open journal systems open journal systems ICCC 8th International Conference on Elelectronic Publishing
open journal systems PKP Open Journal Systems: how a portable, open source journal management/publishing system can improve the scholarly communication process and the global visibility of scholars.
open journal systems ABOUT IBICT national institute for information technology national center for research, cientific interchange, generation, training and improvement of cientific personnel aims to contribute to the progress of cience, technological innovation of the nation, through the development of communication and information in the above fields of expertise.
open journal systems SUMMARY Introduction Introduction 1.IBICT/MCT involvement in the project 1.IBICT/MCT involvement in the project 2.Brief Explanation of OJS 2.Brief Explanation of OJS Demonstration Demonstration 3.Demonstration of the Software - Overview 3.Demonstration of the Software - Overview Questions & Answers Questions & Answers 4.Open Discussion 4.Open Discussion
open journal systems INTRODUCTION 1. IBICT/MCT involvement in the project a.Translation of the System b. Issues involving Open Source c. i18n implementation issues 2. Brief Explanation of OJS a.What it can do b.What it can´t do << back to summary
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: IBICT/MCT involvement in the project Translation of the System Ciência da Informação journal desperate need for automation Small Editorial team Large number of authors and articles submitted Increasing number of possible reviewers IBICT/MCT knowledge of the community and language issues << back to intro
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: IBICT/MCT involvement in the project Custmization of the System Ciência da Informação journal desperate need for automation Small Editorial team Large number of authors and articles submitted Increasing number of possible reviewers IBICT/MCT knowledge of the cientific community and language issues Avant-garde institution in information technology << back to intro
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: IBICT/MCT involvement in the project Issues involving Open Source Integration is imperative Avoid multiple distributions Avoid unnecessary similar software Dependency on original development team Uncertainty of future and continuous updates Local institutions own development possibilities Political decisions Uncertainty of eternal gratuitous distribution << back to intro
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: IBICT/MCT involvement in the project i18n implementation issues Avoid combination of variables Extensive testing Minimize number of variables Standardize similar elements in the system << back to intro
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: Brief Explanation of OJS What it can do Automate and distribute editorial process Speed communication process within editorial process Maintain organized record of people involved Distributed publishing Access to quality research World wide visibility and access Increase international collaboration ...and more << back to intro
open journal systems INTRODUCTION: Brief Explanation of OJS What it can´t do (version 1.1.7) Automate creation of HTML and PDF galleys Manage multiple journals with one single installation Run properly on Windows platform Display covers for previous issues << back to intro
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION Demonstration of the Software - Overview General Features General Features Installation Installation Administration Administration Submission Submission Reviewing Reviewing Editing Editing Publishing Publishing Customization Customization << back to summary
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION: General Features Online Submission of Articles, Reviews, and other Items Authors can upload papers, data sets, research instruments, and source documents through the system. Document Indexing progress control of their paper through the editorial process. <<back to menu
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION: General Features Online Management for Each Stage of Publishing the editors manage and track journal sections and structure editorial and review process ordering and publishing of each issue management system helps editors with submission guidance through the publishing sequence complete record of all transactions automated assistance notification and acknowledgement s that can be edited and sent directly from OJS. <<back to menu
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION: General Features Comprehensive Indexing of Published Articles each article is provided with a metadata record of bibliographic information includes article's discipline, subject, coverage, and type. indexing adheres to the Open Archives Initiative protocol for metadata harvesting part of a globally distributed system for scholarly resources can be collectively searched through the PKP Metadata Harvester for all PKP sites, OAIster for all OAI registered sites. <<back to menu
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION: General Features Research Support Tool for Each Article Published Research Support Tool (RST) accompanies each article in the journal. tailored to specific disciplinary areas provide links from the article to related and relevant resources both inside and outside of the immediate realm of research. RST provides new and experienced readers of research with a wider context for interpreting and situating the work they are consulting. See About the RST.See About the RST <<back to menu
open journal systems DEMONSTRATION: General Features Notification and Commentary for Readers Readers can sign up for notification receive table of contents for each issue Creates the equivalent of a subscription list for editors Readers post comments to articles if available join in discussions establish a personal portfolio of selected works. <<back to menu genral features>>
open journal systems QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Open Discussion
open journal systems IMPORTANT LINKS IBICT Foreign