutron Star Forming SN ?? - normal E, small mass cut, large M(Ni) Rapid decline of LC: 56 Ni decay ?? - Magnetar?? GRB connection??
First Star – Hypernova Connection: Abundance Patterns of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
Metal Poor Stars Mega Metal Poor (MMP): [Fe/H] < -6 Hyper Metal Poor (HMP): [Fe/H] < -5 Ultra Metal Poor (UMP): [Fe/H] < -4 Extremely Metal Poor(EMP) : [Fe/H] < -3 Very Metal Poor (VMP): [Fe/H] < -2 Metal Poor (MP) : [Fe/H] < -1 Solar: [Fe/H] ~ 0 Super Metal Rich(SMR): [Fe/H] > +0.5 [Fe/H]=log(Fe/H)-log(Fe/H) (Beers & Christlieb 2005)
Mn CoCr Zn trend McWilliam, Ryan [Fe/H]
Low energyHigh energy (1) M(Complete Si-burning) (Zn, Co)/Fe (Mn, Cr)/Fe Fe/(O, Si) (2) More ‐ rich entropy Zn/Fe 64 Ge Ti/Fe (3) More O burns (Si, S, Ca)/O Hypernova Nucleosynthesis
Normal SNe vs H ypernovae than Normal SNe Hypernovae complete Si burning incomplete Si burning
Hyper Metal Poor star: HE Discovery : (Christrieb et al. 2002) Red-giant ~ 0.8 M [Fe/H] ~ [C/Fe] ~ + 4 Pop III (first generation) or Second generation? Formation of Pop III low mass star?
Hyper Metal Poor (HMP) stars Iwamoto et al. (Science 2005)
First Supernovae [Fe/H] : Faint SNe Hypernovae Normal SNe Black-Hole Forming Supernovae (20-130M ) ⇒ First Black Hole > 2~6M
NameM ms E 51 M( 56 Ni) 1998bw dh lw ef ap bf aj A J I D br
Supernova – GRB Connection Mass – E (Rotation?) GRB-SN –Hypernovae (M > 30 M ; E > 1 x erg) –Black hole forming –Type Ic: M(CO) ~ M Non-GRB HN (off-axis ?) XRF-SN (M ms ~ 20 M E ~ 2 x erg) Neutron Star forming ? Magnetar-driven Explosion? Peculiar SNe: (NS—BH boundary ?) First Star connection
Possible Types of SN-HN Type Ib Hypernova ? (Helium in mixed WR) Type II Hypernova ? –Rotating Black-Hole + H-rich Envelope (low metallicity?) Faint SN Ibc ? –Small 56 Ni (fallback) + No Shock Heating Faint Hypernovae (fallback of 56 Ni) Dark SN/HN (Long GRB + no SN)