Non profit institution Mission ARIES Formazione is a private research and training non profit organisation operating in the public and the private sector, with the aim of improving the quality of training standards at an European level. Values knowledgecustomer quality professionalismresults innovation creativityInformation technology Who are we ?
How are we organized ? STAFF: 2 full time 6 part-time 15 experts professionals on a free lance basis who have a great deal of experience in different subject fields
Some special projects... Our experts have collaborated in many transnational projects, e.g. : ADAPT EMPLOYMENT: YOUTHSTART - NOW - HORIZON LEONARDO ESF Training Courses. V Framework programme Raffaello
Areas of interest ·Researches on socio-economic trends and skills shortages in labour market · Training needs analysis and course design · Project management and trainers’ training · Development of training tools and materials · Technical assistance on European programmes · Pedagogical structures of multimedia for training ·Quality control for European programmes · Research on European Vocational Frameworks
Core competences Research on European frameworks of competences for skills certification, aiming at transparency of performance descriptors and acknowledgement of competences acquired in vocational and on-the job training for the integration of educational and training systems in Europe.
Partnerships One of our major added-value competences are the links and partnership we have with Local Authorities, Universities, High Schools, SME’s, youth training centres in Italy and all over Europe. ARIES Formazione has been assisting many Vocational Centres, Local Authorities, Language Schools, Certification Boards, SME’s, high schools etc.
Leonardo da Vinci Programme ARIES Formazione is currently involved in seven Leonardo projects and is carrying on various tasks within them: Development of modules and materials for training and counselling, E-contents, Blended learning Monitoring and evaluation, Creation of European Certification Framwework Quality management.
Partnerships with Higher Education institutions: 1. VŠB Technical University –Ostrava, Czech Republic 2. Klaipéda University - Lithuania 3. Clean Technology Centre – Cork, Ireland 4. CENVIG - Polytechnic of Gdansk - Poland 5. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm,Sweden 6. Gazi University Besevler – Ankara, Turkey 7. University of Duisburg - Germany 8. Todor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport – Sofia, Bulgaria 9. CLTS Intercollege - Cyprus 10. Democritus University of Thrace – Thessalonica, Greece 11. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine -Cluj Napoca, Romania 12. Academy of Humanities and Economics (AHE) - Lodz, Poland 13. Czech University of Agriculture – Prague, Czech Republic 14. Budapest Polytechnic – Hungary 15. Oxford Brookes College - UK