Stress and Health Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning
The Perception of Stress w Stress defined-anything that threatens the well-being of the individual and requires coping w How Stress is perceived Personal experience-each individual assesses a stressor differently Stressful events can be cumulative-the status of the organism can impact how stressful a stressor is perceived to be
What kinds of things are stressful w Daily hassles-day to day minor irritants w Conflicts-when forced with incompatible choices w Life Change-changes in one’s life style that require major readjustment w Physiological Health Changes-sudden illness requires successful coping for adjustment
Good and Bad Stress? w Eustress-When good things happen, but they still create stress ex: wedding, buying a new car, etc. w Distress-When bad things happen that we find stressful ex: car accident, illness, etc. w Both types of stress result in similar changes in physiology, emotions, and behavior
Physiological Responses to Stress-Selye’s GAS w Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm-mobilization of resources for coping with the stress Resistance-the stage during which the organism is successfully coping with the stressor Exhaustion-as stress continues, resources are depleted and the physical functioning of the organism begins to deteriorate
Physiological Responses to Stress-Dual-Track System w The Dual-Track System Sympathetic Nervous System Activation Fight-or-Flight Response Activation of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in mobilization of energy resources and preparation to fight or flee HPA Axis hypothalamic to pituitary to adrenal gland axis results in the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol from the adrenal gland
Health Challenges as a Result of Stress-Cardiovascular w Cardiovascular increased stroke due to chronic blood pressure changes increased heart failure decreased cholesterol clearance
Health Changes as a Result of Stress-Immune Function w Immune System cancer-decreases in cell function to identify potential cancer cell precursors infection-decreases in cell function to successfully fight off infection
Health Changes as a Result of Stress-Digestion and CNS Function w Digestion ulcer formation Irritable Bowel Syndrome w Central Nervous System-selective loss of hippocampal cells
Factors That Can Modify the Impact of Stress w Kobasa’s Hardiness Personality-leads to stress resistance Control Challenge Commitment w Predictability-the ability to predict a stressful event reduces the impact of the stressor once it occurs w Social Support-potentially acts as a buffer between stress and the organism w Optimism-an optimistic point of view is associated with moderation of stressors
Minimizing Stress w Cognitive Reframing-looking at life and stressors more positively w Relaxation Techniques-using autogenic, progressive, or visual imagery techniques to reduce physiological responses to stress w Exercise-moderate exercise can release physiological stress w Lifestyle Change-quitting a stressful job, putting off graduation one semester, etc.