7.11.2008 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “THE SUCCESSFUL WORK SAFELY AND HEALTHILY” Conference Hall Grandis Congress Centre Brdo pri Kranju 7 November 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “THE SUCCESSFUL WORK SAFELY AND HEALTHILY” Conference Hall Grandis Congress Centre Brdo pri Kranju 7 November 2008

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment January 2007: the Commission presented a programme for measuring administrative costs arising from legislation in the EU and reducing administrative burdens by 25% by 2012 (COM(2007) 23 final). March 2007: the European Council endorsed this Action Programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens and invited the Commission to launch it with the assistance of the Member States. Action Programme for Reducing Administrative BurdensAction Programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment The Action Programme will use the EU Standard Cost Model (EU SCM) to identify the most burdensome Information Obligations (IOs) IOs - requirements for submitting information (e.g. submission of a certificate of conformity) in the priority areas proposed in this Communication, to assess them and to generate insights into how these burdens can be reduced.

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment The scope of the action programme: The Commission proposes to limit the scope of the Action Programme to obligations put on businesses. The Commission has identified the following priority areas concerning Community legislation which should be addressed: 1. Company law 2. Pharmaceutical legislation 3. Working environment/employment relations 4. Tax law (VAT) 5. Statistics

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment The scope of the action programme: 6. Agriculture and agricultural subsidises 7. Food safety 8. Transport 9. Fisheries 10. Financial services 11. Environment 12. Cohesion policy 13. Public procurement

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment Annex II to COM(2007) 23: the list of these priority areas is accompanied by specific legislation in these areas selected for the measurement: Working environment employment relations: Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work Directive 92/57/EEC on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment The Commission outsourced the executionof the actual measurement of the administrative costs of Community legislation to an external consultant chosen in 2007 following a call for tenders. The Commission outsourced the execution of the actual measurement of the administrative costs of Community legislation to an external consultant chosen in 2007 following a call for tenders. The consultants will conduct the measurements, in close cooperation with Member States and the Commission; will report on the pieces of legislation selected for measurement and provide suggestions to the Commission for reduction in all policy areas.

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment March 2007: The European Council endorsed the programme and also invited Member States to set their own national targets of comparable ambition within their spheres of competence by The measurement exercise will be completed by the end of It will focus on a list of legislative and executive acts in 13 priority areas seen as at the origin of 80% of administrative costs. The measurement exercise will be completed by the end of It will focus on a list of legislative and executive acts in 13 priority areas seen as at the origin of 80% of administrative costs.

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment In the meantime, the Commission proposes and/or adopts concrete reduction measures for immediate action. In spring 2007, it adopted 10 such fast-track initiatives and presented in March 2008 a second package of 11 new fast track actions. Unnecessary administrative burdens were identified on the basis of internal review and suggestions received from stakeholders and Member States’ experts. On 19 November 2007, the Commission set up a high level expert group on the reduction of administrative burdens to advice it on the implementation of the Action Programme.

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment Project overview – Modules 5 Modules: 5 Modules: Module 1: Mapping of EU legislation Module 2: Mapping of transposing measures in MS Module 3 and 4: Measurement Module 5: Drafting reduction recommandations

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment January 2008 – the Commission adopted the document “Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union progress report and 2008 outlook” (COM(2008) 35 final). Results for Module 1: Mapping of information obligations (IOs) stemming directly from EU legislation - in the priority area of Working environment/Employment relations seven IOs have been mapped. Results for Module 1: Mapping of information obligations (IOs) stemming directly from EU legislation - in the priority area of Working environment/Employment relations seven IOs have been mapped.

Reducing administrative burdens in the European Union Working environment