1 Technology Transfer Franco Turini Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita` di Pisa Chairman of Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
2 Outline Towards a high tech district Supporting Strategies The role of Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
3 Towards a High Tech District Pisa and the surrounding area (provinces of Pisa-Livorno- Massa-Lucca) have the opportunity of establishing a top- level high-tech industrial district All the premises are here: universities and research centers centers for supporting technology transfer infrastructures for physical connections (airport, highways) infrastructures for virtual connections (high bandwith networks) good quality of life
4 The role of Research Institutions Three Universities in Pisa: Universita` di Pisa Scuola Superiore S.Anna Scuola Normale Superiore A natural vocation towards technical subjects: 46,8 % of students in Pisa graduate in scientific/tecnical subjects vs. 31,6% in Tuscany and 30% in Italy (figures of year 2000) The Area of National Research Council is the second largest in Italy (~800 researchers)
5 High Tech research areas in Pisa Bio-medical: Fisiologia Clinica CNR Centro di Chirurgia Sperimentale Telecommunications: Lab for High Bandwith networks (Sant’Anna, Marconi, CNR, CNIT) Centro di eccellenza-IRC Software ISTI and IIT (CNR) Dipartimento di Informatica e Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Centro Retis del S.Anna Centro Meta del Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
6 High Tech research areas in Pisa (cont.) Robotics and micro-mechatronics: polo S.Anna Val d’Era Domotics Polo di Peccioli PST di Livorno Aerospace Centro Spazio del Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
7 Centers supporting Applied Research, Technology Transfer, Start-up Companies Consorzio Pisa Ricerche (Pisa) Polo di Navacchio (Pisa) PonTech (Pontedera) Societa` per il Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico dell’Area Livornese (Livorno) Polo Magona (Cecina)
8 High Tech Companies In year 2001 in the area Pisa-Livorno-Lucca- Massa: high tech companies employees more than 50% in the Information and Communication technology area
9 The problems Lack of suitable locations Lack of integration between companies and between companies and research centers Lack of a policy supporting the marketing of the area as a high tech district Lack of funding of high tech start-up and spin-off companies
10 The strategy: all the actors work towards the common goal of creatinga high tech district Research centers define new rules and favor an attitude towards collaboration with high tech industries and the creation of spin-off Public Institutions work for the solution of infrastructural problems Companies and their Associations work for creating an attitude towards high tech and close connections between different sectors Financial Institutions in cooperation with Public Institutions (e.g. the Region) provide mechanisms for funding high tech Technology transfer centers do their job!
11 The role of Consorzio Pisa Ricerche Established in 1987 in Pisa as an Initiative of the Italian Institute for Public Enterprise Aim Promote and co-ordinate the transfer of innovative technology and expertise from university and research environments to industry in many areas of application.
12 Application Areas Aerospace technologies, Energy & Environment Technologies Automatics & Robotics Networks & Telecommunications IT and Multimedia Parallel Processing Microelectronics Software Engineering Geographical Information Systems Human Language Technologies.
13 PISA RICERCHE An Evolving Structure CENTRES PROJECT AREAS CREA CommunicationResearch TEAM Microelectronics Space Technology CENTROSPAZIO TEA Energy and Environment META Networking & Multimedia Appl.s Human Language Technology SoftwareEngineering Geographical Inform. Systems Automation and Robotics Other Minor Activities Internet Service Provider RTD, TRAINING, SERVICES SPINOFFS TETRA Technology Transfer Centre TEA Sistemi s.r.l ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT ALTA s.r.l AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY METAware s.r.l MULTIMEDIA & TELECOMMUNICATION CONSULTANCY SERVICE Strategica s.r.l.
15 TEchnology Transfer (TETRA) Centre Introduction n The centre was founded in 1995 following the territorial need to offer innovative services to local enterprises, research institutions, trade associations and sectorial service centres. n Since the beginning TETRA has been hosting the Innovation Relay Centre RECITAL. This led to further projects both on a national and international level.
16 TETRA Centre Objectives To create a favourable culture and environment encouraging innovation and international co-operation. To stimulate and assist technology providers to make their research results and technologies available on a transnational level. To stimulate enterprises, especially those operating in traditional sectors, to adopt and implement technologies available on a transnational level. To assist local actors in innovative actions for regional development
17 TETRA Centre targeted Services (1) Tailored consultancy services and company visits for the identification of technology needs and the best solutions available on the market; Technical assistance for the owners of research results and/or innovative technologies to define and plan dissemination campaigns addressed to defined international market sectors; Patent search and Scientific and technological verification of the innovative aspect of a product or a process;
18 Information and assistance for proposal preparation and partner search within the framework of European Union initiatives and programmes; Consultancy services regarding innovation financing for enterprises, spin-offs and new technology-based firms; Assistance with and organisation of meetings between technology providers and potential clients; Organisation of local round tables between innovation actors (policy makers, companies, research organisations, innovation agencies, consultants etc.) TETRA Centre Services (2)
19 TETRA Centre The practical work …. OUR TOOLS: Company visits DATABASE: company/filters/technologies QUESTIONNAIRES (company visit forms) supported by software Technology Offer/Technology Requests forms Web site Dissemination material
20 TETRA Centre our contacts Local/National Policy makers Chambers of Commerce Industrial Unions Trade associations Consultants (especially for SMEs) Other European Networks