Dee ocean creatures, adaptations & sounds; April Article for prep &en=c81b1195b68e2f90&ei=5070&emc=eta &en=c81b1195b68e2f90&ei=5070&emc=eta1 Short movies in the classroom – Award winning videos about sea creatures (Barnacles tell no lies; Scrump!); by Prairie Starfish Productions;
Your deep ocean creatures from the HW#3: Anglerfish Rattail (Grenadier fish) Dumbo octopus Tubewarm Kraken (the giant squid) Kiwa – Yeti crab Sea pig Vampire squid Blob fish Deep sea coral Gulper eel Depressed Yeti crab Amphipod Viper fish
Deep ocean adaptations The clam Calyptogena magnifica, which lives on deep-sea vents, depends on a bacterium to supply it with nutrients; the bacterium is transmitted through the clam’s eggs. The same goes for our mitochondria — the remnants of bacteria that live in our cells and provide us with energy. ence&oref=slogin
Article: Sounds: SOUNDS IN THE OCEAN
?pid=467&srcid=430http:// ?pid=467&srcid=430 A new buoy system off the Massachusetts coast helps scientists track right whales and warn ships of their presence. /bctid /bctid
The speed of sound in water increases with increasing water temperature, increasing salinity and increasing pressure (depth). The approximate change in the speed of sound with a change in each property is: Temperature 1°C = 4.0 m/s Salinity 1PSU = 1.4 m/s Depth (pressure) 1km = 17 m/s Ocean ~1500 m/s (air ~ 344m/s)
Bloop /sound01/background/seasounds/media/bl oop.html /sound01/background/seasounds/media/bl oop.html Hydrophones: haru_system.htmlhttp:// haru_system.html
Sensing oceans from space 8sensing/48.htmlhttp:// 8sensing/48.html TOPEX/POSEIDON, identified three El Nino events in and , and in during sea level observations of the Pacific Ocean.