DNA: Structure, Dynamics and Recognition Les Houches 2004 L4: DNA deformation
Biological time scale Bond vibrations1 fs( s) Sugar repuckering1 ps( s) DNA bending 1 ns(10 -9 s) Domain movement1 s(10 -6 s) Base pair opening1 ms(10 -3 s) Transcription2.5 ms / nucleotide Protein synthesis6.5 ms / amino acid Protein folding~ 10 s RNA lifetime~ 300 s
Enzymatic base chemistry
Adenine-Thymine base pair HN3 imino proton S S
Guanine-Cytosine base pair HN1 imino proton S S
Base opening lifetimes GC15-25 ms AT 5-10 ms C G C A A G A A G C G * * * *
A 4 T 4 versus T 4 A 4 T T T T A A A A A A A A T T T T Leroy et al. Biochemistry 27, 1988, 8894 Base pair lifetimes (ms) 15°C
B-DNA - 2ns dynamic trajectory
Free energy calculations using restrained opening Guidice et al. ChemPhysChem 2, 2001, 673 Varnai & Lavery J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 2002, 7272
WHAM FREE ENERGY PROFILE BIASED PROBABILITY HISTOGRAM N(q) W(q) Reaction coordinate (q) Nw P* i (q) exp [ V i (q)] i =1 P i (q) Nw n i exp [F i (q) V i (q)] i =1 Nw F i (q) kT ln P i (q) i =1
Extraction d’une base de l’ADN
Closed AT pair
Adenine –50° (minor)
Adenine –100° (minor)
Adenine +50° (major)
Adenine +100° (major)
Free energy curves for base opening
Imino proton accessibility (Å 2 ) T G
Base movements are coupled Adenine (°) Thymine (°) Adenine (°)
Sequence effects on opening: A-tracts T A-tract T Ref
Bending amplitude (°) < -50° -50° < < +50° > +50° G T
A word of warning!
Hha1 methyltransferase Klimašauskas et al. Cell 76 (1994) 357
Minor groove Major groove
-200° opening +160° opening
Backbone rearrangements
DNA supercoiling (circular plasmid)
DNA supercoiling L = linking number = number of strand crossings T = twist = number of turns of double helix W = writhe = number of helix crossovers L = T + W = supercoiling density = (L – L 0 ) / L 0 = L / L 0 typically ~ (1 crossing less per 17 turns)
Linking number (L or L k ) – a topological constant
Twist (T) versus Writhe (W) Low forceHigh force
L = T + W
Interwound and toroidal forms of a negatively supercoiled plasmid L.H. R.H.
Ethidium bromide intercalates into DNA and reduces its twist by ~26°
Effect of an intercalator on a negatively supercoiled plasmid
Topoisomerases Topoisomerase I- single strand cuts - releases negative supercoiling Topoisomerase II- double strand cuts (eukaryotes)- releases negative supercoiling Topo II (gyrase)- generates negative supercoiling (prokaryotes)- consumes ATP Reverse gyrase- generates positive supercoiling (thermophiles)
Topoisomerase I – single strand cuts
Topoisomerase II – double strand cuts
Topo II (gyrase) DNA wrapping
DNA packed on nucleosomes
Nucleosome – schematic view
DNA stretching Cluzel et al. Science 271, 1996, 792
70 pN phase transition
S-DNA: fibre and ribbon forms
Fibre diffraction of stretched DNA Greenall et al. J. Mol. Biol. 2001, 305, 669 Rise ~ 5.6 Å Helix spacing ~ 13 Å
TBP-DNA complex
DNA: local stretching 3' 5' 3' 5' Major Minor
DNA: global and local 3'3' stretching
TBP induced deformation X-rayModel
Magnetic twisting control DIG : AntiDIG Biotin : Streptavidin NS Strick et al. Biophys. J. 74, 1998, 2016 Allemand et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 95, 1998, 14152
Twisted DNA forms plectonemes
DNA twisting under tension > 3 pN < 0.3 pN
Simulation of DNA twisting
Simulating twisting