1 Dr Alexiei Dingli Introduction to Web Science Conclusion
2 Where would you use it? How would you use it? Do you see a need of Web Science?
3 Documented information and knowledge of organizations –lies in relational databases of specific applications, within text-based documents, web-based collaboration applications, etc. Programs typically do not freely interchange data within an organization, let alone between organizaitons Business Data Integration
4 Enterprise application integration (EAI) software –require significant customization and maintenance of common data models, and are therefore often quite expensive, troublesome, and require constant attention SW technologies looks to be an alternative method for extracting data from a wide array of applications in a usable form Business Data Integration
5 Uses advanced pattern matching techniques Associate meaning with unstructured text Used by NASA to sort huge quantities of data Case Study: Autonomy
6 Captures task information Stores it in a knowledge base A reasoning engine and agent technologies are used to interpret the knowledge Disputes reduced from 8 days to 8 hours Case Study: Celcorp (1)
7 Case Study: Celcorp (2)
8 Brandsoft - Resource Manager uses semantic web technology to manage enterprise web content and applications ClearForest - Text-based bridge between structured and unstructured data Cogito - knowledge management solution that accesses data from various databases then ' atomizes ' it, automatically creating documents, etc. Contivo - Vocabulary Management Solution uses dictionary and thesaurus in its integrator to access semantic information from legacy and flat file data Cyscom - semantic data integration engine that structures MS Office data for ERP and other business applications The list can keep on going... (1)
9 Empolis - solutions for rationalizing business processes and processing both structured and unstructured information Enigmatec - Execution Management System is targeted at companies who want to build agile applications that take advantage of grid computing HP - HP has a semantic web research group that, among other things, developed ' Jena ' - a semantic web toolkit IBM - IBM ' s Institute of Search and Text Analysis, among other things, developed an "Unstructured Information Management Architecture" Metatomix - leverages semantic web based technologies to build enterprise resource interoperability platforms that correlate data from multiple sources The list can keep on going... (2)
10 Pantero - engine that uses metadata to model data exchange across service oriented architectures (SOAs) Semagix - Freedom architecture at the core of semantic web based solutions for content & knowledge management, homeland security, and anti-money laundering Semaview - semantic web based calendaring (excellent semantic web intro white paper) TopQuadrant - offers semantic web based consulting services working off of ' capability cases, ' or best practices for specific issues Tucana - semantic web suite of products and services targeted at enterprise information integration The list can keep on going... (3)
11 UB Access - Semantic Web Accessibility Platform enables companies to make web content accessible through "non- invasive" technologies Unicorn - consulting-based product that creates custom information model and maps existing data to that model The list can keep on going... (4)
12 Gartner´s Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle –assesses the maturity, impact and adoption speed of 36 key technologies and trends during the next ten years –2006’s hype cycle highlights three major themes Web 2.0 Real World Web Applications Architecture Where are we heading... ?
13 Understanding the graph... (1)
14 Understanding the graph... (2)
16 Social Network Analysis (SNA) –high impact –enables new ways of performing vertical applications that will result in significantly increased revenue or cost savings for an enterprise –capable of reaching maturity in less than two years –the use of information and knowledge from many people and their personal networks –involves collecting massive amounts of data from multiple sources, analyzing the data to identify relationships and mining it for new information –used to identify target markets, create successful project teams and identify unvoiced conclusions. Web 2.0 (1)
17 Collective intelligence –transformational –enables new ways of doing business across industries that will result in major shifts in industry dynamics –reach mainstream adoption in five to ten years –produces intellectual content (such as code, documents, indexing and decisions) that results from individuals working together with no centralized authority –a more cost-efficient way of producing content, metadata, software and certain services Web 2.0 (2)
18 Mashup –moderate on the Hype Cycle –provides incremental improvements to established processes that will result in increased revenue or cost savings for an enterprise –hit mainstream adoption in less than two years –a lightweight tactical integration of multi-sourced applications or content into a single offering –because mashups leverage data and services from public Web sites and Web applications, they’re lightweight in implementation and built with a minimal amount of code –they can quickly meet tactical needs with reduced development costs and improved user satisfaction –since they combine data and logic from multiple sources, they’re vulnerable to failures Web 2.0 (3)
19 Location-aware technologies –should hit maturity in less than two years –GPS (global positioning system) and other technologies in the cellular network and handset to locate a mobile user –users should evaluate the potential benefits to their business processes of location-enabled products such as personal navigation devices (for example, TomTom or Garmin) or Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers, as well as WLAN location equipment that may help automate complex processes, such as logistics and maintenance Real World Web (1)
20 Location-aware applications –will hit mainsteam adoption in the next two to five years –an increasing number of organizations have deployed location- aware mobile business applications, mostly based on GPS- enabled devices, to support queue business processes and activities, such as field force management, fleet management, logistics and good transportation –the market is in an early adoption phase, and Europe is slightly ahead of the United States, due to the higher maturity of mobile networks, their availability and standardization Real World Web (2)
21 Sensor Mesh Networks –ad hoc networks formed by dynamic meshes of peer nodes, each of which includes simple networking, computing and sensing capabilities –offer low-power operation and multi-year battery life –the market is still immature and fragmented, and there are few standards, so suppliers will evolve and equipment could become obsolete relatively rapidly –mainstream adoption is not expected for more than ten years. Real World Web (3)
22 Event-driven Architecture (EDA) –is an architectural style for distributed applications, in which certain discrete functions are packaged into modular, encapsulated, shareable components, some of which are triggered by the arrival of one or more event objects –event objects may be generated directly by an application, or they may be generated by an adapter or agent that operates non-invasively (for example, by examining message headers and message contents) –although mainstream adoption of all forms of EDA is still five to ten years away, complex-event processing EDA is now being used in financial trading, energy trading, supply chain, fraud detection, telecommunications, logistics and sensor networks, such as those based on RFID. Applications Architecture (1)
23 Model-driven Architecture –separating business-level functionality from the technical nuances of its implementation –enable business-level functionality to be modeled by standards, such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) –allow the models to exist independently of platform-induced constraints and requirements; and then instantiate those models into specific runtime implementations, based on the target platform of choice –reinforces the focus on business first and technology second Applications Architecture (2)
24 Corporate Semantic Web –applies semantic Web technologies, aka semantic markup languages (for example, Resource Description Framework, Web Ontology Language and topic maps), to corporate Web content –mainstream adoption is still five to ten years away, many corporate IT areas are starting to engage in semantic Web technologies –Corporate Semantic Web will reduce costs and improve the quality of content management, information access, system interoperability, database integration and data quality Applications Architecture (3)
and beyond...
27 The Semantic Web Challenge
28 apply Semantic Web techniques in order to build an online application that integrates, combines, and deduces information needed to assist users in performing tasks What is its objective?
29 Data 1.Have semantics (meaning) defined using formal methods 2.Be manipulated in such a way that new useful information is derived 3.The information processing must play a central role in the application Information sources should 1.Be derived from different sources 2.Have different ownerships 3.Contain real world data All applications must assume an open domain (information is not complete) What should a good application have?
30 In the first part, –Learn about the WWW, Web 2.0 (patterns, etc), the Semantic Web (cake, etc) In the second part, –Learn about knowledge management and the knowledge life cycle In the third part, –Take a peak at the future And learnt loads of examples in the process... What did you learn from this course?
31 Become familiar with at least 4 semantic web challenges of your choice –What is the solution they tackle –How they tackle it –What are the technologies used This part is examinable!! Home Work !!!
32 Questions? Good luck!